Ben Carson Cuts His Own Throat

Poor Carson is not use to the jungle of national politics....He is getting an ass warming now, just wait until it really gets serious...Will he go after his opponents with a Maxwell silver hammer?
CNN commentator just made a complete, idiotic, stupid ass of him.

I just heard CNN saying that Carson admitted that he fabricated his West Point scholarship story. Is Carson a serial liar? Supposedly the story was reported by Politico.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
Clinton has been vetted. She's a lying piece of shit. For example, she was never dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. She clearly lies her ass off to the American people and her supporters take her shit. They suck it straight out her asshole.

They're pathetic.
I knew when I made that post that someone would mention the Bosnia thing.

That's why it's hilarious whenever someone like Carson or the rubes on this forum say Hillary or Barack haven't been vetted.

There isn't a single day of either of their lives since birth which has not been held up to ridicule. There isn't any lie or other bullshit which has not been manufactured about them.

Anyone who claims neither were "vetted" should have to wear a clown nose for 30 days.

It's the far right's victim thing that they have got going.
They obviously can dish it out (the last seven years are a testimony of that), but they sure can't take it, ( the last three months clearly show that). Now they are crying now that others are doing to them what they did to others for years and years! Tough shit wimps!
Poor Carson is not use to the jungle of national politics....He is getting an ass warming now, just wait until it really gets serious...Will he go after his opponents with a Maxwell silver hammer?

Carson is going to use the standard issue rightwing victimology tactic, that is, try to deflect every attack on him as illegitimate owing to media bias.
SSDD ... the RW's attack and expose each other .... the dems sit back and win another election.

ssssssssshhhh .... works everytime.
Only the dumbest among us are still buying Carson's schtick.

You are positively liberal.
It amuses me you tards think busting lies and telling the truth is a liberal thing. You don't even realize how you are hurting yourselves when you do that. :lol:

"He told the truth! He must be liberal!"
You didn't bust shit dumbfuck, you offered YOUR opinion. Your opinions=/=facts asswipe

And you are labeled a lib because you defend them 95% of the time.
I defend the truth. It is precisely because 95 percent of the crap that comes from the Right these days is bullshit that I have to spend so much time debunking it.

If you tards would stop drinking so much fucking piss, I wouldn't be so busy.

As a conservative, I hate right wing lies way more than I hate left wing lies. You assholes are destroying the brand.
Who are you? The fucking board police? You have to spend so much time debunking.....blah blah blah.

News flash bruh. No one but the left gives a fuck about your policing skills.

Just like the idea that someone may or may not have been vetted enough. It's all a matter of perspective and it is 100% subjective.

Get over yourself
So you are just going to keep getting back in line for refills of your piss cup, because you have gotten used to the taste. Got it.

"The truth tastes bitter in my mouth! Blech!"
I just wrecked your stupid ass and that's your response? Pathetic
"He also accused the media of not doing the same with Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama."

That's a ridiculous lie, and a red herring fallacy.
...Reading CNN, a bit from Hamlet occurs. ;)

Ben Carson on questions about his past: 'Bunch of lies' -

"Washington (CNN)Ben Carson slammed CNN's reporting into his past as a "bunch of lies" in a combative interview on Friday, strengthening his defense of his violent past that the media have thus far been unable to corroborate.

"This is a bunch of lies, that is what it is," Carson said on CNN's "New Day" when Alisyn Camerota asked about the report by Scott Glover and Maeve Reston in which they spoke to people Carson grew up with. "This is a bunch of lies attempting to say I'm lying about my history, I think it's pathetic, and basically what the media does is they try to get you distracted."

Camerota pushed back on Carson's argument that the reporters on the story did not talk to people who knew him earlier than high school, but Carson rejected that and launched into an aggressive attack on the media. He also accused the media of not doing the same with Hillary Clinton and President Barack Obama.

"The vetting that you all did with President Obama doesn't even come close, doesn't even come close to what you guys are trying to do in my case, and you're just going to keep going back, 'He said this 12 years ago' -- it is just garbage," Carson said. "Give me a break."

The two journalists repeatedly approached the Carson campaign during their reporting and again before publication of the story. But the campaign staff declined to comment or to assist them in locating classmate or victims of violence who could provide insights about Carson's past."
So CNN is tooting their own horn? Lame.

Did they ever treat Obama this way? No.
Only this post is lame.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.
Clinton has been vetted. She's a lying piece of shit. For example, she was never dodging sniper fire in Bosnia. She clearly lies her ass off to the American people and her supporters take her shit. They suck it straight out her asshole.

They're pathetic.
I knew when I made that post that someone would mention the Bosnia thing.

That's why it's hilarious whenever someone like Carson or the rubes on this forum say Hillary or Barack haven't been vetted.

There isn't a single day of either of their lives since birth which has not been held up to ridicule. There isn't any lie or other bullshit which has not been manufactured about them.

Anyone who claims neither were "vetted" should have to wear a clown nose for 30 days.
Only in your delusional fantasies.

It's the far right's victim thing that they have got going.
They obviously can dish it out (the last seven years are a testimony of that), but they sure can't take it, ( the last three months clearly show that). Now they are crying now that others are doing to them what they did to others for years and years! Tough shit wimps!
Liberals excuse every lie from the left and make up shit to destroy their enemies. Lying is what they do, like breathing.

No, Ben Carson Didn't Lie About West Point. It's Another Media Hit Job.
No, Ben Carson Didn't Lie About West Point. It's Another Media Hit Job.

Never underestimate the capacity of the media to propagandize against Republicans.

That’s the theme of this morning’s overwrought news coverage on Dr. Ben Carson’s supposed “lie” regarding a “scholarship” to West Point. The story began with Politico, which ran with the audacious headline, “Ben Carson admits fabricating West Point scholarship.” Even I was taken in by the headline – after all, that’s a pretty bold claim!

Politico began thusly:

Ben Carson’s campaign on Friday admitted, in a response to an inquiry from POLITICO, that a central point in his inspirational personal story was fabricated: his application and acceptance into the U.S. Military Academy at West Point.

The key word here is “fabricated.” Did the Carson campaign admit any such thing? Absolutely not. The facts reported by Politico don’t even support this interpretation of the Carson campaign’s response. According to Politico, Carson said in his 1992 memoir Gifted Hands that he was offered a “full scholarship” to West Point after dining with General William Westmoreland in 1969. Here’s the relevant passage from Carson’s autobiography:

At the end of my twelfth grade I marched at the head of the Memorial Day parade. I felt so proud, my chest bursting with ribbons and braids of every kind. To make it more wonderful, We had important visitors that day. Two soldiers who had won the Congressional Medal of Honor in Viet Nam were present. More exciting to me, General William Westmoreland (very prominent in the Viet Nam war) attended with an impressive entourage. Afterward, Sgt. Hunt introduced me to General Westmoreland, and I had dinner with him and the Congressional Medal winners. Later I was offered a full scholarship to West Point. I didn’t refuse the scholarship outright, but I let them know that a military career wasn’t where I saw myself going.

That’s the entire relevant portion of Carson’s account. He reiterated that account last month in an interview with Charlie Rose, when he said, “I was offered a full scholarship at West Point, got to meet General Westmoreland and go to Congressional Medal of Honor dinners. But decided really my pathway would be medicine.”

Politico followed up on this story. They reported one additional piece of information that seems to conflict with Carson’s story: Carson never applied to West Point, and was never extended admission.

But Carson never said he applied. He said he was extended a full scholarship offer. What’s more, West Point doesn’t offer scholarships: all admission is free contingent on serving in the military afterwards. It thus seems probable that Westmoreland or another military figure tried to recruit Carson, telling him that he wouldn’t have to pay for his education – and that Carson read that as a “full scholarship,” and never applied.

In fact, that’s exactly what Carson’s campaign manager said to Politico in an email:

Dr. Carson was the top ROTC student in the City of Detroit. In that role he was invited to meet General Westmoreland. He believes it was at a banquet. He can’t remember with specificity their brief conversation but it centered around Dr. Carson’s performance as ROTC City Executive Officer. He was introduced to folks from West Point by his ROTC Supervisors. They told him they could help him get an appointment based on his grades and performance in ROTC. He considered it but in the end did not seek admission.

But here’s how Politico editorialized: “When presented with this evidence, Carson’s campaign conceded the story was false.”

That’s nonsense. They did no such thing. They provided details that corroborated Carson’s story and explained his loose use of the language. If someone told you that you could go to college for free, you might reasonably conclude that you had been offered a full scholarship to attend that university. But Politico would call you a liar if you used such language to describe the exchange.

Now, some on the right are saying that Carson should be held to a higher standard here than other candidates because he’s running as an “outsider.” But this is a basic case of misinterpreting facts, not an outright lie. Carson served in ROTC. Prominent people wanted him to go to West Point. He wouldn’t have had to pay. He didn’t apply because he didn’t want to go. Those facts are not in dispute. It’s the specific wording over which media have decided to crucify him.

This is a textbook example of a left-wing media hit. Politico would never editorialize about any Democrat who issued such a response to a factual inquiry in this manner. Politico won’t even conclude that Hillary Clinton lied about her attribution of the Benghazi attacks to a YouTube video despite email evidence that she knew Benghazi was a terrorist attack entirely unrelated to a YouTube video.
I find it hilarious when someone says Obama wasn't "vetted" during the past two elections.

It's even funnier when they say Hillary Clinton isn't being vetted.

What a weird bubble these people live in. I am constantly amazed their heads don't explode from cognitive dissonance.

They are positively schizophrenic.

Let the ignorant bastards go....they've been cutting their own throat in five of the last six presidential elections. Ben Carson is the epitome of a limp dick politician and I hope the Republicans do run him. Hillary will kick his wimpy ass all the way to November, 2016.
Let the ignorant bastards go....they've been cutting their own throat in five of the last six presidential elections. Ben Carson is the epitome of a limp dick politician and I hope the Republicans do run him. Hillary will kick his wimpy ass all the way to November, 2016.
Lots of smears helped Democrats, Romney's dog on the roof was a much bigger deal than obama's association with a racist church and domestic terrorist. You can't see it from your vantage point. But Republicans control all but about 11 state legislators and governorships in about 32 states. Maybe more now. It's a hoot seeing you libs pretend it's all in your favor. The guys with the limp dicks are the ones tooting their own horns.
Let the ignorant bastards go....they've been cutting their own throat in five of the last six presidential elections. Ben Carson is the epitome of a limp dick politician and I hope the Republicans do run him. Hillary will kick his wimpy ass all the way to November, 2016.
Lots of smears helped Democrats, Romney's dog on the roof was a much bigger deal than obama's association with a racist church and domestic terrorist. You can't see it from your vantage point. But Republicans control all but about 11 state legislators and governorships in about 32 states. Maybe more now. It's a hoot seeing you libs pretend it's all in your favor. The guys with the limp dicks are the ones tooting their own horns.

For the last several years the Republicans have actually bragged about their gerrymandering. In the last elections Democrats got over a million more votes than Republicans but they swept the table anyway. That's one thing modern Republicans are good at.....cheating! Fifty-five percent of the nation's congressional districts were drawn to favor Republicans while only 10 percent were drawn to favor Democrats in the last congressional election. One of the stupid people actually wanted to amend the constitution so that if a party won the popular vote in a particular state they would win all the congressional races.

Go Ahead Full Steam!!!
Hillary will kick all the shit out of Trump or Carson...either one.
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Let the ignorant bastards go....they've been cutting their own throat in five of the last six presidential elections. Ben Carson is the epitome of a limp dick politician and I hope the Republicans do run him. Hillary will kick his wimpy ass all the way to November, 2016.
Lots of smears helped Democrats, Romney's dog on the roof was a much bigger deal than obama's association with a racist church and domestic terrorist. You can't see it from your vantage point. But Republicans control all but about 11 state legislators and governorships in about 32 states. Maybe more now. It's a hoot seeing you libs pretend it's all in your favor. The guys with the limp dicks are the ones tooting their own horns.
For the last several years the Republicans have actually bragged about their gerrymandering. In the last elections Democrats got over a million more votes than Republicans but they swept the table anyway. That's one thing modern Republicans are good at.....cheating!
LOL, the Dims lost the gubernatorial election with Rossi winning for the Republicans. They had a recount, he won that. They had another recount and threw the illegal votes into the mix and won by a few votes. You wouldn't know corruption if you fell face first into it.

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