Ben Carson: America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

I see the resident left are spewing hate at our black candidate again. Liberals will always tell you who they really are eventually, they hate having to hide it.
No, what you see is the ridiculous right buying into the delusional myth that 'the media' function as some sort of single entity with a single mind and intent: to 'get' republicans, when in fact nothing could be further from the truth.

Ahahaha right except that we caught 400 of them red handed doing exactly that and they were so embarrassed they shut it down. JournoList/Jlist heard of it? Its not the first time this goes on all the time. One of the more hilarious things Rush plays on his show are montages of the MSM coordinating their messages. They tape a dozen or so MSM hacks spewing the talking points then put them together back to back they sound like mindless drones.

Your post is a perfect example of my point, you people hate having to hide who you are but you know you must to survive.
"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

Carson is as much a liar as an idiot.

'The media' are in no way trying to 'shut him down,' the notion is delusional nonsense.

In fact, 'the media' would love nothing more than for Carson to continue to express his ignorance and stupidity – it's truly the stuff that sells papers.

The content may be, and that's good for print articles. But that speaking style is like a free case of Quaaludes. That doesn't sell so well.

What's the difference between the United States and Cuba? According to GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, it's Fox News.

"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

The audience applauded the line about Fox News.

More: Ben Carson Says America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

Carson knows how to access his money markets.

He must be some kind of idiot savant as far as medicine is concerned. It's the only thing about which he is intelligent.

Well, why don't you just set him straight, if your so brilliant??
There is absolutely no comparison between the US's government and Cuba's government. If you don't know that, read up on it: I'm not here to teach people government or history.

Socialism sucks...

So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.

What's the difference between the United States and Cuba? According to GOP presidential candidate Ben Carson, it's Fox News.

"Even if all the media tries to shut you down -- which they have tried very much to do with me, but they can't because the good Lord has provided me with mechanisms like my syndicated column and like Fox News," Carson said last year. "We'd be Cuba if there were no Fox News, I ought to tell you."

The audience applauded the line about Fox News.

More: Ben Carson Says America Would Be Cuba If Not For Fox News

Carson knows how to access his money markets.

He must be some kind of idiot savant as far as medicine is concerned. It's the only thing about which he is intelligent.

Well, why don't you just set him straight, if your so brilliant??
There is absolutely no comparison between the US's government and Cuba's government. If you don't know that, read up on it: I'm not here to teach people government or history.

Socialism sucks...

So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.

Na, not really.
It is an served duty, voluntarily.
Socialism has zero good attributes
He must be some kind of idiot savant as far as medicine is concerned. It's the only thing about which he is intelligent.
Well, why don't you just set him straight, if your so brilliant??
There is absolutely no comparison between the US's government and Cuba's government. If you don't know that, read up on it: I'm not here to teach people government or history.
Socialism sucks...
So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.
Na, not really.
It is an served duty, voluntarily.
Socialism has zero good attributes
So you are also rejecting Social Security and Medicare.
He must be some kind of idiot savant as far as medicine is concerned. It's the only thing about which he is intelligent.
Well, why don't you just set him straight, if your so brilliant??
There is absolutely no comparison between the US's government and Cuba's government. If you don't know that, read up on it: I'm not here to teach people government or history.
Socialism sucks...
So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.
Na, not really.
It is an served duty, voluntarily.
Socialism has zero good attributes

socialism means certain things are paid for and done by the government.

the volunteer nature of our military, which can be changed by an act of congress, has zero significance in whether it is socialist or not.

damn, you're stupid.
Well, why don't you just set him straight, if your so brilliant??
There is absolutely no comparison between the US's government and Cuba's government. If you don't know that, read up on it: I'm not here to teach people government or history.
Socialism sucks...
So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.
Na, not really.
It is an served duty, voluntarily.
Socialism has zero good attributes
So you are also rejecting Social Security and Medicare.
I have no right to socialist entitlement programs that will not be around long term...
No thanks I will earn my own way...
Well, why don't you just set him straight, if your so brilliant??
There is absolutely no comparison between the US's government and Cuba's government. If you don't know that, read up on it: I'm not here to teach people government or history.
Socialism sucks...
So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.
Na, not really.
It is an served duty, voluntarily.
Socialism has zero good attributes

socialism means certain things are paid for and done by the government.

the volunteer nature of our military, which can be changed by an act of congress, has zero significance in whether it is socialist or not.

damn, you're stupid.
Our military has nothing to do with socialism, our soldiers take all the risk on themselves while doing their duty.

In socialism no one is taking any risk??
It lives off taking money from others risk, an act of cowardice...
There is absolutely no comparison between the US's government and Cuba's government. If you don't know that, read up on it: I'm not here to teach people government or history.
Socialism sucks...
So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.
Na, not really.
It is an served duty, voluntarily.
Socialism has zero good attributes
So you are also rejecting Social Security and Medicare.
I have no right to socialist entitlement programs that will not be around long term...
No thanks I will earn my own way...
Riiiiiiiight. You reject Social Security and Medicare. How's that working out for you?
Socialism sucks...
So you hate our military...because it's set up as a socialistic system.
Na, not really.
It is an served duty, voluntarily.
Socialism has zero good attributes
So you are also rejecting Social Security and Medicare.
I have no right to socialist entitlement programs that will not be around long term...
No thanks I will earn my own way...
Riiiiiiiight. You reject Social Security and Medicare. How's that working out for you?
I would not know, it's something I knew a long time ago, entitlements I could not count on...
I am not the grasshopper, but being the ant suits me just fine...
A socialist would not understand...

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