Ben Carson Gave It a Shot, But Trump DOMINATES


Gold Member
Nov 20, 2015
Luray, Virginia
And that means the end of Foodstamps, illegals, same-sex bullshit, ISIS, several of Obama's illegal wars, the War on Christmas - and everything else "limpwristed" in this country.

The Obama "Hope and Change" era of stupidity is about to come to a close

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Well he's obviously talking about things people are interested in hearing his views on.

He's a billionaire who can't be bought.

He doesn't owe those mouth breathers in DC anything.

If you ask him a question he will give you his honest answer and he doesn't give a shit if you like the answer or not.

There isn't a PC bone in his body.

Oh and he's not a professional politician and I think that appeals to loads of people. Lord knows the professional politicians make a damned good living of we the taxpayer.

Will he be the nominee for the GOP?? Don't know but I do know lots of people support him.
A little early to celebrate. A long long way to go. Hillary is very well-funded and connected. The most powerful NWO Globalist Elites want her. She's one of their Puppets.

But Trump's message of restoring the Law and securing our border is truly resonating. Most Americans want to see an end to Illegal Immigration. He has a chance. But there's a long way to go.
And that means the end of Foodstamps, illegals, same-sex bullshit, ISIS, several of Obama's illegal wars, the War on Christmas - and everything else "limpwristed" in this country.

Wishful thinking? It will take a Constitutional Convention to accomplish many of these things. Are enough States willing to stand up and be counted, or are they too dependent on federal money?
The number of people who believe the moon landings were hoaxed is equal to the number of people who support Trump. And I would bet there is a lot of crossover between those two demographics. :D

80 percent of the voters are still undecided.

Trump is a big fat nothing.

At the moment, they all are.
Carson only ran because he was a popular doctor and talked bad about the ACA 5 foot from Obama and the right loved it. I remember when he first did it and I was seeing Carson for President THAT day!
Is OP assuming that Congress will simply do The Donald's bidding IF he were to win the General Election

Also- is that a pic of you in your avie OP? :eusa_eh:
Every rational in the country knew Carson would fade. It was just a matter of time.
I agree. I was one of them.. I also said that about
Oh I think Trump can ride the crazy train with the GOP all the way through the primaries. At best the establishment will make it close and maybe squeak in.
Well, here's the way I look at it.
If an IDIOT community organizer with absolutely NO experience can win an election in this country - TWICE - ANYONE can win an election. And I mean ANYONE - including a retarded, in-bred, half-blind chimp with both legs missing.
Well, here's the way I look at it.
If an IDIOT community organizer with absolutely NO experience can win an election in this country - TWICE - ANYONE can win an election. And I mean ANYONE - including a retarded, in-bred, half-blind chimp with both legs missing.
I wouldn't go so far as to call Trump THAT bad :rofl:
Well, here's the way I look at it.
If an IDIOT community organizer with absolutely NO experience can win an election in this country - TWICE - ANYONE can win an election. And I mean ANYONE - including a retarded, in-bred, half-blind chimp with both legs missing.
no experience?

11 years as a State and then US Senator = zero experience?

BYW- you're a little late to the ODS bandwagon Sport.
And that means the end of Foodstamps, illegals, same-sex bullshit, ISIS, several of Obama's illegal wars, the War on Christmas - and everything else "limpwristed" in this country.

The Obama "Hope and Change" era of stupidity is about to come to a close

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Uh no it doesn't mean the end to food stamps course if Trump is able to bring all the jobs back here the only people who will be on FS will be the parasite class in the ghetto's and illegals. White working class will no longer need them.
11 years as a State and then US Senator = zero experience?

Eleven years. Wow! What were his three most notable achievements as a Senator during those 11 years.
Once you post the answer to that...
I'll ask you about his three biggest accomplishments in the last 7.5 years as the most miserable failure as a President this nation has ever experienced.
Now, get crackin' Jethro.

You serve on the USS Minnow perchance?

I say that because, is that you and your real name in your avie? Cringe factor is off the charts. :thup:

Anyway, our proud, two-term, African American President won his elections fair and square w/o the Court stepping-in like his predecessor :eusa_whistle:

You people not being able to select electable candidates is not my problem.
And that means the end of Foodstamps, illegals, same-sex bullshit, ISIS, several of Obama's illegal wars, the War on Christmas - and everything else "limpwristed" in this country.

The Obama "Hope and Change" era of stupidity is about to come to a close

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Trump has given every indication that he is going to escalate the illegal wars Obama began. Are you sure you know what he stands for?
Well, here's the way I look at it.
If an IDIOT community organizer with absolutely NO experience can win an election in this country - TWICE - ANYONE can win an election. And I mean ANYONE - including a retarded, in-bred, half-blind chimp with both legs missing.

So you're saying I have a chance.

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