Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

That is pretty stupid thinking, I want to make sure the story is correct and you cannot prove your stupid claim with anything other than a third party claiming on a message board that they may or may not have heard or read something and you take it as fact?

I didn’t make a claim, you did and you gave hearsay evidence which is worth nothing.

You make a claim, back it up, don’t play that a guy on a message board is some how correct because he takes your side, that is lazy and that is what you are.
Here's a clue. All news sources are third-party.
That is pretty stupid thinking, I want to make sure the story is correct and you cannot prove your stupid claim with anything other than a third party claiming on a message board that they may or may not have heard or read something and you take it as fact?

I didn’t make a claim, you did and you gave hearsay evidence which is worth nothing.

You make a claim, back it up, don’t play that a guy on a message board is some how correct because he takes your side, that is lazy and that is what you are.
Here's a clue. All student comments on the matter were hearsay, even ones linked in MSM articles.
Can you imagine the leftwing media frenzy had the little miscreant been a colored kid? Soros-paid mobs would have burned the town down.
Here's a clue. All news sources are third-party.
You are even dumber than we all first thought. The person you claim did not see or hear anything firsthand and in fact the person citing what they heard aren't even sure they heard anything at all. This is just hearsay BS with absolutely no credibility except to you because it fits your theory, it fits mine as well however there is absolutely no proof the kid said a damn word. Glad the teacher got to retire as it seems he was a good teacher but just needed to retire from teaching.
You are even dumber than we all first thought. The person you claim did not see or hear anything firsthand and in fact the person citing what they heard aren't even sure they heard anything at all. This is just hearsay BS with absolutely no credibility except to you because it fits your theory, it fits mine as well however there is absolutely no proof the kid said a damn word. Glad the teacher got to retire as it seems he was a good teacher but just needed to retire from teaching.
Three different people independently said they heard about it. What motive would they all have for lying? But you say it didn't happen, yet you can't link a source that says there were no threats. And the judge basically let the guy off, so he most likely heard about the threats in court.
What color? Pink, blue, green? What color kids are you talking about?
Do you ax that question when colored people say 'people of color'?

Question for the woke leftwingers: What's the difference between colored people and people of color?
Three different people independently said they heard about it. What motive would they all have for lying? But you say it didn't happen, yet you can't link a source that says there were no threats. And the judge basically let the guy off, so he most likely heard about the threats in court.
I am saying the evidence you supplied is not evidence, it is all hearsay and by people who saw nothing but heard that there might have been something said. That is a big nothing. I didn't make a claim, so I have nothing to prove, you are the one that is making a claim. The burden is on you and you have failed thanks for playing.
Do you ax that question when colored people say 'people of color'?

Question for the woke leftwingers: What's the difference between colored people and people of color?
I don't know any "colored" people. I haven't heard that phrase since the 70's and it was usually the white, ignorant uneducated that muttered the word. We didn't give them much thought as the ignorant are sometimes not worth the effort.
I am saying the evidence you supplied is not evidence, it is all hearsay and by people who saw nothing but heard that there might have been something said. That is a big nothing. I didn't make a claim, so I have nothing to prove, you are the one that is making a claim. The burden is on you and you have failed thanks for playing.
I provided evidence of the claims of threats. You people said there were no claims.
I don't know any "colored" people. I haven't heard that phrase since the 70's and it was usually the white, ignorant uneducated that muttered the word. We didn't give them much thought as the ignorant are sometimes not worth the effort.
You sir are an idiot . Have a great life.
I think one reason this thread extended to over 1500 posts is Mike Hosinski is all of us. Here he was a hard-working well-loved teaching doing his best under trying conditions. Then a young punk from an obviously dysfunctional family threatened to rape his daughter and burn his house down, and Mike just had had enough. We've all been there. We've all had enough. Hosinksi simply did what all of us would like to have done at one time or another. He just saw all the crap, all the disrespect, all the effects of a leftwing society, and he'd simply.......had enough.

We are all Mike Hosinksi.
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Great. Prove it.

It is not my claim, you are the one making the claim. I know I have looked and others have looked, and nobody has been able to find a shred of evidence to support that claim other than a single Redit post.

It is your claim, it is your job to prove it is true and not complete bullshit.

The ex-teacher never said it happened. Not even in court. And not a single witness to the event reported that had happened. Therefore, it did not happen.

This is why you keep failing, you can't prove a negative.

As I said before, I say you never ran around naked and saying you were an alien. Now prove to me you never did that.

But it is obvious that you have absolutely no comprehension of logic, I get that. But that is not my problem.

Now, can you come up with a credible and verifiable reference to support your claim? Because if I want I can jump onto Redit and indeed make the claim you have run around naked and said you were an alien.

Then jump in here and demand proof that you never did that.

See how this works?
I think one reason this thread extended to over 1500 posts is Mike Hosinski is all of us.

No, he is not. Because I think that most of us have never spalled around a 15 year old student like that. I know for a fact that I have never done so, and have never been placed on a year long probation where I could not even leave my home county.

That may be you, it certainly is not me.
I think one reason this thread extended to over 1500 posts is Mike Hosinski is all of us. Here he was a hard-working well-loved teaching doing his best under trying conditions. Then a young punk from an obviously dysfunctional family threatened to rape his daughter and burn his house down, and Mike just had had enough. We've all been there. We've all had enough. Hosinksi simply did what all of us would like to have done at one time or another. He just saw all the crap, all the disrespect, all the effects of a leftwing society, and he'd simply.......had enough.

We are all Mike Hosinksi.

If the kid had said what you claim he said, you might have a point. But we are still a society of laws.
I provided evidence of the claims of threats. You people said there were no claims.
I didn't say there were claims or not, I said you had no evidence and because you have no idea what was said, you have nothing. You provided a guy that wasn't there that believes they may or may not of been a threat because he can't remember but thinks he read it somewhere. That is no evidence!

Don't believe everything you read on the internet.

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