Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

He should should resign as he did, receive full pension, and that should be the end of it. No charges. He's had a great career and is revered by the community. He has built up enough goodwill to offset a momentary blip.
Would you say the same if he was a well known liberal teacher?
We are ALL Mike Hosinski today. Let's all show just a little compassion.
The cold hard-hearted atheists really showing their colors with their vindictiveness towards this good man.
Sounds like you con-nect physical assault of children with your religion....and objections to physical assault of children with atheism.
Gee maybe the teacher who is supposed to be a professional and trained to deal with children should have asked himself that question before he backhanded the kid across the face.

If that teacher was so afraid of a kid half his size that he had to resort to violence he shouldn;t be allowed anywhere near other people's children
If you don't want the teacher or anyone else in the game, tell that student to quit showing the world how it is to be played, or was this just a weird way for the student to say that they were interested in a thorough enough butt kicking?

God bless you and that teacher always!!!

Would you say the same if he was a well known liberal teacher?
Of course not. Because that teacher would have damaged the children over the year. The slap would have been the finishing touch. In Hosinski's case, he very much helped students over the 40 years by denouncing the Marxist crap.
I don't have to consider a damn thing, once you put your hands on a child like that. It's game over. He is lucky the kid's father didn't put them hands on him.
Kid is likely a behavioral problem habitually----also likely that his sperm donor aint around if he his, he ain't worth having around.
No, atheists destroy kids in every way, starting in the womb.
What an idiotic claim---
Chrisitians have kids that they can't or won't care for creating problems for everyone...
But hey the catholic church says don't have abortions have problems children and let us make a profit off them.
I saw teachers strike kids numerous times during my schooling. I saw an assistant high school coach manhandle one of my son's football teammates as late as 2008.

We use to get sent to the office and whipped with a paddle. Of course mama didn't go for that. But I would have prefered the paddle to the switch she used that was known to make me dance and have whelps all over my body. It didn't happen too often because I knew what to do most of the time to avoid it.
What an idiotic claim---
Chrisitians have kids that they can't or won't care for creating problems for everyone...
But hey the catholic church says don't have abortions have problems children and let us make a profit off them.
I always confuse the two 'turtle' guys. One is pretty smart, and one's a leftwing dumbass. Thanks for helping me keep you two straight.

I had the same problem for awhile with the two macs, but I got them straight.
If you don't ache for this man and his family right now, as he is facing arrest, one has to wonder if you're human. Do you people have souls?
I feel sorry for his family.....might even be victims of abuse themselves.
You don't even believe in the teachings of your faith. Now, enough of your trying to get off the OP and make it about Mashmont. This thread is about this great teacher who is going through a difficult time right now. He needs our prayers.
This is NOT a great teacher. This is a thug who blew 30 years of teaching by slapping a student where it could be seen. I'm sure this is not the first time he assaulted a kid. But, to you, because he's a con-servative, that excuses all.
Guys, I'm going to bed. Let this be the last word. The case is pretty clear. This man should not face prison. I ask the leftwingers please have the decency to not respond futher. I am nauseous from reading godless venom. Christian conservatives, you may continue responding. Thanks.
G'nite, Poe.

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