Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

See the link in post #120.
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.

It is about our 1st amendment rights.
People are being taken to court over being offended.
There is no rights to not be offended.
Who is being taken to court over being offended?

The Missouri State Fair has permanently banned a rodeo clown from performing just because he wore a Obama mask, and now all of the other rodeo clowns are being required to take sensitivity training.
The state commission went further, saying it will require that before the Rodeo Cowboy Association can take part in any future state fair, “they must provide evidence to the director of the Missouri State Fair that they have proof that all officials and subcontractors of the MRCA have successfully participated in sensitivity training.”
There are a whole bunch of political incorrect court cases

If the Missouri State Fair doesn't want to turn their rodeo into a political event - you think the government should FORCE them to let some clown do it?. WHO HIRED THAT FREAKIN' CLOWN PEACHES? SHOULDN'T THAT PERSON BE THE ONE TO TELL HIM WHAT KINDA MASK HE CAN WEAR - YOU THINK THE GOVERNMENT SHOULD TELL THE FAIR WHAT KINDA MASK HE SHOULD WEAR?

My God you just keep posting the same stupid crap OVER and OVER.

And later - when a spark lights up and you realize how stupid it is - you say - oh, I never said that ...

Jeez - look - just don't respond to me and I won't respond to you anymore.

Where did I say the Government should tell the fair what kind of mask he would wear?
Talk about going off the deep end here.
I think that it is wrong that the court ordered all of them to take sensitivity training. That is political correctness gone to far.
It was not a political event.
Carson is now claiming he's being taken out of context, despite the fact the entire context of what he said is readily available.


No surprise there some on the left will do and say anything to defend their totalitarian political correctness thoughtcrime.
Even YOU can't keep up with what you've posted.

Yes, you could say many on the left are ill-informed. And you'd be right. But no matter HOW ill-informed other people are - that doesn't make YOU any better informed.

The vision you have given is that people who agree with you should be able to say whatever they want and if anyone disagrees with them they are violating the First Amendment if they say so.

And no - you are in a very small minority of people who want to dismantle the first amendment.

Thank God.

That is the total opposite of what I said.
That is what I said about what Political Correctness does.
I do not want to dismantle the 1st amendment.
People like me want to save the 1st amendment.
I do not want a George Orwell political correctness where society describes a set of acceptable beliefs, outside of which no one is not permitted to step.
No dissident thinkers need apply.

So you don't object to the so-called ground zero mosque?

I don't think hardly anyone did (but a few), they just wanted it built farther away from what I gathered from that.
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Carson is now claiming he's being taken out of context, despite the fact the entire context of what he said is readily available.


No surprise there the left will do and say anything to defend their totalitarian political correctness thoughtcrime.
Even YOU can't keep up with what you've posted.

Yes, you could say many on the left are ill-informed. And you'd be right. But no matter HOW ill-informed other people are - that doesn't make YOU any better informed.

The vision you have given is that people who agree with you should be able to say whatever they want and if anyone disagrees with them they are violating the First Amendment if they say so.

And no - you are in a very small minority of people who want to dismantle the first amendment.

Thank God.

That is the total opposite of what I said.
That is what I said about what Political Correctness does.
I do not want to dismantle the 1st amendment.
People like me want to save the 1st amendment.
I do not want a George Orwell political correctness where society describes a set of acceptable beliefs, outside of which no one is not permitted to step.
No dissident thinkers need apply.

So you don't object to the so-called ground zero mosque?

I don't think hardly anyone did (but a few), they just wanted it built farther away from what I gathered from that.

LOLOLOLOLOL, 'hardly anyone did'...

You're a fuckwit, first class.
Obama's rejecting the French memorial is tacit support of the Jihadists!
But as long as there are people saying this kind of stuff it will probably be impossible.
Arent there already 3 other threads on this?
Libs are stupid. They simply dont understand what Carson wrote. I'm not a fan of the Carson For President movement. But at least read what he a actually said.

Gruber way underrstated the stupidly of the prog base
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Obama's rejecting the French memorial is tacit support of the Jihadists!
But as long as there are people saying this kind of stuff it will probably be impossible.
Arent there already 3 other threads on this?
Libs are stupid. They simply dont understand what Carson wrote. I'm not a fan of the Carson For President movement. But at least read what he a actually said.

Gruber way underrstated the stupidly of the program base

Wow, another wordsmith weighs in. lolololol
Carson is now claiming he's being taken out of context, despite the fact the entire context of what he said is readily available.


No surprise there the left will do and say anything to defend their totalitarian political correctness thoughtcrime.
Even YOU can't keep up with what you've posted.

Yes, you could say many on the left are ill-informed. And you'd be right. But no matter HOW ill-informed other people are - that doesn't make YOU any better informed.

The vision you have given is that people who agree with you should be able to say whatever they want and if anyone disagrees with them they are violating the First Amendment if they say so.

And no - you are in a very small minority of people who want to dismantle the first amendment.

Thank God.

That is the total opposite of what I said.
That is what I said about what Political Correctness does.
I do not want to dismantle the 1st amendment.
People like me want to save the 1st amendment.
I do not want a George Orwell political correctness where society describes a set of acceptable beliefs, outside of which no one is not permitted to step.
No dissident thinkers need apply.

So you don't object to the so-called ground zero mosque?

I don't think hardly anyone did (but a few), they just wanted it built farther away from what I gathered from that.

LOLOLOLOLOL, 'hardly anyone did'...

You're a fuckwit, first class.

Poll Most Say Ground Zero Mosque Is Inappropriate - CBS News
A majority of Americans don't think it is appropriate to build a mosque and Islamic cultural center two blocks from the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, according to a new CBS News poll.

Poll Most NYers Want Developers to Move Mosque Long Island Press
A poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of New Yorkers want the developers of an Islamic center and mosque near ground zero to voluntarily move the project
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Rut-roh! Fox news already going after Ben Carson... guess someone upstairs doesn't like him so much....

Presidential prospect Ben Carson makes questionable comparison Fox News

Republican presidential hopeful Ben Carson compared the Islamic State terrorist group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

Carson praised Americans who are willing to die for their beliefs at the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego Thursday.

Carson then mentions ISIS.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

Carson defended his comments saying it is "ridiculous" to say he was comparing American patriots to the Islamic State.

So, who told FOX to pull the plug on Carson?

Questionable comparison..........hummmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm

Let's see King George was tyrannizing the colonists and then they chose liberty or death

The Judeo-American axis of evil has been inflicting death and injury on the Muslims and they have chosen Liberty or death.

WHY is the comparison questionable?

Americans have been subjected to federal tyranny since 1935 - yet no one challenges their authority - ISIS has .


When was the last time the feds led an attack on an unarmed cartoon house?


Isn't it a fact that the US slaughtered over 1,000,000 children during the 18 year invasion of Iraq? Didn't Madeline Albright admitted to CBS 60 minutes that the carnage was worthy?

Didn't Israel slaughtered women and children in Southern Lebanon? Hasn't the Jewish State slaughtered millions of Palestinian Arabs since it invaded Palestine in 1925?

No we slauterd 500 million babies during the two day desert storm. Does that sound better?
How does it violate our first amendment rights?

See the link in post #120.
Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.

It is about our 1st amendment rights.
People are being taken to court over being offended.
There is no rights to not be offended.
Who is being taken to court over being offended?

The Missouri State Fair has permanently banned a rodeo clown from performing just because he wore a Obama mask, and now all of the other rodeo clowns are being required to take sensitivity training.
The state commission went further, saying it will require that before the Rodeo Cowboy Association can take part in any future state fair, “they must provide evidence to the director of the Missouri State Fair that they have proof that all officials and subcontractors of the MRCA have successfully participated in sensitivity training.”
There are a whole bunch of political incorrect court cases
Well, then I totally agree. A state should be free to spend taxpayer money to promote any message they like.

"******* are evil"

"Women are sluts"

"Gay sex is awesome"

"Terrorists are our heroes"
I never said it was.
I never implied it was.
Freedom of speech is for all Americans but PC is violating all of our 1st amendment rights.
How does it violate our first amendment rights?

See the link in post #120.
Who is pretending this?

Well Peaches WAS
But I think he/she is coming off that stance a bit

No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.

It is about our 1st amendment rights.
People are being taken to court over being offended.
There is no rights to not be offended.

Peaches, you are just all over the place.
First you said political correctness is threatening our First Amendment rights
Then you said it wasn't
Now you say it is again.

In the United States of American, you can sue someone for ANYTHING.
Doesn't mean you can win - but you can take 'em to court and try.

I really don't want to sound mean - but what you've posted here today shows absolutely NO understanding of what the First Amendment is and what it is supposed to protect. Maybe that's why you mostly just cut and paste that Collierville blogger (who seems to be equally challenged) and then talk about things going "over" other people's heads.

Trust me, you haven't come close to posting anything (no matter how many times you repeat the same paste over and over) that goes over my head.

I understand your posts COMPLETELY and I understand how COMPLETELY wrong you are.

If your vision of the First Amendment was ever enforced it would absolutely destroy free speech in America. I'm sorry that you can't follow that - but the fact that you don't follow, doesn't change the facts.

I hope I haven't been offensive - but your posts are just so ill-informed I can't pretend they are credible just to be polite. I wish you the very best.

Show me where I said it wasn't nodoginnafight?
Carson is now claiming he's being taken out of context, despite the fact the entire context of what he said is readily available.


No surprise there the left will do and say anything to defend their totalitarian political correctness thoughtcrime.
Even YOU can't keep up with what you've posted.

Yes, you could say many on the left are ill-informed. And you'd be right. But no matter HOW ill-informed other people are - that doesn't make YOU any better informed.

The vision you have given is that people who agree with you should be able to say whatever they want and if anyone disagrees with them they are violating the First Amendment if they say so.

And no - you are in a very small minority of people who want to dismantle the first amendment.

Thank God.

That is the total opposite of what I said.
That is what I said about what Political Correctness does.
I do not want to dismantle the 1st amendment.
People like me want to save the 1st amendment.
I do not want a George Orwell political correctness where society describes a set of acceptable beliefs, outside of which no one is not permitted to step.
No dissident thinkers need apply.

So you don't object to the so-called ground zero mosque?

I don't think hardly anyone did (but a few), they just wanted it built farther away from what I gathered from that.

LOLOLOLOLOL, 'hardly anyone did'...

You're a fuckwit, first class.

Poll Most Say Ground Zero Mosque Is Inappropriate - CBS News
A majority of Americans don't think it is appropriate to build a mosque and Islamic cultural center two blocks from the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, according to a new CBS News poll.

Poll Most NYers Want Developers to Move Mosque Long Island Press
A poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of New Yorkers want the developers of an Islamic center and mosque near ground zero to voluntarily move the project

Objecting to where it's built is objecting to it. And, by definition, religious bigotry.
"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a contrivance of the right in an effort to distance the GOP from the racism, bigotry, and hatred that exists among republican ranks.

With Carson we see that although he may be technically brilliant, when it comes to politics he's truly an idiot.
Carson is now claiming he's being taken out of context, despite the fact the entire context of what he said is readily available.


No surprise there the left will do and say anything to defend their totalitarian political correctness thoughtcrime.
That is the total opposite of what I said.
That is what I said about what Political Correctness does.
I do not want to dismantle the 1st amendment.
People like me want to save the 1st amendment.
I do not want a George Orwell political correctness where society describes a set of acceptable beliefs, outside of which no one is not permitted to step.
No dissident thinkers need apply.

So you don't object to the so-called ground zero mosque?

I don't think hardly anyone did (but a few), they just wanted it built farther away from what I gathered from that.

LOLOLOLOLOL, 'hardly anyone did'...

You're a fuckwit, first class.

Poll Most Say Ground Zero Mosque Is Inappropriate - CBS News
A majority of Americans don't think it is appropriate to build a mosque and Islamic cultural center two blocks from the site of the 9/11 terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center, according to a new CBS News poll.

Poll Most NYers Want Developers to Move Mosque Long Island Press
A poll released Tuesday found 71 percent of New Yorkers want the developers of an Islamic center and mosque near ground zero to voluntarily move the project

Objecting to where it's built is objecting to it. And, by definition, religious bigotry.

I never thought of New Yorkers as being religious bigots. Especially when there are so many Mosques in the city.
I don't know how many times I have heard this " New York City is the most linguistically and religiously diverse city in the world".
Many would say that it is being senative to others feelings by wanting it moved father away.
"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

There is no such thing as 'political correctness,' it's a contrivance of the right in an effort to distance the GOP from the racism, bigotry, and hatred that exists among republican ranks.

With Carson we see that although he may be technically brilliant, when it comes to politics he's truly an idiot.

I remember reading in the 1970's Safire's Political Dictionary "A man cannot be politically correct and a chauvinist too"
I remember using those two words PC and Chauvinist quite a lot in the 70's and it was not the right wingers who were saying it.
as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause

What kind of insane morons would applaud such crazy shit? NaziCons...

61% of Americans
61 Think America is Too Politically Correct - Rasmussen Reports trade

A new Rasmussen Reports national telephone survey finds that 61% of American Adults believe America today has become too politically correct. That number has been climbing since October 2010. Just 12% think the United States is not politically correct enough, while 16% think the amount of political correctness is about right. Eleven percent (11%) are not sure.
Lemme try to put this in a way that Peaches can understand.

Peaches, if you own a donut shop and an employee comes in wearing a T-Shirt that says "George Bush is a Fuckhead"

Do you - as the business owner - have a right to tell him he cannot wear that shirt at YOUR business?

If you tell him he cannot, have you violated his first amendment rights?

America may be too politically correct - but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the First Amendment or free speech.

People have a right to be politically correct if they want to. And people have a right to be offensive if they want to. But the boss has the right to determine what is and what is not appropriate at HIS or HER business. The First amendment does not - and should not - prevent any private entity or any place of business from determining what uis appropriate at that place of business.

If you think it does (as you have been posting) then you have a very warped and uniformed idea about the First Amendment and thank God people who understand it are the ones protecting our First Amendment Rights. Whether you realize it or not - the views you expressed are EXTREMELY anti-First Amendment.
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