Ben Carson, Huckster, Liar

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Wow ANOTHER attack the Negro post from the left. Who would have guessed right? A WORLD famous brain surgeon VS a political fact check site on a medical question.

A site that knows NOTHING about medicine VS a doctor? When it comes to medicine and health I get mine from a doctor NOT a political site.

Aha ha, attack the negro. How about attack the liar? he should lose his medical license for this kind of crap.
He's retired, Ace and he's an honest man.

Apparently he is not an honest man if he lied to push a drug.
What about Obama and his book where he spoke of Pot and Coke use? Is that not pushing drug use? ILLEGAL drug use?

Obama admitted to smoking and smoking pot, too.
What does it feel like to be so...limp....right now?

At last night’s GOP debate presidential candidate Ben Carson lied about his connection with a Christian nutritional supplement company accused of hustling the gullible with bogus claims of miracle cures for deadly diseases.

Carson was asked about his involvement with nutritional supplement company Mannatech at the Oct. 28 Republican presidential debate hosted by CNBC in Boulder, Colo.

Moderator Carl Quintanilla asked:

There’s is a company called Mannatech, a maker of nutritional supplements, with which you had a 10-year relationship. They offered claims they could cure autism, cancer. They paid $7 million to settle a deceptive marketing lawsuit in Texas, and yet your involvement continues. Why?

Carson, a former pediatric neurosurgeon, replied:

Well, that’s easy to answer: I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society — total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I did speeches for other people. They were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them. Do I take the product? Yes. I think it’s a good product.

However, as Politifact and other outlets are reporting, Carson lied about his connection with Mannatech.

The evidence shows that Carson was paid to give speeches during events hosted by Mannatech Inc., telling how the company’s supplements helped him after a 2002 cancer diagnosis.

The National Review points out:

Carson’s interactions with Mannatech, a nutritional-supplement company based in suburban Dallas, date back to 2004, when he was a speaker at the company’s annual conferences, MannaFest and MannaQuest. He also spoke at Mannatech conferences in 2011 and 2013, and spoke about “glyconutrients” in a PBS special as recently as last year.

The Wall Street Journal notes that Carson has often made reference to a long and lucrative association with the company that he says has been good for both his career and his health.

Politifact concludes:

As far as we can tell, Carson was not a paid employee or official endorser of the product. However, his claim suggests he has no ties to Mannatech whatsoever. In reality, he got paid to deliver speeches to Mannatech and appeared in promotional videos, and he consistently delivered glowing reviews of the nutritional supplements. As a world-renowned surgeon, Carson’s opinion on health issues carries weight, and Mannatech has used Carson’s endorsement to its advantage.

We rate Carson’s claim False.

- See more at:

This shows how poorly prepared the CNBC people were.

They should have hammered him on this.

He told a bold face lie at a debate and they let it go.

Forget bias, piss poor reporting and fact checking.
Maybe one of you geniuses can explain why he never mentioned glyconutrients as saving him from cancer until he got paid to do it.
Who is to dictate how soon it worked? You? Cancer is PERSONAL and every fighter has their own story, myself included.

If the drug he took worked why did he have his prostate removed?

Geez dude, why are you so concerned about his prostate?

Happy Halloween folks.
Take the pillow case off your head and look at the facts. Do you go to the mayor for a broken leg? No, not if you have half a brain. Do you go to a political site for medical information? No, you don't.

Dark fungus is fuming, we caught his boy in lie.
What about Obama and his book where he spoke of Pot and Coke use? Is that not pushing drug use? ILLEGAL drug use?

Not the same and this man is running for president and actually told people that he was cured of cancer in just three weeks. That's hucksterism.
Cancer is personal and no two fights are the same. I lost a cousin because he was allergic to chemo. When you fight cancer you fight with whatever you can and the choices can be VERY limited.

YOU were NOT in his shoes and truly have NO right to judge or say what worked for him. That's HIS right and his alone.

You dismiss elements of this story without even reading them. Why did Carson wait two years after his cancer to spread the news about Mannatech? The answer is because he got paid to say it. If I was cured almost immediately I'd be spreading the word, most people would. Dr Carson wouldn't answer that question last night.
You don't know I guess most doctors do not call you "cured" until FIVE YEARS pass.

Then why did he remove his prostate if he was cured?

See? There you go again.

Liberals like you find the most frivolous issues to attack someone with.

At last night’s GOP debate presidential candidate Ben Carson lied about his connection with a Christian nutritional supplement company accused of hustling the gullible with bogus claims of miracle cures for deadly diseases.

Carson was asked about his involvement with nutritional supplement company Mannatech at the Oct. 28 Republican presidential debate hosted by CNBC in Boulder, Colo.

Moderator Carl Quintanilla asked:

There’s is a company called Mannatech, a maker of nutritional supplements, with which you had a 10-year relationship. They offered claims they could cure autism, cancer. They paid $7 million to settle a deceptive marketing lawsuit in Texas, and yet your involvement continues. Why?

Carson, a former pediatric neurosurgeon, replied:

Well, that’s easy to answer: I didn’t have an involvement with them. That is total propaganda. And this is what happens in our society — total propaganda. I did a couple speeches for them. I did speeches for other people. They were paid speeches. It is absolutely absurd to say that I had any kind of relationship with them. Do I take the product? Yes. I think it’s a good product.

However, as Politifact and other outlets are reporting, Carson lied about his connection with Mannatech.

The evidence shows that Carson was paid to give speeches during events hosted by Mannatech Inc., telling how the company’s supplements helped him after a 2002 cancer diagnosis.

The National Review points out:

Carson’s interactions with Mannatech, a nutritional-supplement company based in suburban Dallas, date back to 2004, when he was a speaker at the company’s annual conferences, MannaFest and MannaQuest. He also spoke at Mannatech conferences in 2011 and 2013, and spoke about “glyconutrients” in a PBS special as recently as last year.

The Wall Street Journal notes that Carson has often made reference to a long and lucrative association with the company that he says has been good for both his career and his health.

Politifact concludes:

As far as we can tell, Carson was not a paid employee or official endorser of the product. However, his claim suggests he has no ties to Mannatech whatsoever. In reality, he got paid to deliver speeches to Mannatech and appeared in promotional videos, and he consistently delivered glowing reviews of the nutritional supplements. As a world-renowned surgeon, Carson’s opinion on health issues carries weight, and Mannatech has used Carson’s endorsement to its advantage.

We rate Carson’s claim False.

- See more at:

It's really good to see he scares you...

He should scare you.

So a black man should scare him. My, oh my, how incredibly--

Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama are the sketchiest characters ever to serve high office, with new scandals every day, and you try to counter all that with this?

This isn't about them, now is it? If you can't defend the liar Carson then sit down and STFU.

He should have KNOWN this would come out about him.

His ego gets in the way or else he doesn't listen to his team....Sort of like this bitch:

Who would trust Ben Carson's advice on medication to cure disease?

After this, I won't trust anything he has to say, this makes him completely untrustworthy.

It's not like you trusted him before. So what's different?

That he announced his untrustworthiness on national tv. But, I kind of agree, liberals wouldn't be lucky enough to face off against him. I think he's way more vulnerable than Trump in a general election.
Who would trust Ben Carson's advice on medication to cure disease?

After this, I won't trust anything he has to say, this makes him completely untrustworthy.

It's not like you trusted him before. So what's different?

He's been outed. He should have just told the truth at the debate. He Bill Clinton-ed himself.
It's not about his sponsorship of Mannatech anymore, it's that he lied about it.
glyconutrients curing cancer? Why wasn't this on the front page of the NYT?!!!

"During a 20/20 investigation into Mannatech’s pills, a glycobiologist noted that the ingredient cocktail in the pills “doesn’t really do anything except increase flatulence.”

Let us all hope you don't get your hands on them. Liberal talking points are similar.
glyconutrients curing cancer? Why wasn't this on the front page of the NYT?!!!

"During a 20/20 investigation into Mannatech’s pills, a glycobiologist noted that the ingredient cocktail in the pills “doesn’t really do anything except increase flatulence.”

Let us all hope you don't get your hands on them. Liberal talking points are similar.

According to Carson he's been taking them for over a decade. So...don't blame liberals for the flatulence.
I have back pedaled. You leftwing nuts try to write all the rules and you hate when it gets thrown back in your face. You don't like the game? Don't play.

Your track record all over this board pretty much sucks.

This thread is about Carson lying and you are going into la-la land claiming liberals are racists based on some make believe shit that you want to convince everyone else of. No evidence, you can't even explain it. .You say why are we picking on Carson and no one else? It's pointed out to you that other candidates lies have been point out too. You say, why are we treating Carson different than Hillary and Obama? it's pointed out to you that Obama is also black and so where does your racism argument fit?

Then you back pedal and say you don't even care if Carson lies and you don't even know if the people you are calling racists are actual are actual racists because you have your own agenda that appears to have nothing to do with this thread.

Why do you care whether Carson is lying or not?

Why wouldn't I? I do expect all politicians to lie, it's just life. But, to put your entire reputation on the line. A supposedly reputable neurosurgeon telling people to buy wonder drugs, that is someone not to trust.

And former Secretary of State that lied repeatedly, even while oath, is someone you would put your trust in?

Even if Carson was telling the truth would you vote for him?

I think it's been said before, all politicians lie. If you want to discuss Clinton doing such and to what degree then join one of the numerous threads about her.

And thanks for your admission that indeed, Carson was lying. Now maybe you can apologize for the racism remarks.

Thanks for proving you have no character.
This thread is about Carson lying and you are going into la-la land claiming liberals are racists based on some make believe shit that you want to convince everyone else of. No evidence, you can't even explain it. .You say why are we picking on Carson and no one else? It's pointed out to you that other candidates lies have been point out too. You say, why are we treating Carson different than Hillary and Obama? it's pointed out to you that Obama is also black and so where does your racism argument fit?

Then you back pedal and say you don't even care if Carson lies and you don't even know if the people you are calling racists are actual are actual racists because you have your own agenda that appears to have nothing to do with this thread.

Why do you care whether Carson is lying or not?

Why wouldn't I? I do expect all politicians to lie, it's just life. But, to put your entire reputation on the line. A supposedly reputable neurosurgeon telling people to buy wonder drugs, that is someone not to trust.

And former Secretary of State that lied repeatedly, even while oath, is someone you would put your trust in?

Even if Carson was telling the truth would you vote for him?

I think it's been said before, all politicians lie. If you want to discuss Clinton doing such and to what degree then join one of the numerous threads about her.

And thanks for your admission that indeed, Carson was lying. Now maybe you can apologize for the racism remarks.

Thanks for proving you have no character.

You keep trying to make a point and here we are with another miss.
Maybe one of you geniuses can explain why he never mentioned glyconutrients as saving him from cancer until he got paid to do it.

Aaand what bearing does this have on his campaign? I don't care about "glyconutrients" I care about what he can do for the economy.

I guess you not only didn't watch the debate but ignored all the highlights, too. He blatantly lied. He was outed by credible, respected sources. Get used to it.
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