Beloved Conservative 40-year Teacher Loses Job After Slapping Disrespectful Student. Marxist Left WILL Ruin Him.

When women entered the workforce in abundance decades ago, the obituary started to be written. We had schools with trouble even in other times. This spread to more and more schools. A higher percentage of single parents and married couples have all working and concentrating on the children has been affected. The changeover of children from being seen and not heard and reversed has made things worse. I remember a nun slapping me hard in 4th grade when we were in church singing a hymn as I was singing out of tune. It wasn't like when I tried, I was that good. But in that situation, it was deserved by the act. In High School a student attacked a lay teacher who was the school disciplinarian and who was not a priest and I saw the kid's head go through a door window. I do not say I agree with this. But I do say we turned the schools into babysitter services, and it has affected us all to some degree.

A nun slapped you for singing out of tune think this was great
When women entered the workforce in abundance decades ago, the obituary started to be written. We had schools with trouble even in other times. This spread to more and more schools. A higher percentage of single parents and married couples have all working and concentrating on the children has been affected. The changeover of children from being seen and not heard and reversed has made things worse. I remember a nun slapping me hard in 4th grade when we were in church singing a hymn as I was singing out of tune. It wasn't like when I tried, I was that good. But in that situation, it was deserved by the act. In High School a student attacked a lay teacher who was the school disciplinarian and who was not a priest and I saw the kid's head go through a door window. I do not say I agree with this. But I do say we turned the schools into babysitter services, and it has affected us all to some degree.

Follow up thought:

These nuns--who were women but you know, not married (yeah, that's a whole 'nother story) and not mothers--they seemed totally whole and normal and healthy to you when they smacked you for not singing in tune? In the FOURTH grade?

This is insanity.
Follow up thought:

These nuns--who were women but you know, not married (yeah, that's a whole 'nother story) and not mothers--they seemed totally whole and normal and healthy to you when they smacked you for not singing in tune? In the FOURTH grade?

This is insanity.
We went to Catholic school when there were nuns and some of them were real odd birds. One did something to my sister and my mother ran up to the school as soon as she heard. I don't know what happened, but it would have been very ugly. That nun never did anything like that again to my sister.
Liberal conservative what’s it matter? Slapping a student gets you kicked out. Long road back too. Just watch Hoosiers.
I'd go kick that teacher's ass the second I heard about this if that was my child.

And he should be arrested, not just fired.
He definitely crossed the line as soon as he lost his cool and hit that little kid upside the head.

Criminal charges would be appropriate.

If some school teacher did that to one of my kids I might be thrown in jail myself.
1. That teacher would not have dared strike a non-Caucasian student.

2. That teacher should just teach history and keep his personal opinions out of the classroom.

3. I hope that he gets his pension.
One more reason to have cameras in the classroom and not just the hallways
1. That teacher would not have dared strike a non-Caucasian student.

2. That teacher should just teach history and keep his personal opinions out of the classroom.

3. I hope that he gets his pension.
He should be charged with felony assault of a minor and lose his pension
What is the student guilty of saying or doing that led to them getting such a response?

God bless you always!!!

He reportedly, according to other students, threatened to rape the teacher's daughter.
One more reason to have cameras in the classroom and not just the hallways

He should be charged with felony assault of a minor and lose his pension
That asshole should have been charged with felony assault of a minor and lost his pension
Such a hard line from a live-and-let-live dude like yourself who doesn't want ANY Christian-based restrictions governing behavior.
So...I wonder if any of the Leftists posting here can point to any pedagogical improvement that can be attributed to the elimination of corporal punishment in the schools. Or in the home.

I won't hold my breath.

That slap was nothing. Got of few of those growing up. It is simply the punctuation of verbal communication.

Teacher should be fined into penury and locked up for the rest of his life. I wouldn't consider vivisection inappropriate.
Well, let's change characters for a minute and see if you feel the same:

1. Old black lady teacher, Maxine Waters type, and the student is a burly 17-year-old skinhead who calls her a
Ni--er B--tch. She slaps him. Does she also deserve lifetime imprisonment? Vivisection?

2. 22-year old female teacher. 17-year-old pretty boy. He asks if he can f--- her. She slaps him. Does she deserve lifetime imprisonment? Vivisection?
Mike Hosinski of Jimtown High School in Elkhart, Indiana voluntarily resigned after surveillance footage shows him slapping a student in the hallway. causing the student to bang his head on the wall. I believe the student ended up fine. Holsinski was a beloved 40-year veteran social studies teacher who was slated to retire in June. The school board accepted his resignation, barred him from school property, and allowed him to retain his retirement pension. Instinctively, I side with the teacher, but if it ended here, I would be satisfied with the outcome.

But it won't end here, because there is a backstory.

Holsinski is an outspoken conservative who has been in trouble with Northern Indiana Atheists, a hate group, who filed a formal complaint with the Freedom from Religion Foundation in 2019 after receiving complaints from a parent. According to an NIA document posted on the organization’s website, “Hosinski has a history of state/church violations at Jimtown High School that has ranged from his teaching topics to his classroom decor.” Signs and bumper stickers hanging on the classroom walls feature a range of content from religious to anti-liberal propaganda.

In photos obtained by NIA, some of the posters and stickers found in the classroom said things like “Proud to be a conservative,” “Choose life, your mom did” and “Liberalism is a mental disorder.”
“Hosinski told the class Hillary and Obama are criminals, President Donald Trump is great, and Democrats are liars. He told them abortion should be illegal,” the statement complaint alleged. “My student says ‘he told the class Bill Clinton’s friend takes little girls to a sex island and anyone who finds out is killed. Korea has nukes, something about Muslims taking over, and something about gay people getting married.’” The Elkhart Country Schools system removed these posters and items from his Hosinski's classroom.

And now the hateful NIA has posted the video on youtube. When you view NIA's website, you see they embrace the entire Marxist spectrum of causes, BLM, Antifa, LGBT. I don't have any doubt their funding comes from The Soros Organization.

This episode just happened, but I can assure you this won't be the end. See, Mr. Hosinger had the temerity to openly piss on the Marxist agenda, and to ridicule their icons. For 40 years he was untouchable. So the Marxist left will do everything in its power to make an example of him. For starters, they will demand his pension be revoked. Then they will sue the Elkhart School Board, then they will prompt/pay the boy's parents to file a criminal and civil suit against Hosinski and the district. They will try to imprison Hosinger, and basically ruin him and his family. Because this is what Marxists do. You see what they're doing to President Trump with frivolous suit after frivolous suit. The left is going to make sure nobody EVER crosses them like that again, whether it be as a presidential candidate or a public school teacher.

I sympathize with Hosinger, because he's that rare teacher that who is trying to teach kids the truth. It's such a shame that after 40 years of dealing with leftists from above and juvenile delinquents from below, his sterling career has to end like this. Reports say this particular student had threatened to rape Hosinger's daughter. Trashy stuff like that. He no doubt mouthed off to Hosinger in the hall, and Hosinger lost his cool for a split second and slapped him. It shouldn't negate his great career, but we know it will. 50 years ago, that sort of thing wasn't uncommon. Today, it will land you in prison. If the kid were black, this would be front page news. It might even go ahead of Ukraine.

Note: I delayed my Lenten hiatus because I thought this story needed to be addressed.

You put your hands on someone else's child you deserve what comes next regardless of your fucking politics
Well, let's change characters for a minute and see if you feel the same:

1. Old black lady teacher, Maxine Waters type, and the student is a burly 17-year-old skinhead who calls her a
Ni--er B--tch. She slaps him. Does she also deserve lifetime imprisonment? Vivisection?

2. 22-year old female teacher. 17-year-old pretty boy. He asks if he can f--- her. She slaps him. Does she deserve lifetime imprisonment? Vivisection?


IF a fucking teacher isn't mature enough to handle name calling without resorting to physical violence then that person has no place dealing with children

How about if I backhanded your brat on the street for swearing ?

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