Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

I'm sorry that this thread has degenerated into yet another discussion of "is Fox News Biased"

But I will challenge everyone to test that premise for himself or herself.

What I did to test it was to watch quite a bit of Fox news programming. I counted every story that was based on the quote or the opinion of a Republican and offered no quote or opinion of a Democrat on the issue. That is a one-sided "news" story.

So watch with a pad and pen at your side. Count the number of stories during their news programming that only quote or cite the GOP or right-leaning side of the story and compare that to the total number of stories they broadcast.

That will give you a good indication about whether or not Fox News is biased.

You can do the same with any news source you like - and then you can find out whether your news sources are biased.
Thats hardly scientific. At all.

Ok, so what is your method to scientifically test the bias of a news outlet?
Freakonomics How Biased Is Your Media A New Freakonomics Radio Podcast
Unlike the State Run Medias handling of Democrats, Fox holds Republicans accountable.

Crazy Uncle Joe Biden is half a pedophile and no one says a peep. Can you imagine the outcry if Dick Cheney went Aqualung on some little girl? Can you imagine the outcry if Jeb Bush met his chief fund raiser on Lolita Island 27 different times to tap some underage pussy? Liz Warren is certifiable and based her entire adult life on a known lie but instead of being shamed into retirement she's going to end up being the Dem Nominee in 2016.
You sound like a lunatic. Do you also admire ISIS like Carson appears to do?

I read the quote, he doesn't admire ISIS, you have to be a fucking illiterate to read it that way

he said well at least THEY are willing to die for THEIR beliefs while WE cower to the 'PC'...

it was a very dumb thing to say... don't fall for the PC boogieman... THINK!
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

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Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

Or sane.

OMG! Love your sig line!!

TEABAGGERS ARE CRAZY!!!! here are a couple of examples. Stay tuned for more, he's still talking
CrusaderFrank said All of history's mass Murderers were true Progressives who thought the State should trump individuals. Hitler, Stalin and Mao are the founding fathers of the modern Progressive movement, they did Progressive government right
And this: there is no such word in science so you fail immediately with use of the word consensus
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

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Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Bill Schulz
Bob Beckel
James Carville who is a consultant just like Palin.

Then the ones who are neither left nor right like
O'Reilly and Stossel
MSNBC would never have an Libertarian with his own show.
His latest dodge is to say the bias is in the reporting part where we dont know who writes the stories. Move the goalposts s the game here.
Bill O'Reilly is not right wing????????????????????????????
Stossell not right wing ???????????????????????


Just count the one-sided stories in their news programming. What percentage of their stories only present one side of an issue without presenting an opposing opinion.

Forget the personalities - those are (obviously) up for debate as to who is right-leaning and who is not.

Weigh the message not the messenger.
You are still not understanding why I made this thread. In terms of Dr. Carson's likely intentions, I agree with you, mudwhistle and crusaderfrank. But why did Fox, a virulently right leaning outlet, decide to do a hit-job on one of their own? I see NOTHING controversial in what Dr. Carson said, but Fox even put the word "controversial" in the title.....

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Bill Schulz
Bob Beckel
James Carville who is a consultant just like Palin.

Then the ones who are neither left nor right like
O'Reilly and Stossel
MSNBC would never have an Libertarian with his own show.

O'Reilly is not a Conservative??? LOL.....
Bill O'Reilly is not right wing????????????????????????????
Stossell not right wing ???????????????????????


Just count the one-sided stories in their news programming. What percentage of their stories only present one side of an issue without presenting an opposing opinion.

Forget the personalities - those are (obviously) up for debate as to who is right-leaning and who is not.

Weigh the message not the messenger.

Not only that, they are only wanting to count personalities. It's the content and the number of different right-wing leaning topics that also plays a role...
Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Bill Schulz
Bob Beckel
James Carville who is a consultant just like Palin.

Then the ones who are neither left nor right like
O'Reilly and Stossel
MSNBC would never have an Libertarian with his own show.

O'Reilly is not a Conservative??? LOL.....
No he bashes both parties.
"we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness"

^total BS

plus why did he resort to ISIS comparisons..? many Americans have died protecting our freedoms.
Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Bill Schulz
Bob Beckel
James Carville who is a consultant just like Palin.

Then the ones who are neither left nor right like
O'Reilly and Stossel
MSNBC would never have an Libertarian with his own show.
His latest dodge is to say the bias is in the reporting part where we dont know who writes the stories. Move the goalposts s the game here.

It's no dodge, because I never set that as a goalpost. You only want to think of personalities we see in front of the camera, prolly part of your extremely limited thinking....
Calling Fox "Virulently right leaning" = LOL

You have to be to the left of Starkey to think that way

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Bill Schulz
Bob Beckel
James Carville who is a consultant just like Palin.

Then the ones who are neither left nor right like
O'Reilly and Stossel
MSNBC would never have an Libertarian with his own show.

O'Reilly is not a Conservative??? LOL.....

I know .... right?!?!?!

But whatever - it's about the message - not the messenger.
I tallied the percentage of one-sided stories in several hours of their "news" programming. I invite others to do the same and make up their own mind.
I'm sorry that this thread has degenerated into yet another discussion of "is Fox News Biased"

But I will challenge everyone to test that premise for himself or herself.

What I did to test it was to watch quite a bit of Fox news programming. I counted every story that was based on the quote or the opinion of a Republican and offered no quote or opinion of a Democrat on the issue. That is a one-sided "news" story.

So watch with a pad and pen at your side. Count the number of stories during their news programming that only quote or cite the GOP or right-leaning side of the story and compare that to the total number of stories they broadcast.

That will give you a good indication about whether or not Fox News is biased.

You can do the same with any news source you like - and then you can find out whether your news sources are biased.

FOX is slanted to the Right in extreme.
Just like MSNBC is slanted to the Left in extreme.

The only difference is that MSNBC is honest about it's tilt. Fox is not.

Do you realize that Fox has more lefties in their shows than MSNBC has?
MSNBC has Moring Joe and Joe is more of a moderate Republican. The rest pretty much are all Far Lefties.

That is simply not true. Name me all of the Lefties who work for Fox. Please, go for it.

Juan Williams
Alan Colmes
Kirsten Powers
Shepard Smith
Geraldo Rivera
Bill Schulz
Bob Beckel
James Carville who is a consultant just like Palin.

Then the ones who are neither left nor right like
O'Reilly and Stossel
MSNBC would never have an Libertarian with his own show.

O'Reilly is not a Conservative??? LOL.....

I know .... right?!?!?!

But whatever - it's about the message - not the messenger.
I tallied the percentage of one-sided stories in several hours of their "news" programming. I invite others to do the same and make up their own mind.

I saw that. Good. :thup:
Rut-roh! Fox news already going after Ben Carson... guess someone upstairs doesn't like him so much....

Presidential prospect Ben Carson makes questionable comparison Fox News

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson compared the Islamic State terrorist group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

Carson praised Americans who are willing to die for their beliefs at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego Thursday.

Carson then mentions ISIS.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Carson defended his comments saying it is "ridiculous" to say he was comparing American patriots to the Islamic State.

So, who told FOX to pull the plug on Carson?

Fair and balanced


Um, yeah, figures you are taking it out of context.

He's saying Isis is willing to fight what they believe while we blithely give up our freedoms without a whimper.

Of course a liberal would deliberately twist that, rather than deal with the truth of the statement.
You called Geaux a liberal??

BTW, the title of this OP is directly from the FOX article.

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true. Geaux is a well-known, rw, hive mind
h8r drone.
Rut-roh! Fox news already going after Ben Carson... guess someone upstairs doesn't like him so much....

Presidential prospect Ben Carson makes questionable comparison Fox News

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson compared the Islamic State terrorist group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

Carson praised Americans who are willing to die for their beliefs at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego Thursday.

Carson then mentions ISIS.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Carson defended his comments saying it is "ridiculous" to say he was comparing American patriots to the Islamic State.

So, who told FOX to pull the plug on Carson?

Questionable comparison..........hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Let's see King George was tyrannizing the colonists and then they chose liberty or death

The Judeo-American axis of evil has been inflicting death and injury on the Muslims and they have chosen Liberty or death.

WHY is the comparison questionable?

Americans have been subjected to federal tyranny since 1935 - yet no one challenges their authority - ISIS has .

The "libtard" has every right to express his or her opinion about what someone said just said as much as the "wingnut" has the right to express his or her opinion.

THAT is what the First Amendment protects.

The notion that the First Amendment should protect the conservative's comments but NOT protect the liberal's right to respond (and the other way around too) is a complete disregard to what the First Amendment really is.

I never said it was.
I never implied it was.
Freedom of speech is for all Americans but PC is violating all of our 1st amendment rights.
How does it violate our first amendment rights?

See the link in post #120.
naaah he's pandering to the fear and loathing demographic who imagine themselves fighting the nebulous PC boogeyman.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?

Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.
Rut-roh! Fox news already going after Ben Carson... guess someone upstairs doesn't like him so much....

Presidential prospect Ben Carson makes questionable comparison Fox News

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson compared the Islamic State terrorist group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

Carson praised Americans who are willing to die for their beliefs at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego Thursday.

Carson then mentions ISIS.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Carson defended his comments saying it is "ridiculous" to say he was comparing American patriots to the Islamic State.

So, who told FOX to pull the plug on Carson?
Carson said: "They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."


I'm curious. How far back does he want to go? All the way back to slavery? Or did he have another time in mind.
So Carson is complaining that Americans aren't willing to die fighting Islamist fundamentalist terrorism.

Would he say that to the faces of the loved ones of all those Americans who've died in the ME in the last decade and more?

Carson's demented view is the common RWnut one:

You're 'politically correct' if you aren't willing to blame innocent Muslims for the crimes of the guilty.
I'm sorry that this thread has degenerated into yet another discussion of "is Fox News Biased"

But I will challenge everyone to test that premise for himself or herself.

What I did to test it was to watch quite a bit of Fox news programming. I counted every story that was based on the quote or the opinion of a Republican and offered no quote or opinion of a Democrat on the issue. That is a one-sided "news" story.

So watch with a pad and pen at your side. Count the number of stories during their news programming that only quote or cite the GOP or right-leaning side of the story and compare that to the total number of stories they broadcast.

That will give you a good indication about whether or not Fox News is biased.

You can do the same with any news source you like - and then you can find out whether your news sources are biased.

That is hardly a valid measure of bias. What matters is presentation. If everything from the left is derided then that is bias. Ditto for MSNBC deriding everything from the right. That too represents bias. On the other hand if guests are treated with respect, their opinions are heard and not cut off, then there is no bias.

Foxnews has a bias because it does deride the left and doesn't respect guests from the left and does cut them off.

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