Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

Where is that GOP war at? You Progs throw that crap out all the time.
the war on drugs is against them. they sell to whitey and get killed and fill prisons...Then there is the gop giveaway to the rich and screwjob for the rest, which is by far the worst on blacks...Meanwhile you obsess on imaginary name it.
A properly done paddling is not a beating. You are a fool. And, in a sane and healthy society, it would be great if we could trust the teachers or principle to administer such discipline.
Kids were a lot better behaved when I was in school and we all knew that it was the threat of corporal punishment that kept us honest. Now kids know that they can get away with any kind of assault without risking corporal punishment. It's going to take a lot of reeducation to get that notion hammered out of their heads.
No, the country's tax rates have been the GOP's since 1982. The rich actually pay less percentage in all taxes than others now, not enough to invest in the country and its citizens DUH. Worst inequality, poverty, and upward mobility ever anywhere. Great job, GOP swine and dupes like you. Change the gd channel..
The democrats had total control with a super majority from 2009 to 2011. Why didn't they fix it?
You know what would be really nice?

If we could manage just half as much outrage for students who commit violence against other students and their teachers and this is all just fine; it's excused. The latest? They're "traumatized", so I guess it's okay to traumatize everyone else.

I'll boil it down for you: I'm a woman, and a small one at that, and I have a husband who loves me. He says, I come home with one more bruise or injury, he's gonna um, well, have issues with MY boss.

Can anyone blame him? Some of my students, in fact, MANY of them, outweigh me. When they put hands on other kids or me, I'm asked what *I* did wrong (for real).

A hot mess.
My wife was a teacher, now retired. She got whacked good a couple years before retirement. You're talking to creatures who are indoctrinated and can't process the truth.
It was a yes or no question. Should teachers be allowed to paddle kids against their parents wishes?

Wow. You really have the reading comprehension of a monkey, don't ya?

It was a hypothetical based on the WI we had a healthy society.

We do not. I would not trust current educators to discipline their own....

Hell, I do not have ANY trust in them. I have anti-Trust in them.
Under the Survival of the Fatherest, a Nation Goes Extinct

In Terminal America, both the rich and the poor deserve to be poor. They are allies against the middle. Instead of income tax, confiscate inheritances over $100,000 and use it to pay superior students for their grades (even rich students). That will ensure that the next generation will rise based on worth and not birth.
This is like reading poetry from a mental patient.
Wow. You really have the reading comprehension of a monkey, don't ya?

It was a hypothetical based on the WI we had a healthy society.

We do not. I would not trust current educators to discipline their own....

Hell, I do not have ANY trust in them. I have anti-Trust in them.

Faun was LYING, pretending to be too stupid to understand what I wrote, to ask a gotcha "question" in bad faith.

Calling him on that, was completely called for.

That you can't make the distinction between that, and calling people names, IN PLACE of rational discussion, is...

not credible.
This "he threatened to rape his daughter" crap is nonsense. It is simply a way to justify what the teacher did.
I'm sorry you guys don't know how to look up information. I found a link of someone who said this in about 30 seconds.

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