Ben Carson: America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

I see the resident left are spewing hate at our black candidate again. Liberals will always tell you who they really are eventually, they hate having to hide it.

What's the difference between the United States and Cuba? According to GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, it's Fox News.

"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

The audience applauded the line about Fox News.

More: Ben Carson Says America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

Carson knows how to access his money markets.

This is the forte of weirdos. They destroy themselves just by opening their mouths. Next he'll say "thank god there was a version of Faux News around to guide Noah to build the ark."

The more whackjobs speak, the more their whackjobbiness is revealed.

Rail on Ben!!

What's the difference between the United States and Cuba? According to GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, it's Fox News.

"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

The audience applauded the line about Fox News.

More: Ben Carson Says America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

Carson knows how to access his money markets.

He must be some kind of idiot savant as far as medicine is concerned. It's the only thing about which he is intelligent.

Well, why don't you just set him straight, if your so brilliant??

The hypothesis is preposterous. What more need be said?

What's the difference between the United States and Cuba? According to GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, it's Fox News.

"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

The audience applauded the line about Fox News.

More: Ben Carson Says America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

Carson knows how to access his money markets.

"Carson knows how to access his money markets."

Like most Christians.
"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

Carson is as much a liar as an idiot.

'The media' are in no way trying to 'shut him down,' the notion is delusional nonsense.

In fact, 'the media' would love nothing more than for Carson to continue to express his ignorance and stupidity – it's truly the stuff that sells papers.

What's the difference between the United States and Cuba? According to GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, it's Fox News.

"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

The audience applauded the line about Fox News.

More: Ben Carson Says America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

Carson knows how to access his money markets.

Washington redskin can you bitch anymore about nonissues??

Please, please nominate this guy to run for president. The debates with him and Hillary would be amazing, just amazing.....:badgrin:

I'd have to constantly set my alarm clock to wake up again. Seriously I've seen more interesting freshly-painted walls dry.

...but you'd miss all the hilarious ignorance and stupidity.
I see the resident left are spewing hate at our black candidate again. Liberals will always tell you who they really are eventually, they hate having to hide it.
No, what you see is the ridiculous right buying into the delusional myth that 'the media' function as some sort of single entity with a single mind and intent: to 'get' republicans, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.
"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

Carson is as much a liar as an idiot.

'The media' are in no way trying to 'shut him down,' the notion is delusional nonsense.

In fact, 'the media' would love nothing more than for Carson to continue to express his ignorance and stupidity – it's truly the stuff that sells papers.
Whatever becomes of his campaign time will tell.
Hildabeast lies constantly, what? 65% of the country thinks she is an liar and Untrustworthy.
And we all know her husband is an liar, the whole lying under oath thing, also being a pedophile.

Career politicians are the most prolific liars on the planet...
I see the resident left are spewing hate at our black candidate again. Liberals will always tell you who they really are eventually, they hate having to hide it.
No, what you see is the ridiculous right buying into the delusional myth that 'the media' function as some sort of single entity with a single mind and intent: to 'get' republicans, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

everytime you post here you make a fool of yourself, trying to come with some attack that you consider scathing, and backing it up with nothing at all, certainly nothing resembling a fact. Your opinion is worthless and just you saying something is so doesnt make it so.
Poll: 'Liar' Most Frequently Associated Word With Hillary ...
Aug 27, 2015 - Poll: 'Liar' Most Frequently Associated Word With Hillary Clinton ... So what do voters really think of the 2016 presidential frontrunners? ... the former Secretary of State were “dishonest,” “untrustworthy,” and “criminal.” ... It wasn't all bad; voters did connected some positive words with these three candidates
Liberals takes a man's opinion as fact while disregarding the facts about their lying candidate. SMH

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