Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

40-year sterling history? I think you have to consider that.

Once he struck the kid, his 40 year record went out the window.

And didn't the school have trouble with him and the Church & State thing? Wasn't he reported and/or reprimmanded for stuff pertaining to his political opinions and religious beliefs? Not quite "sterling" history.
So let me get this straight. This teacher violated a lot of rules with his class decorations and shit. But since he is a conservative, you think he should be able to break the rules.

This teacher hit a student. HIT.A.Student And you want to give him a pass because he is a conservative? You think he is being fired for being a conservative and the beating a student was just window dressing.

Have I about got that right?
He should should resign as he did, receive full pension, and that should be the end of it. No charges. He's had a great career and is revered by the community. He has built up enough goodwill to offset a momentary blip.
Once he struck the kid, his 40 year record went out the window.

And didn't the school have trouble with him and the Church & State thing? Wasn't he reported and/or reprimmanded for stuff pertaining to his political opinions and religious beliefs? Not quite "sterling" history.
So typical that an atheist would have zero compassion here.
I have two sons and they are doing great.

My wife is a retired school teacher. Taught for 30 years. She never hit a student but she said there were several of the little shits that sure as hell deserved it.

One of the reason it is so hard to get teachers nowadays is because there is little discipline in the schools.
Plus they are underfunded by the GOP in the most unequal country in the modern world...great job!
Yes you do if he's a licensed teacher. Tho apparently we learn to EXPECT physical abuse of students in religious schools.
The cold hard-hearted atheists really showing their colors with their vindictiveness towards this good man.
It's assault on a minor. Aggravated by the fact that it's a student in the school where he teaches therefore under his care. Absolutely you press charges. So much for the law and order right.
This is the guy who thinks anything goes. Now he's all for forcing his beliefs on others. Shameful.
Boy, the leftwing atheists are easy on the bad people and rigidly tough against the good people. Always poor judgment on their part.
I live by more rules than you do. Aren't you supposed to be off USMB for Lent? or is that a rule you can just ignore if you feel like it? Cafeteria Catholic much?
There we go. Atheists have two standards. One for Christians and a lower one for themselves. What are YOU doing for Lent?

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