Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

If that is what you believe, then there are a lot of students who went to Catholic schools in the same mold. Their political beliefs can be on the full spectrum, but they were taught right and wrong and had to learn or be kicked out. Unlike public schools. however, I always wondered what going to a school with less discipline would have been like and the affect would have been.
How many who went to Catholic schools look back fondly at the beatings and wish that on their own children? My cousin went to one and the nuns used a triangular ruler on her knuckles...for the crime of being left-handed. She has the scars to this day. The good old days?
How many who went to Catholic schools look back fondly at the beatings and wish that on their own children? My cousin went to one and the nuns used a triangular ruler on her knuckles...for the crime of being left-handed. She has the scars to this day. The good old days?
We heard stories about what went on in those places. Luckily, my mother married outside her religion and my brother and I were banned from going to the catholic school because of that.

Thanks Mom!
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Look at this. I wake up and see 13 leftwing posts after I expressly demanded you stop. But I will be damned if a bunch of leftwing snerts get the last word on MY thread.

You people are the ones who would have a parent arrested who spanked their child. A kid can threaten a teacher's daughter with rape, and the teacher is not allowed to discipline a student. THIS is the low level you're taking the country to.

While children in the Ukraine are acting like adults, taking up arms, defending their country, you leftwingers are making our kids into little soft mixtures of jello and marshmallow. It's DESPICABLE.

First of all, no one is under any obligation to stop posting just because you want the last word.

Second of all, no one threatened to rape anyone's daughter. This is not about spanking. This is about punching a student.

And third of all, no one is making our kids into anything. Going to school in a place where the teachers do not punch students is NOT an example of being lax. It is the way it should happen.
We heard stories about what went on in those places. Luckily, my mother married outside her religion and my brother and I were banned from going to the catholic school.

Thanks Mom!
And yet think of all the good that was done by the Catholic and protestant churches

i dare say the majority of US hospitals and many major universities exist thanks to them

Religion is tattered and torn by the godless liberal culture of today

but even the heathens owe much to Christians
It's a guess.....what do you think happens in the homes of people who demonstrate their willingness to be violent out in public, like this those on Jan 6th?
Or all those during the summer of 2020 that rioted and burned buildings, that pulled people out of car and beat the hell out of them? I believe the issue isn't confined to anyone group, I think it happens across the board.
And yet think of all the good that was done by the Catholic and protestant churches

i dare say the majority of US hospitals and many major universities exist thanks to them

Religion is tattered and torn by the godless liberal culture of today

but even the heathens owe much to Christians
Think of all the children beaten, raped (yes, that happened), or even worse. Don't Look! Don't Look!
The kid said nothing like what MashMontie claims he did. He is just coming up with excuses that do not exist.
We've heard at least three different stories about what the kid said.....he threatened to rape some girl....he threatened to rape the teacher's daughter...he threatened to kill the teacher.....and yet, no real evidence. BUT...we've got that teacher slamming that kid against the wall and slapping him. That's a fact.
MashMontie has made claims about what the student said or did. Threatening to rape someone's daughter was one of the things he claimed was said.

Here is what actually happened:
from: Teacher granted early retirement after slapping student in the face is charged with battery, officials say
"The altercation began after Hosinski confronted the student about wearing a hooded sweatshirt to class, Sanders said in a February 25 news release. Hoods are not allowed in school except on special days, the school’s handbook shows.
From there, a verbal exchange ensued, and Hosinski slapped the student in the face and the student’s head hit the wall, causing “visible injuries,” Sanders said.
Medical staff treated the student immediately, and administrators contacted the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Office and the Indiana Department of Child Services, according to Sanders’ release."

The teacher caused "visible injuries" because the student would take off his hoodie.
Those too.
Too much violence in the world today and it is sickening, when we lost our daughter in 2002, it brought me a new perspective of war, violence and death. Every casualty became someone's child and that pain changes everything in your life and it never goes away, you just learn to live with it. The Ukraine invasion bothers me so much, I won't watch the news, it is a terrible tragedy by a thug.
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We've heard at least three different stories about what the kid said.....he threatened to rape some girl....he threatened to rape the teacher's daughter...he threatened to kill the teacher.....and yet, no real evidence. BUT...we've got that teacher slamming that kid against the wall and slapping him. That's a fact.

All anyone had to do was look for another source for the story.

"The altercation began after Hosinski confronted the student about wearing a hooded sweatshirt to class, Sanders said in a February 25 news release. Hoods are not allowed in school except on special days, the school’s handbook shows."

It was over the kid wearing a hoodie. Nothing about rape or threatening to kill anyone. All that was invented by MashMontie to defend his stance. The actual reason the teacher assaulted the student was because the student was wearing a hoodie, in violation of school rules.
Think of all the children beaten, raped (yes, that happened), or even worse. Don't Look! Don't Look!
Today we have children out of control disrupting classrooms and the lib teachers unions calling the cops on 1st graders

then when the out of control undisciplined children get older some of them commit mass murder

that never happened in what libs consider the bad old days
After 40 years the idiot never learned you do not slap your students unless you are a nun in a parochial school
MashMontie has made claims about what the student said or did. Threatening to rape someone's daughter was one of the things he claimed was said.

Here is what actually happened:
from: Teacher granted early retirement after slapping student in the face is charged with battery, officials say
"The altercation began after Hosinski confronted the student about wearing a hooded sweatshirt to class, Sanders said in a February 25 news release. Hoods are not allowed in school except on special days, the school’s handbook shows.
From there, a verbal exchange ensued, and Hosinski slapped the student in the face and the student’s head hit the wall, causing “visible injuries,” Sanders said.
Medical staff treated the student immediately, and administrators contacted the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Office and the Indiana Department of Child Services, according to Sanders’ release."

The teacher caused "visible injuries" because the student would take off his hoodie.
Well, apparently, refusing to take off a hoodie is equivalent to threatening to rape someone's

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