Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?
"we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness"

^total BS

But it's his right to say as much BS as he wants and certainly that is not controversial.
Rut-roh! Fox news already going after Ben Carson... guess someone upstairs doesn't like him so much....

Presidential prospect Ben Carson makes questionable comparison Fox News

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson compared the Islamic State terrorist group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

Carson praised Americans who are willing to die for their beliefs at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego Thursday.

Carson then mentions ISIS.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Carson defended his comments saying it is "ridiculous" to say he was comparing American patriots to the Islamic State.

So, who told FOX to pull the plug on Carson?
Carson said: "They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."


I'm curious. How far back does he want to go? All the way back to slavery? Or did he have another time in mind.

Where are you getting the idea of going back from what he said?
He is talking about our beliefs and values.
You should ask yourself what those are.
Oh, it now looks as if two threads were merged together... prolly because of the usual RW bellyaching and inability to discern fine details.

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?

Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment
Rut-roh! Fox news already going after Ben Carson... guess someone upstairs doesn't like him so much....

Presidential prospect Ben Carson makes questionable comparison Fox News

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson compared the Islamic State terrorist group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

Carson praised Americans who are willing to die for their beliefs at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego Thursday.

Carson then mentions ISIS.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Carson defended his comments saying it is "ridiculous" to say he was comparing American patriots to the Islamic State.

So, who told FOX to pull the plug on Carson?

Questionable comparison..........hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Let's see King George was tyrannizing the colonists and then they chose liberty or death

The Judeo-American axis of evil has been inflicting death and injury on the Muslims and they have chosen Liberty or death.

WHY is the comparison questionable?

Americans have been subjected to federal tyranny since 1935 - yet no one challenges their authority - ISIS has .


When was the last time the feds led an attack on an unarmed cartoon house?
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?

Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

Yepp. 1st Amendment is something cherished by all sides of our political spectrum.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

in related news...

Questionable comparison..........hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Let's see King George was tyrannizing the colonists and then they chose liberty or death

The Judeo-American axis of evil has been inflicting death and injury on the Muslims and they have chosen Liberty or death.

WHY is the comparison questionable?

Americans have been subjected to federal tyranny since 1935 - yet no one challenges their authority - ISIS has .


Da Joooz, da Joooz!!!


Wouldn't be a USMB thread without at least one gratuitous hit-job on Jews. Yawn.
Bill O'Reilly is not right wing????????????????????????????
Stossell not right wing ???????????????????????


Just count the one-sided stories in their news programming. What percentage of their stories only present one side of an issue without presenting an opposing opinion.

Forget the personalities - those are (obviously) up for debate as to who is right-leaning and who is not.

Weigh the message not the messenger.

Not only that, they are only wanting to count personalities. It's the content and the number of different right-wing leaning topics that also plays a role...
So you didnt write this:
That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

So =you've shifted from "name me all the lefties at fox" to "its content and topics." You can't win.
Bill O'Reilly is not right wing????????????????????????????
Stossell not right wing ???????????????????????


Just count the one-sided stories in their news programming. What percentage of their stories only present one side of an issue without presenting an opposing opinion.

Forget the personalities - those are (obviously) up for debate as to who is right-leaning and who is not.

Weigh the message not the messenger.

Not only that, they are only wanting to count personalities. It's the content and the number of different right-wing leaning topics that also plays a role...
So you didnt write this:
That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

So =you've shifted from "name me all the lefties at fox" to "its content and topics." You can't win.

I never said it would be the only benchmark. This is where your unbelievably limited, almost 2-year-old like thinking becomes a disadvantage to you. Because like a 2 year old, you need every single parameter explained to your in exquisite detail or you immediately get sand in your vagina.

Or, you are just a disgusting fucktard troll with no life, no heart, no brain and no happiness in his/her/it's life.

Take your pick.

Now, back to the newly merged OP:

Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

Prolly good to define "American Patriots"....
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?

Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?

Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.

A lot of new terms have been introduced out of courtesy to certain groups, but posts like yours are still referred to the same as they always have been. Dumb as a box of rocks.
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?

Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging., and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.

A lot of new terms have been introduced out of courtesy to certain groups, but posts like yours are still referred to the same as they always have been. Dumb as a box of rocks.

It has nothing to do with new terms and everything to do with censure ship.
The same thing can be said about you if you can't see this
Ben Carson Compares Islamic State Militants To American Patriots

Yes, this just happened…

The potential 2016 presidential contender praised American patriots for their willingness to die for their beliefs Thursday during a speech to the Republican National Committee in San Diego,the Associated Press reported. Then he brought up IS militants.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," Carson reportedly said to applause.

"We have to change that," he added.

The comments came a few days after the terror group reportedly released a new video showing a 10-year-old boy shooting two hostages in the head. Carson later told the AP it was "ridiculous" to interpret his remarks as a comparison between American patriots and the Islamic State.

The retired neurosurgeon has been no stranger to peculiar historical comparisons: Last year he made several analogies to Nazi Germany, saying progressives could turn the U.S. into something like the Third Reich and later saying the U.S. was in fact already there.

"I mean, [our society is] very much like Nazi Germany," Carson told Breitbart News in March, after declaring that we were living in a "Gestapo age."

Does he have any surgeries scheduled soon… yikes!
"Political Correctness takes away the basic right to freedom of speech."

FYI - 'the government' did not fire donald stern or the duck dude... it's called the FREE market!

Political Correctness is not a Government Law.
It still chips away or freedom of speech.
You have to walk on eggs now in fear of saying something offence and you might be fired over it . It causes paranoia.
When society becomes paranoid enough it eventually turns into chaos, you then have to have a totalitarian type of Government.
We don't have a basic right of stopping offensive
In a free society people say offensive things all of the time, people should never get upset over it and try to stomp it out.This is the exact opposite of freedom.
It has gotten so bad that you can't hardly say anything for fear of being offensive.

I've found that being offensive on this forum is alive and well.
Having not read or listened to his comments one can only assume his reference was to conviction and determination, which would be in keeping with those we cherish as founding fathers.
and it you gave you thrills? I'll decide for myself what he said and meant.

the man hasn't even thrown his hat in the race and they are out with the smears already
"we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness"

^total BS

plus why did he resort to ISIS comparisons..? many Americans have died protecting our freedoms.
Yep. In a way, he has dishonored everyone that has ever served. Not to mention those that fight for the civil rights of Americans.

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