Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

Ben Carson Compares Islamic State Militants To American Patriots

Yes, this just happened…

The potential 2016 presidential contender praised American patriots for their willingness to die for their beliefs Thursday during a speech to the Republican National Committee in San Diego,the Associated Press reported. Then he brought up IS militants.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," Carson reportedly said to applause.

"We have to change that," he added.

The comments came a few days after the terror group reportedly released a new video showing a 10-year-old boy shooting two hostages in the head. Carson later told the AP it was "ridiculous" to interpret his remarks as a comparison between American patriots and the Islamic State.

The retired neurosurgeon has been no stranger to peculiar historical comparisons: Last year he made several analogies to Nazi Germany, saying progressives could turn the U.S. into something like the Third Reich and later saying the U.S. was in fact already there.

"I mean, [our society is] very much like Nazi Germany," Carson told Breitbart News in March, after declaring that we were living in a "Gestapo age."

Does he have any surgeries scheduled soon… yikes!
You are full of shit.
Liberals don't believe in anything, so they'll fall for anything. That's the essence of "leading from behind".
He is officially off the reservation and a target. The thought of an intellectual man of color and accomplishment scares the shit out of the liberal mind set.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?
"we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness"

^total BS

But it's his right to say as much BS as he wants and certainly that is not controversial.
He can say whatever he wants and we are equally entitled to call him out for his bullshit. Not sure what point you are attempting to make.
The "libtard" has every right to express his or her opinion about what someone said just said as much as the "wingnut" has the right to express his or her opinion.

THAT is what the First Amendment protects.

The notion that the First Amendment should protect the conservative's comments but NOT protect the liberal's right to respond (and the other way around too) is a complete disregard to what the First Amendment really is.

I never said it was.
I never implied it was.
Freedom of speech is for all Americans but PC is violating all of our 1st amendment rights.
How does it violate our first amendment rights?

See the link in post #120.
Of course he is pandering and look at them lap it up.

So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?

Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.
I'm sorry that this thread has degenerated into yet another discussion of "is Fox News Biased"

But I will challenge everyone to test that premise for himself or herself.

What I did to test it was to watch quite a bit of Fox news programming. I counted every story that was based on the quote or the opinion of a Republican and offered no quote or opinion of a Democrat on the issue. That is a one-sided "news" story.

So watch with a pad and pen at your side. Count the number of stories during their news programming that only quote or cite the GOP or right-leaning side of the story and compare that to the total number of stories they broadcast.

That will give you a good indication about whether or not Fox News is biased.

You can do the same with any news source you like - and then you can find out whether your news sources are biased.

That is hardly a valid measure of bias. What matters is presentation. If everything from the left is derided then that is bias. Ditto for MSNBC deriding everything from the right. That too represents bias. On the other hand if guests are treated with respect, their opinions are heard and not cut off, then there is no bias.

Foxnews has a bias because it does deride the left and doesn't respect guests from the left and does cut them off.

Presenting one-sided news stories is THE MOST valid demonstration of bias.
Their entertainers can make fun of who ever they want to but that's still just opinion and presented as opinion. By definition opinion is bias - we all have opinions and we all have our "biases."

when that bias affects the way they present "news" then that is a biased news organization. Who cares if opinions are biased - they are supposed to be.
News in not supposed to be biased - it is supposed to be even-handed. I'm talking about journalistic standards - you are talking about the presentation of opinion.
Having not read or listened to his comments one can only assume his reference was to conviction and determination, which would be in keeping with those we cherish as founding fathers.
So what, kamikaze pilots had conviction and determination too. So did the 911 hijackers. Obviously people can have conviction and determination just by being influenced and brainwashed by religious fanatics or deranged psychopaths. ISIS thugs and suicide bombers have been brainwashed into being determined and having conviction in the beliefs preached to them by religious fanatics. Were our founding fathers brainwashed flunkies who followed the preaching's of deranged psychopaths?
Crazy Ben is on a roll...

After their lands were stolen from them, the ragged survivors were herded onto reservations and the government sent out missionaries who tried to force the Indians to become Christians. After I became interested in American Indians, I discovered that many people don’t even regard them as human beings. It has been that way since the beginning.

Cotton Mather compared them to Satan and called it God’s work – and God’s will – to slaughter the heathen savages who stood in the way of Christianity.

As he aimed his howitzers on an encampment of unarmed Indians at Sand Creek, Colorado, in 1864, an army colonel named John Chivington, who had once said that the lives of Indian children should not be spared because “nits make lice,” told his officers: “I have come to kill Indians, and believe it is right and honorable to use any means under God’s heaven to kill Indians.” Hundreds of Indian women, children, and old men were slaughtered in the Sand Creek massacre. One officer who was present said later, “Women and children were killed and scalped, children shot at their mother’s breasts, and all the bodies mutilated in the most horrible manner. The dead bodies of females were profaned in such a manner that the recital is sickening.

The troopers cut off the vulvas of Indian women, stretched them over their saddle horns, then decorated their hatbands with them; some used the skin of brave’s scrotums and the breasts of Indian women as tobacco pouches, then showed off these trophies, together with the noses and ears of some of the Indians they had massacred, at the Denver Opera House.

Much More: Native American Genocide

Actually, the so-called "American Patriots" were even more brutal than ISIS.
The "libtard" has every right to express his or her opinion about what someone said just said as much as the "wingnut" has the right to express his or her opinion.

THAT is what the First Amendment protects.

The notion that the First Amendment should protect the conservative's comments but NOT protect the liberal's right to respond (and the other way around too) is a complete disregard to what the First Amendment really is.

I never said it was.
I never implied it was.
Freedom of speech is for all Americans but PC is violating all of our 1st amendment rights.
How does it violate our first amendment rights?

See the link in post #120.
So, he is feeding red meat to a very red-meat addicted base. What is wrong with that? I personally can live with that. For those things are still inconsequential to the fact that nothing he said is questionable or controversial.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?

Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.

It is about our 1st amendment rights.
People are being taken to court over being offended.
There is no rights to not be offended.
PC is designed to restrict free speech.
Last edited:
The guy doesn't speak like a polished politician. So what. I find plenty to disagree with in his positions rather than in the way he presents them. I consider swipes about the way things were worded - when the meaning is perfectly clear to me - to be cheap shops.

My big question is why is Fox News (the source of the story) taking cheap swipes at Carson? They are the communications wing of the GOP - so apparently some pretty big muckety mucks in the GOP are trying to throw Carson under the bus.

The "libtard" has every right to express his or her opinion about what someone said just said as much as the "wingnut" has the right to express his or her opinion.

THAT is what the First Amendment protects.

The notion that the First Amendment should protect the conservative's comments but NOT protect the liberal's right to respond (and the other way around too) is a complete disregard to what the First Amendment really is.

I never said it was.
I never implied it was.
Freedom of speech is for all Americans but PC is violating all of our 1st amendment rights.
How does it violate our first amendment rights?

See the link in post #120.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?

Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.

It is about our 1st amendment rights.
People are being taken to court over being offended.
There is no rights to not be offended.
Who is being taken to court over being offended?
The guy doesn't speak like a polished politician. So what. I find plenty to disagree with in his positions rather than in the way he presents them. I consider swipes about the way things were worded - when the meaning is perfectly clear to me - to be cheap shops.

My big question is why is Fox News (the source of the story) taking cheap swipes at Carson? They are the communications wing of the GOP - so apparently some pretty big muckety mucks in the GOP are trying to throw Carson under the bus.

They are tired of projecting a wing of the Republican's as the Party of Stupid.
The "libtard" has every right to express his or her opinion about what someone said just said as much as the "wingnut" has the right to express his or her opinion.

THAT is what the First Amendment protects.

The notion that the First Amendment should protect the conservative's comments but NOT protect the liberal's right to respond (and the other way around too) is a complete disregard to what the First Amendment really is.

I never said it was.
I never implied it was.
Freedom of speech is for all Americans but PC is violating all of our 1st amendment rights.
How does it violate our first amendment rights?

See the link in post #120.
Pretending that PCism has something to do with free speech or the destruction of society is questionable and retarded.

Who is pretending this?

Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.

It is about our 1st amendment rights.
People are being taken to court over being offended.
There is no rights to not be offended.

Peaches, you are just all over the place.
First you said political correctness is threatening our First Amendment rights
Then you said it wasn't
Now you say it is again.

In the United States of American, you can sue someone for ANYTHING.
Doesn't mean you can win - but you can take 'em to court and try.

I really don't want to sound mean - but what you've posted here today shows absolutely NO understanding of what the First Amendment is and what it is supposed to protect. Maybe that's why you mostly just cut and paste that Collierville blogger (who seems to be equally challenged) and then talk about things going "over" other people's heads.

Trust me, you haven't come close to posting anything (no matter how many times you repeat the same paste over and over) that goes over my head.

I understand your posts COMPLETELY and I understand how COMPLETELY wrong you are.

If your vision of the First Amendment was ever enforced it would absolutely destroy free speech in America. I'm sorry that you can't follow that - but the fact that you don't follow, doesn't change the facts.

I hope I haven't been offensive - but your posts are just so ill-informed I can't pretend they are credible just to be polite. I wish you the very best.
The guy doesn't speak like a polished politician. So what. I find plenty to disagree with in his positions rather than in the way he presents them. I consider swipes about the way things were worded - when the meaning is perfectly clear to me - to be cheap shops.

My big question is why is Fox News (the source of the story) taking cheap swipes at Carson? They are the communications wing of the GOP - so apparently some pretty big muckety mucks in the GOP are trying to throw Carson under the bus.

They are tired of projecting a wing of the Republican's as the Party of Stupid.
they are going to need more then just one brain surgeon to do that. lol he just might be able to do some surgeries on his moron gop pals, but it's a big job repairing small brains.
Arent there already 3 other threads on this?
Libs are stupid. They simply dont understand what Carson wrote. I'm not a fan of the Carson For President movement. But at least read what he actually said.

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