Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

Unlike the State Run Medias handling of Democrats, Fox holds Republicans accountable.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden is half a pedophile and no one says a peep. Can you imagine the outcry if Dick Cheney went Aqualung on some little girl? Can you imagine the outcry if Jeb Bush met his chief fund raiser on Lolita Island 27 different times to tap some underage pussy? Liz Warren is certifiable and based her entire adult life on a known lie but instead of being shamed into retirement she's going to end up being the Dem Nominee in 2016.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
Maybe Fox is not a virulently right wing outfit (whatever the hell that means) and instead theyare characterizing the remarks, or reaction to them, accurately.
I realize your biases get in the way of your understanding most of them time. That explains many of your posts.
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had a kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial or questionable. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.

Last edited:
Unlike the State Run Medias handling of Democrats, Fox holds Republicans accountable.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden is half a pedophile and no one says a peep. Can you imagine the outcry if Dick Cheney went Aqualung on some little girl? Can you imagine the outcry if Jeb Bush met his chief fund raiser on Lolita Island 27 different times to tap some underage pussy? Liz Warren is certifiable and based her entire adult life on a known lie but instead of being shamed into retirement she's going to end up being the Dem Nominee in 2016.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.
"We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place."

Nope. Everyone is still free to say whatever they want. No one gets thrown in jail.

The fact that OTHERS are free to respond in whatever way THEY choose underscores the fact that freedom of speech is alive and well.

If you think a person should be able to say whatever they want and that others are NOT free to respond with their opinion, then you have a very warped view of what "Freedom of Speech" really is.

You can't go to jail because Political Correctness is not a law and because its is not a law, you should not be able to get fired from you job over it.
10 Ridiculous Cases of Political Correctness - Listverse
None of us expect a life where we will never be offended or sheltered from conflict or hurt feelings. However, many self-appointed saviors are trying to make this a reality, through aggressive speech codes, legal rulings and corporate policies. Political Correctness (PC) originally flowered in academia and spread like a virus through the government and corporate worlds. It has devolved into a tyranny of the most offended person in the room. PC complaints now range from the sublime to the ridiculous, and they are stifling the honest assessment, and debate, of issues in our lives. The following ten cases of Political Correctness “progress” range from silly to troubling to genuinely disturbing.

The guy who signs your check is the guy who should decide if your mouth is a detriment to his company or not.
You don't have a "right" to work wherever you want.

Free speech doesn't mean "speech without consequence." Never has - never should.

Free speech GOES BOTH WAYS or you do not have freedom of speech.
Exactly. Why do people not understand this? I can only imagine because they believe a lot of the nonsense that politicians tell them to believe.

Big difference between yelling fire in a crowed theater that harms everyone and having your x-box profile frozen because of Microsoft's intolerance for the word gay, because you city is called Fort Gay, West Virginia.

So you claim a first amendment right to an X-Box profile???????


They are a private company - don't they have a right to accept or not accept whatever the heck THEY want????????????????

Are you saying you want the government to FORCE X-Box to accept your profile???

No I am not saying Government should force anyone.
I'm saying that we all as Americans should reject Political Correctness.
Unlike the State Run Medias handling of Democrats, Fox holds Republicans accountable.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden is half a pedophile and no one says a peep. Can you imagine the outcry if Dick Cheney went Aqualung on some little girl? Can you imagine the outcry if Jeb Bush met his chief fund raiser on Lolita Island 27 different times to tap some underage pussy? Liz Warren is certifiable and based her entire adult life on a known lie but instead of being shamed into retirement she's going to end up being the Dem Nominee in 2016.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.
Fox has no tilt. Recall they hired Juan Williams, who is hardly Mr Conservative.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.
Fox has no tilt. Recall they hired Juan Williams, who is hardly Mr Conservative.

Fox is straight up so to the far left, like Stats and Starkey, they look "right wing"
he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.
Fox has no tilt. Recall they hired Juan Williams, who is hardly Mr Conservative.

Fox is straight up so to the far left, like Stats and Starkey, they look "right wing"

Well, that could be interesting to actually measure. When you know all that I believe in and stand for, I am hardly far-left, but I would also NEVER be far-right.
Progs also can't tell the difference between Fox News and the Talk Shows like Kelly and Hannity. Progs look at a TV and see the Lord, everything that comes from it is Gospel.

How many time did they quote a Fox and Friends Comedy bit as "news"?
You can't go to jail because Political Correctness is not a law and because its is not a law, you should not be able to get fired from you job over it.
10 Ridiculous Cases of Political Correctness - Listverse
None of us expect a life where we will never be offended or sheltered from conflict or hurt feelings. However, many self-appointed saviors are trying to make this a reality, through aggressive speech codes, legal rulings and corporate policies. Political Correctness (PC) originally flowered in academia and spread like a virus through the government and corporate worlds. It has devolved into a tyranny of the most offended person in the room. PC complaints now range from the sublime to the ridiculous, and they are stifling the honest assessment, and debate, of issues in our lives. The following ten cases of Political Correctness “progress” range from silly to troubling to genuinely disturbing.

The guy who signs your check is the guy who should decide if your mouth is a detriment to his company or not.
You don't have a "right" to work wherever you want.

Free speech doesn't mean "speech without consequence." Never has - never should.

Free speech GOES BOTH WAYS or you do not have freedom of speech.
Exactly. Why do people not understand this? I can only imagine because they believe a lot of the nonsense that politicians tell them to believe.

Big difference between yelling fire in a crowed theater that harms everyone and having your x-box profile frozen because of Microsoft's intolerance for the word gay, because you city is called Fort Gay, West Virginia.

So you claim a first amendment right to an X-Box profile???????


They are a private company - don't they have a right to accept or not accept whatever the heck THEY want????????????????

Are you saying you want the government to FORCE X-Box to accept your profile???

No I am not saying Government should force anyone.
I'm saying that we all as Americans should reject Political Correctness.

So it is a peer-pressure issue and NOT a First Amendment issue


I can support efforts to encourage tolerance. I wish everyone could hear an opinion that differs from their own without falling all over themselves to condemn and insult and trash the person who expressed it. I'm with you 100% on this.

But when you suggest that the First Amendment protects the first speaker without protecting the person who responds to that first speaker, I'm horrified. I support everyone's right to express him or herself. And I support the right of business owners to protect their investment and their hard work by not allowing an employee's mouth to wreck it all.

That's not the First Amendment.

Political correctness is a social issue - not a legal one. It has NOTHING to do with the First Amendment until the government starts prosecuting people for what they say.
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.

Carson is pandering?
Unlike the State Run Medias handling of Democrats, Fox holds Republicans accountable.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden is half a pedophile and no one says a peep. Can you imagine the outcry if Dick Cheney went Aqualung on some little girl? Can you imagine the outcry if Jeb Bush met his chief fund raiser on Lolita Island 27 different times to tap some underage pussy? Liz Warren is certifiable and based her entire adult life on a known lie but instead of being shamed into retirement she's going to end up being the Dem Nominee in 2016.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.
The guy who signs your check is the guy who should decide if your mouth is a detriment to his company or not.
You don't have a "right" to work wherever you want.

Free speech doesn't mean "speech without consequence." Never has - never should.

Free speech GOES BOTH WAYS or you do not have freedom of speech.
Exactly. Why do people not understand this? I can only imagine because they believe a lot of the nonsense that politicians tell them to believe.

Big difference between yelling fire in a crowed theater that harms everyone and having your x-box profile frozen because of Microsoft's intolerance for the word gay, because you city is called Fort Gay, West Virginia.

So you claim a first amendment right to an X-Box profile???????


They are a private company - don't they have a right to accept or not accept whatever the heck THEY want????????????????

Are you saying you want the government to FORCE X-Box to accept your profile???

No I am not saying Government should force anyone.
I'm saying that we all as Americans should reject Political Correctness.

So it is a peer-pressure issue and NOT a First Amendment issue


I can support efforts to encourage tolerance. I wish everyone could hear an opinion that differs from their own without falling all over themselves to condemn and insult and trash the person who expressed it. I'm with you 100% on this.

But when you suggest that the First Amendment protects the first speaker without protecting the person who responds to that first speaker, I'm horrified. I support everyone's right to express him or herself. And I support the right of business owners to protect their investment and their hard work by not allowing an employee's mouth to wreck it all.

That's not the First Amendment.

Political correctness is a social issue - not a legal one. It has NOTHING to do with the First Amendment until the government starts prosecuting people for what they say.


One person's rights ends, essentially, at my "doorstep", or at the point where his rights injure me personally.

That's how it works in reality.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.
Progs also can't tell the difference between Fox News and the Talk Shows like Kelly and Hannity. Progs look at a TV and see the Lord, everything that comes from it is Gospel.

How many time did they quote a Fox and Friends Comedy bit as "news"?

Uhm, I have never even once quoted Fox and Friends. Not once. Go look, you shall not find...

that being said, the talk shows are generally EXTREMELY tilted to the Right.
The "libtard" has every right to express his or her opinion about what someone said just said as much as the "wingnut" has the right to express his or her opinion.

THAT is what the First Amendment protects.

The notion that the First Amendment should protect the conservative's comments but NOT protect the liberal's right to respond (and the other way around too) is a complete disregard to what the First Amendment really is.

I never said it was.
I never implied it was.
Freedom of speech is for all Americans but PC is violating all of our 1st amendment rights.
How does it violate our first amendment rights?
he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.
Is this the point where you claim all the named persons are really "centrists" not left?
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.
Fox has no tilt. Recall they hired Juan Williams, who is hardly Mr Conservative.

Fox is straight up so to the far left, like Stats and Starkey, they look "right wing"

Well, that could be interesting to actually measure. When you know all that I believe in and stand for, I am hardly far-left, but I would also NEVER be far-right.

CrusaderFrank - if you open a thread just to compare your positions on issues to mine, I will write all of my positions. You get to pick all of the categories. There should be at least 15 to 20 over which we could compare notes. Just give it a snazzy title... :D

Then you can decide for youself if I am so hard Left....


You see, you mistake "sane" for hard left...
Progs also can't tell the difference between Fox News and the Talk Shows like Kelly and Hannity. Progs look at a TV and see the Lord, everything that comes from it is Gospel.

How many time did they quote a Fox and Friends Comedy bit as "news"?

Uhm, I have never even once quoted Fox and Friends. Not once. Go look, you shall not find...

that being said, the talk shows are generally EXTREMELY tilted to the Right.

Dude, stop taking everything so personally. I wasn't talking about you! You missed some real doozies from Progs posting Fox & Friends spoofs as "Evidence" that Fox News is Fascist/Nazi/RightWing/Suberversive news

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