Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

There we go. Atheists have two standards. One for Christians and a lower one for themselves. What are YOU doing for Lent?
What are YOU doing here despite your Lenten vow? Are you even Catholic or just a troll,?
I'm just glad God is my judge and not you 'compassionate' leftwingers.

God is not your JUDGE. IMO.

If SO,
What will your GOD judge you upon?

1) Is it about faith and belief?
2). Is it about the characteristics/values you have lived by?
3). Can you murder someone then after conviction claim you 'believe in christ' and still get into this heaven?
4). Can you just live a caring life, yet deny there is a GOD that had a son named Jesus, and still get into 'heaven' while denying there is a God but living a productive life?

Help me understand the GOD that you think allows the entrance into Heaven.
From the guy who questions my observance. You can't even keep yours.
You don't even believe in the teachings of your faith. Now, enough of your trying to get off the OP and make it about Mashmont. This thread is about this great teacher who is going through a difficult time right now. He needs our prayers.
You don't even believe in the teachings of your faith. Now, enough of your trying to get off the OP and make it about Mashmont. This thread is about this great teacher who is going through a difficult time right now. He needs our prayers.
You know nothing about my faith.
You know nothing about my faith.

Because you don't want to enforce your religious rules on others.

He assaulted a child under his care. He broke a trust. he deserves prison.
Glad God is my judge and not you atheists. God looks at the totality of someone's life. He has done a great service for thousands of kids, steering them into Christian decent living and away from destructive Marxist leftwing teaching.
Ah the heartless athiests, so full of compassion. Enforcing THEIR rules on others.
I dont think it means.jpg
Boy, the leftwing atheists are easy on the bad people and rigidly tough against the good people. Always poor judgment on their part.

You love claiming what other people think, don't you?

I think any adult who hits a child that is not their own should be arrested. Period.
Glad God is my judge and not you atheists. God looks at the totality of someone's life. He has done a great service for thousands of kids, steering them into Christian decent living and away from destructive Marxist leftwing teaching.
Until you die, Dina d'malkhuta dina.
The Law of the land is the Law
Guys, I'm going to bed. Let this be the last word. The case is pretty clear. This man should not face prison. I ask the leftwingers please have the decency to not respond futher. I am nauseous from reading godless venom. Christian conservatives, you may continue responding. Thanks.
You don't even believe in the teachings of your faith. Now, enough of your trying to get off the OP and make it about Mashmont. This thread is about this great teacher who is going through a difficult time right now. He needs our prayers.
Great like the size of my old man ass is great. Prove it or shut up.
Guys, I'm going to bed. Let this be the last word. The case is pretty clear. This man should not face prison. I ask the leftwingers please have the decency to not respond futher. I am nauseous from reading godless venom. Christian conservatives, you may continue responding. Thanks.
Great, we should be Mashmont free until Easter. Unless he breaks lent again.
So, here we go again. I think there's something between:

Great teacher <-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------> Prison

He wasn't a great teacher, even aside from striking a child, if he was propagandizing his students. But PRISON, really? Not jail. PRISON?

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