Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

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Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.
Is this the point where you claim all the named persons are really "centrists" not left?

Why should I want to do this? Did you not take your meds today?
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.
Progs also can't tell the difference between Fox News and the Talk Shows like Kelly and Hannity. Progs look at a TV and see the Lord, everything that comes from it is Gospel.

How many time did they quote a Fox and Friends Comedy bit as "news"?

Uhm, I have never even once quoted Fox and Friends. Not once. Go look, you shall not find...

that being said, the talk shows are generally EXTREMELY tilted to the Right.

Dude, stop taking everything so personally. I wasn't talking about you! You missed some real doozies from Progs posting Fox & Friends spoofs as "Evidence" that Fox News is Fascist/Nazi/RightWing/Suberversive news

I'm not taking it personally at all. In fact, I am enjoying out exchange. Finally, a Rightie willing to play hardball with ideas instead of attacking a specific person. I can live with that. :thup:
Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.
Is this the point where you claim all the named persons are really "centrists" not left?

Why should I want to do this? Did you not take your meds today?
Because it is the only way you will be able to maintain your point. I already mentioned Juan Williams.
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.
FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.
Is this the point where you claim all the named persons are really "centrists" not left?

Why should I want to do this? Did you not take your meds today?
Because it is the only way you will be able to maintain your point. I already mentioned Juan Williams.

One name. That's all. Is this supposed to impress me?
And it's not just about personnel in front of the camera. Many articles are written by people we never see in front of the camera, and they are hard right of right at Faux News.

BTW, usually skip your postings, well, because you are simply batshit crazy. Als,o because the entertainment value of your meltdowns is just immeasurable, I don't put you on ignore. It's just too good to watch your head pop off your shoulders every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always showing us the ugliest part of Conservatism, all wrapped up in one fucked-up personality. Thank you!
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?
I'm sorry that this thread has degenerated into yet another discussion of "is Fox News Biased"

But I will challenge everyone to test that premise for himself or herself.

What I did to test it was to watch quite a bit of Fox news programming. I counted every story that was based on the quote or the opinion of a Republican and offered no quote or opinion of a Democrat on the issue. That is a one-sided "news" story.

So watch with a pad and pen at your side. Count the number of stories during their news programming that only quote or cite the GOP or right-leaning side of the story and compare that to the total number of stories they broadcast.

That will give you a good indication about whether or not Fox News is biased.

You can do the same with any news source you like - and then you can find out whether your news sources are biased.
LMAO. He's toast. You might as well admit it. Jebbie is the only credible candidate you nutters have to put forward. The primary season is going to be awesome!
LOL at liberals that think conservatives give a fuck what they think about their candidates. You need to focus on your own shit and try to figure out what happened last November.

Everybody knows what happened in November. The historical pattern was confirmed with the help of voter disenfranchisement and a low turn out. No other reason.
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?
"we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness"

^total BS
Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.
Is this the point where you claim all the named persons are really "centrists" not left?

Why should I want to do this? Did you not take your meds today?
Because it is the only way you will be able to maintain your point. I already mentioned Juan Williams.

One name. That's all. Is this supposed to impress me?
And it's not just about personnel in front of the camera. Many articles are written by people we never see in front of the camera, and they are hard right of right at Faux News.

BTW, usually skip your postings, well, because you are simply batshit crazy. But because the entertainment value in your meltdowns is just immeasurable, I don't put you on ignore. It's just too good to watch your head pop off your shoulders every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always showing us the ugliest part of Conservatism, all wrapped up in one fucked-up personality. Thank you!
You actually respond to most of my posts. Because you are a dishonest fucktard.
OK so you failed to refute that Fox has more left leaning commentators on there and now have deflected to their news.
It is not hard hard right. It is fair and balanced.
View attachment 35954

What does it matter?

Both parties will wind up giving us the exact same things.

Please stay focused on the OP, otherwise, I will sick Novasteve, Steve McRacist and Guno all on you at the same time.


But it is on topic.

My point here is that both parties put out the same candidates and both Fox news and CNN and all the other major outlets will see to it that it continues.

Ben Carson does not fit the mold. I knew they would reject him from the start.
Carson is not Presidential material.

And Barack Obama has insured that no person reading this board today will live long enough to see the next black President.

True. To be Presidential material you have to sell your soul to the Progressive/corporate movement, essentially becoming an empty suit/dress.

No, Ben actually can think and chew gum at the same time, unlike Jeb. He is also a man of integrity and is not a partisan shill big governmenty guy, unlike Romney.

No, if you had your way Jeb will get in their and help show his love for iillegals, and then use Common Core to teach our chlidlren just how Constitutional it all is.
Well, I see that a lot of people are getting some enjoyment out of this thread. Some have had kneejerk reaction (uhhh, er, uhm, cough, fake Rabbi, cough), and a few got it.

Full disclosure: I like a number of things about Ben Carson. Dr. Carson seems to be a very, very intelligent person and I think that a Carson candidacy would do the GOP good, if for no other purpose than to shake up the status quo. Were he to become the GOP nominee, if would give him just as hard a look as I do with every presidential nominee. Those who doubt this statement of mine can scour USMB and look and will find not even one negative statement of mine about him. In fact, I have indicated more than once that I find him to be a compelling personality.

It was also apparent to me that nothing that Dr. Carson said was controversial. As a number of Conservatives said (and they nailed it, imo), Carson was expressing his opinon that ISIS adherents are so convinced of their beliefs that they are willing to die for them. He then indicated that this kind of dedication to a cause is missing in the USA. I am assuming that he is referring to the Right, since he was preaching to the choir when he gave that pep-talk. Actually, I don't think he said anything about the American Left at all in context of ISIS. By using ISIS as a prop, he was making a comparison of intensity, not of actual deeds done, for ISIS has committed crimes against humanity and I know of no sane person here who wants to support ISIS, neither from the Left nor from the Right. So, nothing controversial. To call it controversial is in and of itself very, very PC. Fox was PC. Mac1958 - I thought that would interest you.

The WHOLE POINT of this exercise was to show that the very first outlet to make a controversy out of this, even with the word "controversy" in it's title, was FOX, a virulently extreme-hard-right leaning news outlet. This can only mean one thing, namely, that someone on the upper brass of FOX wanted a hit job on on Dr. Carson, and in doing so, broke Ronald Reagan's 11th commandment: Republican shall not eat Republican.

Some here accused the Left of wanting to be PC about this, but I myself am not being PC about it at all. There is no reason at all why one cannot use an enemy as a prop to make a point.

I think that the number of Righties assumed that the title to this OP was my title. But it wasn't. It is, WORD FOR WORD, the same as the title to the FOX hit-job on Carson.

Some got it. Many didn't.


naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?

Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit
I'm sorry that this thread has degenerated into yet another discussion of "is Fox News Biased"

But I will challenge everyone to test that premise for himself or herself.

What I did to test it was to watch quite a bit of Fox news programming. I counted every story that was based on the quote or the opinion of a Republican and offered no quote or opinion of a Democrat on the issue. That is a one-sided "news" story.

So watch with a pad and pen at your side. Count the number of stories during their news programming that only quote or cite the GOP or right-leaning side of the story and compare that to the total number of stories they broadcast.

That will give you a good indication about whether or not Fox News is biased.

You can do the same with any news source you like - and then you can find out whether your news sources are biased.
Thats hardly scientific. At all.
That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.
Is this the point where you claim all the named persons are really "centrists" not left?

Why should I want to do this? Did you not take your meds today?
Because it is the only way you will be able to maintain your point. I already mentioned Juan Williams.

One name. That's all. Is this supposed to impress me?
And it's not just about personnel in front of the camera. Many articles are written by people we never see in front of the camera, and they are hard right of right at Faux News.

BTW, usually skip your postings, well, because you are simply batshit crazy. But because the entertainment value in your meltdowns is just immeasurable, I don't put you on ignore. It's just too good to watch your head pop off your shoulders every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always showing us the ugliest part of Conservatism, all wrapped up in one fucked-up personality. Thank you!
You actually respond to most of my posts. Because you are a dishonest fucktard.
OK so you failed to refute that Fox has more left leaning commentators on there and now have deflected to their news.
It is not hard hard right. It is fair and balanced.

Typical fake Rabbi: "you didn't respond yet, so I win!!"

I'm sorry that this thread has degenerated into yet another discussion of "is Fox News Biased"

But I will challenge everyone to test that premise for himself or herself.

What I did to test it was to watch quite a bit of Fox news programming. I counted every story that was based on the quote or the opinion of a Republican and offered no quote or opinion of a Democrat on the issue. That is a one-sided "news" story.

So watch with a pad and pen at your side. Count the number of stories during their news programming that only quote or cite the GOP or right-leaning side of the story and compare that to the total number of stories they broadcast.

That will give you a good indication about whether or not Fox News is biased.

You can do the same with any news source you like - and then you can find out whether your news sources are biased.
Thats hardly scientific. At all.

Sure it is.

But if you don't like my method, tell me what yours is.
Is this the point where you claim all the named persons are really "centrists" not left?

Why should I want to do this? Did you not take your meds today?
Because it is the only way you will be able to maintain your point. I already mentioned Juan Williams.

One name. That's all. Is this supposed to impress me?
And it's not just about personnel in front of the camera. Many articles are written by people we never see in front of the camera, and they are hard right of right at Faux News.

BTW, usually skip your postings, well, because you are simply batshit crazy. But because the entertainment value in your meltdowns is just immeasurable, I don't put you on ignore. It's just too good to watch your head pop off your shoulders every day. Thank you, thank you, thank you for always showing us the ugliest part of Conservatism, all wrapped up in one fucked-up personality. Thank you!
You actually respond to most of my posts. Because you are a dishonest fucktard.
OK so you failed to refute that Fox has more left leaning commentators on there and now have deflected to their news.
It is not hard hard right. It is fair and balanced.

Typical fake Rabbi: "you didn't respond yet, so I win!!"

It's called a default judgment. I am certain you will be along to spread more manure here.
he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Bill Schulz
Bob Beckel
James Carville who is a consultant just like Palin.

Then the ones who are neither left nor right like
O'Reilly and Stossel
MSNBC would never have an Libertarian with his own show.
Unlike the State Run Medias handling of Democrats, Fox holds Republicans accountable.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden is half a pedophile and no one says a peep. Can you imagine the outcry if Dick Cheney went Aqualung on some little girl? Can you imagine the outcry if Jeb Bush met his chief fund raiser on Lolita Island 27 different times to tap some underage pussy? Liz Warren is certifiable and based her entire adult life on a known lie but instead of being shamed into retirement she's going to end up being the Dem Nominee in 2016.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

Or sane.

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