Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

The Uncivilized Don't Qualify for Any Civil Rights Whatsoever

These android apes come from a culture of non-stop tribal genocide. Blaming the Democrats, or unwed mothers, or whatever excuse gets Afram savages off the hook, is not going to solve the problem. Such evasions are responsible for the junglification of cities that Whites built.
Congratulations on earning your ignore status, you racist bastard!
Mike Hosinski of Jimtown High School in Elkhart, Indiana voluntarily resigned after surveillance footage shows him slapping a student in the hallway. causing the student to bang his head on the wall. I believe the student ended up fine. Holsinski was a beloved 40-year veteran social studies teacher who was slated to retire in June. The school board accepted his resignation, barred him from school property, and allowed him to retain his retirement pension. Instinctively, I side with the teacher, but if it ended here, I would be satisfied with the outcome.

The fucker belongs in prison, hopefully with an oversexed cellmate and a jar of Vaseline.
That's already done, we need to tax the rich and invest in education and training for our poor middle class. We used to call the poor the unfortunate until Reagan....poor America...
Under the Survival of the Fatherest, a Nation Goes Extinct

In Terminal America, both the rich and the poor deserve to be poor. They are allies against the middle. Instead of income tax, confiscate inheritances over $100,000 and use it to pay superior students for their grades (even rich students). That will ensure that the next generation will rise based on worth and not birth.
While the teacher was wrong for hitting the student, it would be interesting to hear the teacher’s side.
Under the Survival of the Fatherest, a Nation Goes Extinct

In Terminal America, both the rich and the poor deserve to be poor. They are allies against the middle. Instead of income tax, confiscate inheritances over $100,000 and use it to pay superior students for their grades (even rich students). That will ensure that the next generation will rise based on worth and not birth.

Why does the middle class deserve to not be poor, when the rich (for some reason) do deserve it?
Inherited wealthy people will never know an honest days work. Wealthy people who started at the bottom deserve what they worked for. Poor people can pretty much attain what they want, if they want it bad enough.
They better want it bad, stats say we have the worst upward mobility ever...thanks GOP!
Everyone knows except you twits, and the crap GOP that keeps the mainly anti-minority war on drugs going forever...
When white kids get dope, they mostly go to the minority population to get it. The war on drugs was to stop this nation from becoming the shit hole we see now. Yes we lost the war on drugs and now you stupid fools want to make it even easier for our youth to ruin their brains or die of overdose deaths. Your man lover Biden was one of the chief architects of the war on drugs, but you attack the GOP. Dude take your head from your rectum.

Buy a history book and read up on the opium wars. There was a reason China went to war to stop what was happening to their citizens with dope.
When white kids get dope, they mostly go to the minority population to get it. The war on drugs was to stop this nation from becoming the shit hole we see now. Yes we lost the war on drugs and now you stupid fools want to make it even easier for our youth to ruin their brains or die of overdose deaths. Your man lover Biden was one of the chief architects of the war on drugs, but you attack the GOP. Dude take your head from your rectum.

Buy a history book and read up on the opium wars. There was a reason China went to war to stop what was happening to their citizens with dope.
Get the profit out of drug sales and try a mental health system finally. Nixon started it and Biden my ass...It's a shithole because of 40 years of GOP giveaway to the rich and misinfo...
When white kids get dope, they mostly go to the minority population to get it. The war on drugs was to stop this nation from becoming the shit hole we see now. Yes we lost the war on drugs and now you stupid fools want to make it even easier for our youth to ruin their brains or die of overdose deaths. Your man lover Biden was one of the chief architects of the war on drugs, but you attack the GOP. Dude take your head from your rectum.

Buy a history book and read up on the opium wars. There was a reason China went to war to stop what was happening to their citizens with dope.
And the crime wave is all about black gangs killing each other to see who sells to whitey...Just say no or try as many prisoners as the rest of the world...also the GOP war on blacks and browns...
One.more.time. Where is the link to support the outlandish rape allegation??????

It doesn't exist. Conservatives love their fairytales, and once they get it in their head they can't break free from it. Conservatism is a mental disease these days.
When white kids get dope, they mostly go to the minority population to get it. The war on drugs was to stop this nation from becoming the shit hole we see now. Yes we lost the war on drugs and now you stupid fools want to make it even easier for our youth to ruin their brains or die of overdose deaths. Your man lover Biden was one of the chief architects of the war on drugs, but you attack the GOP. Dude take your head from your rectum.

Buy a history book and read up on the opium wars. There was a reason China went to war to stop what was happening to their citizens with dope.
It was designed to be in minority communities.
Paddling is a beating. And no one has the right to put their hands on someone else's child in such a violent manner. Period. I know that con-servatives want to be able to beat children (after they are born)

A properly done paddling is not a beating. You are a fool. And, in a sane and healthy society, it would be great if we could trust the teachers or principle to administer such discipline.
And the crime wave is all about black gangs killing each other to see who sells to whitey...Just say no or try as many prisoners as the rest of the world...also the GOP war on blacks and browns...
Where is that GOP war at? You Progs throw that crap out all the time.
A properly done paddling is not a beating. You are a fool. And, in a sane and healthy society, it would be great if we could trust the teachers or principle to administer such discipline.

And for parents who are against any such discipline? Thd school should still be allowed to paddle their kids anyway?

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