Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

Lemme try to put this in a way that Peaches can understand.

Peaches, if you own a donut shop and an employee comes in wearing a T-Shirt that says "George Bush is a Fuckhead"

Do you - as the business owner - have a right to tell him he cannot wear that shirt at YOUR business?

If you tell him he cannot, have you violated his first amendment rights?
What if my shirt says Jebbie is the love child of the Oatmeal Queen and Fidel Castro?
See the link in post #120.
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?
Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

I just wonder why so many folks can't resist the temptation to blame absolutely everything on the "other side"

But yes, you WERE saying that political correctness is a threat to our First Amendment Rights when it clearly is NOT a First Amendment issue. The First Amendment is a legal issue - political correctness is NOT a legal issue because no one is getting into any legal trouble for "violating" political correctness.

It is about our 1st amendment rights.
People are being taken to court over being offended.
There is no rights to not be offended.
Who is being taken to court over being offended?

The Missouri State Fair has permanently banned a rodeo clown from performing just because he wore a Obama mask, and now all of the other rodeo clowns are being required to take sensitivity training.
The state commission went further, saying it will require that before the Rodeo Cowboy Association can take part in any future state fair, “they must provide evidence to the director of the Missouri State Fair that they have proof that all officials and subcontractors of the MRCA have successfully participated in sensitivity training.”
There are a whole bunch of political incorrect court cases
Well, then I totally agree. A state should be free to spend taxpayer money to promote any message they like.

"******* are evil"

"Women are sluts"

"Gay sex is awesome"

"Terrorists are our heroes"
Well, peachypriss, thanks for agreeing promoting gay sex is a valid use of taxpayer money.
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?

Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging., and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.

A lot of new terms have been introduced out of courtesy to certain groups, but posts like yours are still referred to the same as they always have been. Dumb as a box of rocks.

It has nothing to do with new terms and everything to do with censure ship.
The same thing can be said about you if you can't see this

If me telling you that you are nuts and should shut up is censoring you, then consider yourself censored
Lemme try to put this in a way that Peaches can understand.

Peaches, if you own a donut shop and an employee comes in wearing a T-Shirt that says "George Bush is a Fuckhead"

Do you - as the business owner - have a right to tell him he cannot wear that shirt at YOUR business?

If you tell him he cannot, have you violated his first amendment rights?
What if my shirt says Jebbie is the love child of the Oatmeal Queen and Fidel Castro?

Well - not in MY donut shop.
And ya know what? Your First Amendment rights have NOT been violated.
Crazy Ben reminds me of Daisy Mae Mooseburger and Twitt Romney.

The fact that he might not express his opinions the way a polished politician might doesn't bother me that much. Other than the fact that if he is elected president, people around the world will hang on his every word and try to decipher subtle messages from the wording - so that could possibly pose a bit of a problem. But I just disagree with a lot of his opinions.
Crazy Ben reminds me of Daisy Mae Mooseburger and Twitt Romney.

The fact that he might not express his opinions the way a polished politician might doesn't bother me that much. Other than the fact that if he is elected president, people around the world will hang on his every word and try to decipher subtle messages from the wording - so that could possibly pose a bit of a problem. But I just disagree with a lot of his opinions.

In other words - he's a loose canon!
CORONADO, Calif. (AP) — Republican presidential prospect Ben Carson on Thursday compared the Islamic State group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

In a speech to the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego, the former neurosurgeon and conservative favorite praised American patriots for their willingness to give their lives for their beliefs. Then he mentioned the Islamic State group.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

A Republican National Committee spokesman had no immediate response when asked to comment on Carson's remarks, which came as part of a 35-minute luncheon address.

More: Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots Willingness To Die For Cause

Well, this should certainly get ole Ben a lot of rightwing votes. Go Ben!

Progressives are pathological liars.
You said: Progressives are pathological liars.

When I said Republicans blocked this administration from investigating BP after the gulf oil spill, you called me a liar.

When I said the Military made the world's fastest super computer from game chips, you called me a liar.

Is calling everyone a liar who you don't want to believe "pathological"?

Pathological used in a sentence: His mental disease is showing pathological changes just like the changes seen in senile dementia.

Wow Frank, I guess I hit the nail on the head.
Crazy Ben reminds me of Daisy Mae Mooseburger and Twitt Romney.

The fact that he might not express his opinions the way a polished politician might doesn't bother me that much. Other than the fact that if he is elected president, people around the world will hang on his every word and try to decipher subtle messages from the wording - so that could possibly pose a bit of a problem. But I just disagree with a lot of his opinions.

In other words - he's a loose canon!

Well .... yeah. A bit. I think the international community just might go nuts trying to figure out what he means by comparing folks to Nazis and ISIS. They may develop a hair-trigger because they can't figure out what the heck he really means with all that. And that might make them VERY defensive and worried. Not a great combination.
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Lemme try to put this in a way that Peaches can understand.

Peaches, if you own a donut shop and an employee comes in wearing a T-Shirt that says "George Bush is a Fuckhead"

Do you - as the business owner - have a right to tell him he cannot wear that shirt at YOUR business?

If you tell him he cannot, have you violated his first amendment rights?

America may be too politically correct - but that has absolutely NOTHING to do with the First Amendment or free speech.

People have a right to be politically correct if they want to. And people have a right to be offensive if they want to. But the boss has the right to determine what is and what is not appropriate at HIS or HER business. The First amendment does not - and should not - prevent any private entity or any place of business from determining what uis appropriate at that place of business.

If you think it does (as you have been posting) then you have a very warped and uniformed idea about the First Amendment and thank God people who understand it are the ones protecting our First Amendment Rights. Whether you realize it or not - the views you expressed are EXTREMELY anti-First Amendment.

That is not what I have been posting. That is the way you have interpreted it, just like several here has with what Ben Carson said.
Several here have misinterpreted with what he said. Just like you have done with me.
I did not say the 1st amendment should prevent any private entity or any place of business from determining what is appropriate in their place of business.
I said political correctness is causing that and that is why people have been fired from their jobs.
I am saying that political correctness has caused people to become too afraid to express their beliefs & opinions for fear of being labeled as offensive or fired from their jobs.
Thus the commit I said about people having to walk on eggs.
Political Correctness causes people to not have honest debates or diversity in discussions and that fear causes the stifle of free speech.
Our core belief is freedom of speech and political correctness is stopping that.
When people live in fear for speaking their minds or expressing their beliefs for fear of being labeled & attacked, that is a violation of our 1st amendment.
This is what Ben Carson was saying and what needs to be changed.
No one is this country should have to live in fear of their beliefs and being attacked for them.
It is the people who need to stop political correctness not the government.
Crazy Ben reminds me of Daisy Mae Mooseburger and Twitt Romney.

The fact that he might not express his opinions the way a polished politician might doesn't bother me that much. Other than the fact that if he is elected president, people around the world will hang on his every word and try to decipher subtle messages from the wording - so that could possibly pose a bit of a problem. But I just disagree with a lot of his opinions.

In other words - he's a loose canon!

Well .... yeah. A bit. I think the international community just might go nuts trying to figure out what he means by comparing folks to Nazis and ISIS. They may develop a hair-trigger because they can't figure out what the heck he really means with all that. And that might make them VERY defensive and worried. Not a great combination.

Where did he use the word Nazis?
No I wasn't.
It seems to have gone over some heads about the explanation of our basic principals and values.
Why is it that the right can see and understand it but the left are not able to?

Ben Carson understands it and sees it quite well.

what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging., and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.

A lot of new terms have been introduced out of courtesy to certain groups, but posts like yours are still referred to the same as they always have been. Dumb as a box of rocks.

It has nothing to do with new terms and everything to do with censure ship.
The same thing can be said about you if you can't see this

If me telling you that you are nuts and should shut up is censoring you, then consider yourself censored

No that is your right to freedom of speech.

PC is an unnecessary restriction on our freedom of speech.
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists
what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging., and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.

A lot of new terms have been introduced out of courtesy to certain groups, but posts like yours are still referred to the same as they always have been. Dumb as a box of rocks.

It has nothing to do with new terms and everything to do with censure ship.
The same thing can be said about you if you can't see this

If me telling you that you are nuts and should shut up is censoring you, then consider yourself censored

No that is your right to freedom of speech.

PC is an unnecessary restriction on our freedom of speech.

OK. I guess I must have missed it, but could you give me an example of how someone's free speech has been unnecessarily restricted?
what you are evidently unable to see:

1) the 1st Amendment is not actually threatened by the free market
2) Liberal Americans have died protecting the 1st Amendment

I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging., and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.

A lot of new terms have been introduced out of courtesy to certain groups, but posts like yours are still referred to the same as they always have been. Dumb as a box of rocks.

It has nothing to do with new terms and everything to do with censure ship.
The same thing can be said about you if you can't see this

If me telling you that you are nuts and should shut up is censoring you, then consider yourself censored

No that is your right to freedom of speech.

PC is an unnecessary restriction on our freedom of speech.

Telling me that I am nuts and should shut up is trying to restrict the discussion.
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.
I agree with your #2
And you seem to be unable to see this;
I will post it again.
In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by In recent decades, our culture has lost much of what we once valued as Americans: common courtesy and basic freedoms. We have begun to compromise our morals by restricting our thoughts, beliefs, feelings, and viewpoints, and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging., and letting new norms take their place.
In doing so, we are conforming to the societal concept of political correctness. In rare form a political correct nature can be a positive quality. Speaking and acting in a considerate manner to others is not bad, but only to a point. After a while, political correctness becomes detrimental. Today, it no longer works with the diversity of our culture but against it

This is what Ben Carson is talking about losing our values.

Political correctness has begun to invade our private lives. Companies now have strict policies on what their employees can and cannot say, schools have limited the content of their curriculum and censured topics that can be discussed in class, and many commonly-used words and phrases are no longer socially acceptable. Time is no longer cited in Before Christ (B.C.) and Anni Domini (A.D.), but Common Era (C.E.) and Before Common Era (B.C.E); janitors are now custodial engineers even though no engineering degree is required; criminals are now the behaviorally challenged; illegal aliens have become undocumented immigrants; and the word ugly is now visually challenging.

A lot of new terms have been introduced out of courtesy to certain groups, but posts like yours are still referred to the same as they always have been. Dumb as a box of rocks.

It has nothing to do with new terms and everything to do with censure ship.
The same thing can be said about you if you can't see this

If me telling you that you are nuts and should shut up is censoring you, then consider yourself censored

No that is your right to freedom of speech.

PC is an unnecessary restriction on our freedom of speech.

OK. I guess I must have missed it, but could you give me an example of how someone's free speech has been unnecessarily restricted?

Sorry we must have been typing at the same time.
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
It is done by both sides of the isle.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank who thinks that.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.
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