Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

It is not my claim.............. Therefore, it did not happen.
You said you didn't claim it didn't happen. Right before you claimed it didn't happen. lolt.
It is your claim, it is your job to prove it is true
No, it is not my job. I am not a policeman or a journalist, and I do not live in Indiana.
The ex-teacher never said it happened. Not even in court.
How do you know? Were you in the court?

Now, can you come up with a credible and verifiable reference to support your claim?
Like what? The MSM? I already showed how they LIED about it being a felony charge. Looks like Reddit is a better source than your MSM,
No, it is not my job.

Actually, if you are claiming that, it is your job to prove it happened. That is why many of us demand and vette references.

You have none, which is why everybody dismisses it. Then you spin in circles a hundred different ways, and still come up with no references.

No reference that is verifiable and credible, then you have nothing. It is your job to prove you have nothing, not ours.
Actually, if you are claiming that, it is your job to prove it happened. That is why many of us demand and vette references.

You have none, which is why everybody dismisses it. Then you spin in circles a hundred different ways, and still come up with no references.

No reference that is verifiable and credible, then you have nothing. It is your job to prove you have nothing, not ours.
What a moronic post.
Mike Hosinski of Jimtown High School in Elkhart, Indiana voluntarily resigned after surveillance footage shows him slapping a student in the hallway. causing the student to bang his head on the wall. I believe the student ended up fine. Holsinski was a beloved 40-year veteran social studies teacher who was slated to retire in June. The school board accepted his resignation, barred him from school property, and allowed him to retain his retirement pension. Instinctively, I side with the teacher, but if it ended here, I would be satisfied with the outcome.

But it won't end here, because there is a backstory.

Holsinski is an outspoken conservative who has been in trouble with Northern Indiana Atheists, a hate group, who filed a formal complaint with the Freedom from Religion Foundation in 2019 after receiving complaints from a parent. According to an NIA document posted on the organization’s website, “Hosinski has a history of state/church violations at Jimtown High School that has ranged from his teaching topics to his classroom decor.” Signs and bumper stickers hanging on the classroom walls feature a range of content from religious to anti-liberal propaganda.

In photos obtained by NIA, some of the posters and stickers found in the classroom said things like “Proud to be a conservative,” “Choose life, your mom did” and “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”
“Hosinski told the class Hillary and Obama are criminals, President Donald Trump is great, and Democrats are liars. He told them abortion should be illegal,” the statement complaint alleged. “My student says ‘he told the class Bill Clinton’s friend takes little girls to a sex island and anyone who finds out is killed. Korea has nukes, something about Muslims taking over, and something about gay people getting married.’” The Elkhart Country Schools system removed these posters and items from his Hosinski's classroom.

And now the hateful NIA has posted the video on youtube. When you view NIA's website, you see they embrace the entire Marxist spectrum of causes, BLM, Antifa, LGBT. I don't have any doubt their funding comes from The Soros Organization.

This episode just happened, but I can assure you this won't be the end. See, Mr. Hosinger had the temerity to openly piss on the Marxist agenda, and to ridicule their icons. For 40 years he was untouchable. So the Marxist left will do everything in its power to make an example of him. For starters, they will demand his pension be revoked. Then they will sue the Elkhart School Board, then they will prompt/pay the boy's parents to file a criminal and civil suit against Hosinski and the district. They will try to imprison Hosinger, and basically ruin him and his family. Because this is what Marxists do. You see what they're doing to President Trump with frivolous suit after frivolous suit. The left is going to make sure nobody EVER crosses them like that again, whether it be as a presidential candidate or a public school teacher.

I sympathize with Hosinger, because he's that rare teacher that who is trying to teach kids the truth. It's such a shame that after 40 years of dealing with leftists from above and juvenile delinquents from below, his sterling career has to end like this. Reports say this particular student had threatened to rape Hosinger's daughter. Trashy stuff like that. He no doubt mouthed off to Hosinger in the hall, and Hosinger lost his cool for a split second and slapped him. It shouldn't negate his great career, but we know it will. 50 years ago, that sort of thing wasn't uncommon. Today, it will land you in prison. If the kid were black, this would be front page news. It might even go ahead of Ukraine.

Note: I delayed my Lenten hiatus because I thought this story needed to be addressed.

He's mentally ill. Do you have any idea what a Marxist is?
He's mentally ill. Do you have any idea what a Marxist is?
He's the sanest person in the story.
And yes, Marxism isn't that difficult a concept. They're people who want to steal everything you have and control your life.
I just think it's comical you people slam three different people apparently close to the situation who all claim the little hoodlum threatened rape, yet you claim with 100% certainty that no threats were made, despite your having no basis whatsoever for that claim. Meanwhile you ignore the fact that the judge saw this as no big deal.

I post with glee because the leftwing media which were all over this story in March has absolutely nothing to say about it now that the guy walked. It just shows what partisan pukes they are. Just because the guy is an outspoken conservative.

LOL. You are the classic example of the line, well, if someone said it on the internet, then it must be true! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

I never made any claims that no threats were made. A threat could have been made, but why would i nor any rational person come to this conclusion when even hosinki never admitted to it. Why are there are no court records or police evidence of the kid issuing terroristic threats, despite an entire classroom of kids supposedly bearing witness to the whole thing?

Who do you know getting jail time for slapping someone in the face/head? He admitted his guilt by taking the plea deal, case closed. The media covered this as well. Just admit that you're just another fringe right zealot wacko trying to turn some random story into one of your silly crusades.
I'm sure the parents will take him for much much more. This isn't over for Hosinki. Good lord, this guy is an idiot.
I will bet, for the most part, it is. I understand the kid made threats, and it is not like he was injured, to speak of. Everybody takes the same chance when they mouth off in a bar. You can get your ass whipped, and you probably won't get rich over it.
Why are there are no court records or police evidence of the kid issuing terroristic threats, despite an entire classroom of kids supposedly bearing witness to the whole thing?
For the eighth time, how do you know there aren't court records or police records pertaining to the threats? Have you read the reports? Were you at the hearing? It's far more logical that there were threats, given the judge's decision. And of course there is the Reddit link showing three different people saying very similar things about the kid's vile threats.
He admitted his guilt by taking the plea deal, case closed.
Sure he admitted guilt. There the video of him doing it. A misdemeanor with no jail time and a small fine is nothing. It's what you'd get for a speeding ticket.
The media covered this as well. Just admit that you're just another fringe right zealot wacko trying to turn some random story into one of your silly crusades.
The media barely covered the sentencing. I'm very pleased the radical left lynch mob didn't succeed this time in getting this guy crucified for nothing. As I say, had it been a colored kid, the Soros-financed hooded terrorists would have been out in full force.
It's unbelievable to me you leftists would claim "Oh, no. The kid wouldn't have made any threats." You've obviously never been around hoodlums or taught in the schools. I have done both. The poorly-reared kids say the most horrific things imaginable.
I will bet, for the most part, it is. I understand the kid made threats, and it is not like he was injured, to speak of. Everybody takes the same chance when they mouth off in a bar. You can get your ass whipped, and you probably won't get rich over it.
You cannot however, attack a minor, when you are a teacher. That is what happened. He admitted his guilt, was punished, and was fired for it. If he was younger, his teaching career would be over.
It's unbelievable to me you leftists would claim "Oh, no. The kid wouldn't have made any threats." You've obviously never been around hoodlums or taught in the schools. I have done both. The poorly-reared kids say the most horrific things imaginable.


That's your evidence that kid made a threat you can't prove was made??

You cannot however, attack a minor, when you are a teacher. That is what happened. He admitted his guilt, was punished, and was fired for it. If he was younger, his teaching career would be over.
Right, but he was at the end of his career already. This will not stay in the news. It was, in fact, simple assault, whether it was against a minor or not. One has to be careful whose button you choose to push, as they may not have the social restraints you count on, and can lead to an ass whipping, simply by not knowing, not everybody will put up with it. It sounds like the kid chose his enemy carelessly and most likely learned a small lesson, little hurt but his pride.
You cannot however, attack a minor, when you are a teacher. That is what happened. He admitted his guilt, was punished, and was fired for it. If he was younger, his teaching career would be over.
Firing with full bennies isn't really firing. Most people who are fired do lose their benefits.
But, back to the video, there is no measure to the level of violence I would bring to bear against someone who did that to my kid, regardless of why he felt justified in doing it.

And, yeah, I'd smile in my mugshot...
Firing with full bennies isn't really firing. Most people who are fired do lose their benefits.
Retirement is separate. Losing his retirement would likely violate employment contracts - union or otherwise - the school had. it would definitely result in a suit, the costs of which would likely outweigh the retirement.
No, the moron is the one who makes a completely unsupported claim, as you have, and then insists others do the heavy lifting to prove the claim true.

All that does is expose you as being both lazy and stupid...
Boy, the leftwingers are really upset over this conservative teacher getting only a hand slap.

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