Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

I have no problem with the paddle. It should have never left the classroom. But, to follow a kid half his size down the hall, slap in the face or head, hard enough to bounce him off the wall and leave him in a heap, is asking for dismissal. We do not know the backstory of how the incident began. But you are correct, at least that a costly lawsuit is coming to both the school system and that former teacher, who failed to keep his emotions in check. He may or may not have been a good or even a great teacher, but it is true, a hundred attaboys can be wiped out by one aw shit. I wish him luck in his retirement.

Never had a problem with kids getting paddled. Two adults in the room where it happens, 3 swats to the backside with a lecture on why it happened... no problem with it at all. The school I went to way back in the day in suburban Houston was not much to look at but they had corporal punishment down to a science.

I often think that if we had mandatory minimums for first time offenses, you'd have less habitual crime down the line. Strict incarceration, 6 weeks; no social media, no home cooking, visitations on weekends only if you don't act up.... for B-Misdemeanors like shoplifting is just a taste of what you're in for if you keep it up. Nothing else seems to have worked so why not try it.
Guys, I'm going to bed. Let this be the last word. The case is pretty clear. This man should not face prison. I ask the leftwingers please have the decency to not respond futher. I am nauseous from reading godless venom. Christian conservatives, you may continue responding. Thanks.
You're so full of shit it's bubbling out your ears.
Guys, I'm going to bed. Let this be the last word. The case is pretty clear. This man should not face prison. I ask the leftwingers please have the decency to not respond futher. I am nauseous from reading godless venom. Christian conservatives, you may continue responding. Thanks.

The case is absolutely clear. He is on video striking a student. There are consequences for our actions.
Stupid is one thing, but life altering and not in a good way is a whole other ball field. What was the student's reason for shooting off their mouth in such a way in the first place?

God bless you always!!!

Gee maybe the teacher who is supposed to be a professional and trained to deal with children should have asked himself that question before he backhanded the kid across the face.

If that teacher was so afraid of a kid half his size that he had to resort to violence he shouldn;t be allowed anywhere near other people's children
In a more civilized time, the boy would have appeared with his parents and apologized to Mr. Hosinsky for being disrespectful. But those things have been intentionally eroded away by the Marixst left.
In a more civilized time an adult wouldn't feel the need to physically abuse another person's child

You forget that this asshole is supposed to be a professional and supposedly has been trained to deal with children. If he can't control himself he has no business being a teacher and that kid's parents should press charges
I wonder if you Trump types would back him like this if he had a BLM banner hanging in his room and abused a child. We will never know, well, yea we do.
Look at this. I wake up and see 13 leftwing posts after I expressly demanded you stop. But I will be damned if a bunch of leftwing snerts get the last word on MY thread.

You people are the ones who would have a parent arrested who spanked their child. A kid can threaten a teacher's daughter with rape, and the teacher is not allowed to discipline a student. THIS is the low level you're taking the country to.

While children in the Ukraine are acting like adults, taking up arms, defending their country, you leftwingers are making our kids into little soft mixtures of jello and marshmallow. It's DESPICABLE.
I wonder if you Trump types would back him like this if he had a BLM banner hanging in his room and abused a child. We will never know, well, yea we do.
If it was a Black teacher hitting a White kid the hoods and flaming crosses would be out right fucking quick
Look at this. I wake up and see 13 leftwing posts after I expressly demanded you stop. But I will be damned if a bunch of leftwing snerts get the last word on MY thread.

You people are the ones who would have a parent arrested who spanked their child. A kid can threaten a teacher's daughter with rape, and the teacher is not allowed to discipline a student. THIS is the low level you're taking the country to.

While children in the Ukraine are acting like adults, taking up arms, defending their country, you leftwingers are making our kids into little soft mixtures of jello and marshmallow. It's DESPICABLE.
Fuck you.

Your "demands" mean nothing especially coming from a self acclaimed Christian who can't even honor a simple promise to his god to stay off the board for a little while.

I bet you pick a list of 1000 things you "give up for lent" then by attrition you manage to actually honor one of them. Hypocrite
Fuck you.

Your "demands" mean nothing especially coming from a self acclaimed Christian who can't even honor a simple promise to his god to stay off the board for a little while.

I bet you pick a list of 1000 things you "give up for lent" then by attrition you manage to actually honor one of them. Hypocrite
You don't get the last word, leftwing hypocrite. Sorry.

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