Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots

Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Then why do you think he released those prisoners right after what happened in France?
I'm saying it does not look good.
CORONADO, Calif. (AP) — Republican presidential prospect Ben Carson on Thursday compared the Islamic State group to American patriots willing to die for freedom.

In a speech to the Republican National Committee's winter meeting outside San Diego, the former neurosurgeon and conservative favorite praised American patriots for their willingness to give their lives for their beliefs. Then he mentioned the Islamic State group.

"They got the wrong philosophy, but they're willing to die for what they believe, while we are busily giving away every belief and every value for the sake of political correctness," he said as Republican officials from across the country interrupted him with applause. "We have to change that."

Commonly known as ISIS, the Islamic State group has been responsible for hundreds of deaths across the Middle East in recent months. Islamic State militants claimed responsibility for recent beheadings of Western journalists and aid workers. One of the suspects in the recent Paris terror attacks claimed allegiance to the Islamic State group.

A Republican National Committee spokesman had no immediate response when asked to comment on Carson's remarks, which came as part of a 35-minute luncheon address.

More: Ben Carson Likens Islamic State To American Patriots Willingness To Die For Cause

Well, this should certainly get ole Ben a lot of rightwing votes. Go Ben!

Progressives are pathological liars.
Well... look at who they worship...

Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Then why do you think he released those prisoners right after what happened in France?
I'm saying it does not look good.

Do you really think he said "There has been a terrorist attack in France so I'll release a couple more prisoners"? Of course not. This release required a lot of planning and coordination that probably started long before the attack in France was even planned. The fact that the timing is unfortunate is undeniable, but it is nothing more than a coincidence. Gitmo should have been shut down long ago, and it would have been if the right would not have blocked it. They would rather leave that extremely effective recruiting tool available to the terrorists if they can oppose our president in the process. If it would have been shut down, the prisoners wouldn't need to be released. They could have been quietly kept in other prisons forever and that recruiting tool would not be available to the terrorists.
This op is typical of a joke I heard in the 90s.

Newt Gingrich is in a small boat, fishing with the Pope, when a wind comes along, and blows off the Pope's, Papal hat.

"Don't worry, Pope, I'll get it!" Says Newt Gingrich.

Then Newt jumps out, walks across the water, gets the Pope's hat, walks back, climbs back in the boat and gives the Pope his hat.

And the next day on the news the liberal media reports, "Newt Gingrich can't swim."

And that's exactly what is going on here. Ben Carson made a statement. It's a reasonable statement, but the Liberal press sees Carson as a threat and twists what he said.

Liberals are going to follow along with this, no matter how obvious it is, that the statement is being contorted out of all semblance of truth.

Liberals have no shame. They don't care if what they are backing up is a lie. They like lies, if the lies about about their political enemies.
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Over the last 6 years Obama has done many things that looks to the American people that he sides with them
His actions are just bizarre from having meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood at the WH and wanting them represented in Egypt's new Government to releasing prisoners that have gone back to fighting with Jihadists.
People who look at the big picture and add up everything he has done makes it look like he is.
This op is typical of a joke I heard in the 90s.

Newt Gingrich is in a small boat, fishing with the Pope, when a wind comes along, and blows off the Pope's, Papal hat.

"Don't worry, Pope, I'll get it!" Says Newt Gingrich.

Then Newt jumps out, walks across the water, gets the Pope's hat, walks back, climbs back in the boat and gives the Pope his hat.

And the next day on the news the liberal media reports, "Newt Gingrich can't swim."

And that's exactly what is going on here. Ben Carson made a statement. It's a reasonable statement, but the Liberal press sees Carson as a threat and twists what he said.

Liberals are going to follow along with this, no matter how obvious it is, that the statement is being contorted out of all semblance of truth.

Liberals have no shame. They don't care if what they are backing up is a lie. They like lies, if the lies about about their political enemies.

Like you, I don't like to see bad things about Carson this early either. There is only room for one black candidate in the GOP Clown Car, and if he is eliminated before the debates, I'm not sure the right will have enough time to find another. It's so hard to find another black republican. He will be playing the same part that Herman Cain played in the last Clown Car, and, of course, being a black man, has no chance of being selected as the nominee, but he will still be an entertaining addition to all the other crazies who will perform.
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Over the last 6 years Obama has done many things that looks to the American people that he sides with them
His actions are just bizarre from having meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood at the WH and wanting them represented in Egypt's new Government to releasing prisoners that have gone back to fighting with Jihadists.
People who look at the big picture and add up everything he has done makes it look like he is.

No, people who look at the big picture realize that there are logical reasons why he has done the things you mention. However, If you only look at the distorted picture that fox paints for you, you end up with a lot of wrong and crazy ideas.
Is that the best Media Matters can come up with these days? Do low information lefties even understand the word "favorably" as in "Carson compares Islamic fanatics favorably with American patriots"? Radical lefties have been bamboozled by left wing propaganda for so long that they can't even pick out the truth anymore.
This op is typical of a joke I heard in the 90s.

Newt Gingrich is in a small boat, fishing with the Pope, when a wind comes along, and blows off the Pope's, Papal hat.

"Don't worry, Pope, I'll get it!" Says Newt Gingrich.

Then Newt jumps out, walks across the water, gets the Pope's hat, walks back, climbs back in the boat and gives the Pope his hat.

And the next day on the news the liberal media reports, "Newt Gingrich can't swim."

And that's exactly what is going on here. Ben Carson made a statement. It's a reasonable statement, but the Liberal press sees Carson as a threat and twists what he said.

Liberals are going to follow along with this, no matter how obvious it is, that the statement is being contorted out of all semblance of truth.

Liberals have no shame. They don't care if what they are backing up is a lie. They like lies, if the lies about about their political enemies.

Like you, I don't like to see bad things about Carson this early either. There is only room for one black candidate in the GOP Clown Car, and if he is eliminated before the debates, I'm not sure the right will have enough time to find another. It's so hard to find another black republican. He will be playing the same part that Herman Cain played in the last Clown Car, and, of course, being a black man, has no chance of being selected as the nominee, but he will still be an entertaining addition to all the other crazies who will perform.

Oh excuse me, how many black candidates for president do you see in the Dem clown car right now??????????

You walked into that one!
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Then why do you think he released those prisoners right after what happened in France?
I'm saying it does not look good.

Do you really think he said "There has been a terrorist attack in France so I'll release a couple more prisoners"? Of course not. This release required a lot of planning and coordination that probably started long before the attack in France was even planned. The fact that the timing is unfortunate is undeniable, but it is nothing more than a coincidence. Gitmo should have been shut down long ago, and it would have been if the right would not have blocked it. They would rather leave that extremely effective recruiting tool available to the terrorists if they can oppose our president in the process. If it would have been shut down, the prisoners wouldn't need to be released. They could have been quietly kept in other prisons forever and that recruiting tool would not be available to the terrorists.

He could have stopped it and have done it at a later time because of the coincidence.
Do you realize that many that have been released have gone back to fight with the Jihadists again?
That just does not look good.
Which other prisons?
Here in American or in other countries.
If they were put in our prisons they would be under the rules and regulations of our system.
That isn't right either.
Jihadists pose a big legal problem because they are not fighting under any country as regular soldiers. This is why they were put in Cuba and not here in the USA.
This op is typical of a joke I heard in the 90s.

Newt Gingrich is in a small boat, fishing with the Pope, when a wind comes along, and blows off the Pope's, Papal hat.

"Don't worry, Pope, I'll get it!" Says Newt Gingrich.

Then Newt jumps out, walks across the water, gets the Pope's hat, walks back, climbs back in the boat and gives the Pope his hat.

And the next day on the news the liberal media reports, "Newt Gingrich can't swim."

And that's exactly what is going on here. Ben Carson made a statement. It's a reasonable statement, but the Liberal press sees Carson as a threat and twists what he said.

Liberals are going to follow along with this, no matter how obvious it is, that the statement is being contorted out of all semblance of truth.

Liberals have no shame. They don't care if what they are backing up is a lie. They like lies, if the lies about about their political enemies.

Like you, I don't like to see bad things about Carson this early either. There is only room for one black candidate in the GOP Clown Car, and if he is eliminated before the debates, I'm not sure the right will have enough time to find another. It's so hard to find another black republican. He will be playing the same part that Herman Cain played in the last Clown Car, and, of course, being a black man, has no chance of being selected as the nominee, but he will still be an entertaining addition to all the other crazies who will perform.

Oh excuse me, how many black candidates for president do you see in the Dem clown car right now??????????

You walked into that one!

It's a little early for Democrats to start all that craziness, but Hillary seems to be the frontrunner for now. That could change. Democrats are more concerned with the best candidate, no matter what race or gender. There is no Democratic clown car. That is an invention of republicans, and I'm pretty sure they have a patent on that. Republicans feel it's more important to have at least one token woman, and at least token black to round out their usual group of crazies.
Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Then why do you think he released those prisoners right after what happened in France?
I'm saying it does not look good.

Do you really think he said "There has been a terrorist attack in France so I'll release a couple more prisoners"? Of course not. This release required a lot of planning and coordination that probably started long before the attack in France was even planned. The fact that the timing is unfortunate is undeniable, but it is nothing more than a coincidence. Gitmo should have been shut down long ago, and it would have been if the right would not have blocked it. They would rather leave that extremely effective recruiting tool available to the terrorists if they can oppose our president in the process. If it would have been shut down, the prisoners wouldn't need to be released. They could have been quietly kept in other prisons forever and that recruiting tool would not be available to the terrorists.

He could have stopped it and have done it at a later time because of the coincidence.
Do you realize that many that have been released have gone back to fight with the Jihadists again?
That just does not look good.
Which other prisons?
Here in American or in other countries.
If they were put in our prisons they would be under the rules and regulations of our system.
That isn't right either.
Jihadists pose a big legal problem because they are not fighting under any country as regular soldiers. This is why they were put in Cuba and not here in the USA.

Exactly which rules and regulations of our prisons do you oppose?
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists

Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Over the last 6 years Obama has done many things that looks to the American people that he sides with them
His actions are just bizarre from having meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood at the WH and wanting them represented in Egypt's new Government to releasing prisoners that have gone back to fighting with Jihadists.
People who look at the big picture and add up everything he has done makes it look like he is.

No, people who look at the big picture realize that there are logical reasons why he has done the things you mention. However, If you only look at the distorted picture that fox paints for you, you end up with a lot of wrong and crazy ideas.

Do you realize that only a small number of people watch Fox news compared to the millions who actually watch the evening news ABC,NBC and CBS who still think the same thing?
They base it on his actions not because of some news media.
Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Then why do you think he released those prisoners right after what happened in France?
I'm saying it does not look good.

Do you really think he said "There has been a terrorist attack in France so I'll release a couple more prisoners"? Of course not. This release required a lot of planning and coordination that probably started long before the attack in France was even planned. The fact that the timing is unfortunate is undeniable, but it is nothing more than a coincidence. Gitmo should have been shut down long ago, and it would have been if the right would not have blocked it. They would rather leave that extremely effective recruiting tool available to the terrorists if they can oppose our president in the process. If it would have been shut down, the prisoners wouldn't need to be released. They could have been quietly kept in other prisons forever and that recruiting tool would not be available to the terrorists.

He could have stopped it and have done it at a later time because of the coincidence.
Do you realize that many that have been released have gone back to fight with the Jihadists again?
That just does not look good.
Which other prisons?
Here in American or in other countries.
If they were put in our prisons they would be under the rules and regulations of our system.
That isn't right either.
Jihadists pose a big legal problem because they are not fighting under any country as regular soldiers. This is why they were put in Cuba and not here in the USA.

Exactly which rules and regulations of our prisons do you oppose?

I don't oppose any of them.
I oppose Jihadists being treated like other prisoners of war who fight for their countries.
Jihadists have no country.
Do you take special dumb ass pills to help you maintain such a high level of dumb assery? I haven't seen many that could be that dumb on such a consistent level.

Right there is the perfect example of PC.
Calling him names will not help you understand why many Americans think that way about Obama. It's not just Frank.
It because Obama just released Gitmo prisoners right after the attacks in France and some of them if not all of them will return to the battle of Jihadists.
If nothing else that is real bad timing.

The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Over the last 6 years Obama has done many things that looks to the American people that he sides with them
His actions are just bizarre from having meetings with the Muslim Brotherhood at the WH and wanting them represented in Egypt's new Government to releasing prisoners that have gone back to fighting with Jihadists.
People who look at the big picture and add up everything he has done makes it look like he is.

No, people who look at the big picture realize that there are logical reasons why he has done the things you mention. However, If you only look at the distorted picture that fox paints for you, you end up with a lot of wrong and crazy ideas.

Do you realize that only a small number of people watch Fox news compared to the millions who actually watch the evening news ABC,NBC and CBS who still think the same thing?
They base it on his actions not because of some news media.

Wrong. The few crazies who watch fox are extremely vocal, which gives them the illusion of being a larger group than they are, but to say there are millions of people who believe our president supports the jihadists is just nuts.
Obama didn't go to France after the Terrorists attack because he stands with the Jihadists
I doubt that. Republicans have been doing everything they can to stop Obama. No one has terrorized America more then right wing Jihadists.

Def of Jihadist: a crusade for a principle or belief

Can't be more of a right wing crusade than that. Believing Obama isn't American.
The dumbass just said the President of The United States stands with the jihadists. I don't care if it is just that idiot or any of the other people you say believe that. Anybody who would actually believe something that stupid is a dumbass. Of course Frankie poo has proven his insane tendencies many times in the past. That has nothing to do with PC.....That has to do with lunacy.

Then why do you think he released those prisoners right after what happened in France?
I'm saying it does not look good.

Do you really think he said "There has been a terrorist attack in France so I'll release a couple more prisoners"? Of course not. This release required a lot of planning and coordination that probably started long before the attack in France was even planned. The fact that the timing is unfortunate is undeniable, but it is nothing more than a coincidence. Gitmo should have been shut down long ago, and it would have been if the right would not have blocked it. They would rather leave that extremely effective recruiting tool available to the terrorists if they can oppose our president in the process. If it would have been shut down, the prisoners wouldn't need to be released. They could have been quietly kept in other prisons forever and that recruiting tool would not be available to the terrorists.

He could have stopped it and have done it at a later time because of the coincidence.
Do you realize that many that have been released have gone back to fight with the Jihadists again?
That just does not look good.
Which other prisons?
Here in American or in other countries.
If they were put in our prisons they would be under the rules and regulations of our system.
That isn't right either.
Jihadists pose a big legal problem because they are not fighting under any country as regular soldiers. This is why they were put in Cuba and not here in the USA.

Exactly which rules and regulations of our prisons do you oppose?

I don't oppose any of them.
I oppose Jihadists being treated like other prisoners of war who fight for their countries.
Jihadists have no country.

There were plans to use reworked closed down prisons that would hold nothing but prisoners transferred from Gitmo. Republicans blocked that.
Like you, I don't like to see bad things about Carson this early either. There is only room for one black candidate in the GOP Clown Car, and if he is eliminated before the debates, I'm not sure the right will have enough time to find another. It's so hard to find another black republican. He will be playing the same part that Herman Cain played in the last Clown Car, and, of course, being a black man, has no chance of being selected as the nominee, but he will still be an entertaining addition to all the other crazies who will perform.
Stupid. Racist. Slandering. Hateful. Intolerant.
Yep. You're a liberal.

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