Ben Carson Moves Toward Presidential Run

What is wrong with consulting with Jesus?

Nothing if you are in the religion business. I like my elected officials to take responsibility for their own decisions.

Like Obama?

Seriously, when has he taken responsibility for anything?

[ame=]Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube[/ame] you not watch the news?

Also, I've never seen any modern Republican President even come as close to accepting responsibility for anything, let alone apologizing for it.

Best you get is something like, "Sorry I lied, but in my heart I know I didn't lie".
You really think he gets any sex?

The same people who demanded that Bob Packwood resign as unfit to be a senator stood up for Ted Kennedy as the Liberal Lion of the Senate.
Hypocrites all.


I seldom see any of you folks griping and Gingrich and his sexual forays or Ronald Reagan's rape of Selene Walters.

Gotta love it.

you are supposed to leave your shit in the toilet, not bring it to USMB to smear all over the walls, you liberscum are a totally disgusting lot. :up:


Having a prison flashback Wildman?

Liberals hate any black that has transcended their plantation thinking; they are vehemently opposed to the self reliance, and personal responsibility message - Ben Carson!

I hope he runs, and wins. I can't wait to see the vicious attacks from the left on a real black man :badgrin:
Nothing if you are in the religion business. I like my elected officials to take responsibility for their own decisions.

Like Obama?

Seriously, when has he taken responsibility for anything?

[ame=]Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube[/ame] you not watch the news?

Also, I've never seen any modern Republican President even come as close to accepting responsibility for anything, let alone apologizing for it.

Best you get is something like, "Sorry I lied, but in my heart I know I didn't lie".

good grief, your crush on the man blinds you to anything he does

If you recall, he also won LIAR of the you believe the video is you need
When is the last time the progtards had a competing group of viable candidates vying for the presidential nomination in vigorous debate? They offer one or two schmucks who offer the moon to the feeble minded and hope negative advertising will carry the rest.

As opposed to a fully loaded Repub Clown Car ...
Nothing if you are in the religion business. I like my elected officials to take responsibility for their own decisions.

Like Obama?

Seriously, when has he taken responsibility for anything?

[ame=]Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube[/ame] you not watch the news?

Also, I've never seen any modern Republican President even come as close to accepting responsibility for anything, let alone apologizing for it.

Best you get is something like, "Sorry I lied, but in my heart I know I didn't lie".

How soon they forget.

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Liberals hate any black that has transcended their plantation thinking; they are vehemently opposed to the self reliance, and personal responsibility message - Ben Carson!

I hope he runs, and wins. I can't wait to see the vicious attacks from the left on a real black man :badgrin:

Almost every time he opens his mouth, Carson plays the race card.
From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

Perhaps we ought to be celebrating the increase in the number of Americans on Food Stamps and the decrease of Americans in the Labor Force. Both of those trends point to more Poverty. Is that America's choice? Are more Americans on Food Stamps something to be celebrated or addressed?
Like Obama?

Seriously, when has he taken responsibility for anything?

[ame=]Obama Apologizes For Insurance Cancellations - YouTube[/ame] you not watch the news?

Also, I've never seen any modern Republican President even come as close to accepting responsibility for anything, let alone apologizing for it.

Best you get is something like, "Sorry I lied, but in my heart I know I didn't lie".

How soon they forget.


I never saw that..but good on Bush for taking the hit for the deaths of close to 2000 Americans.

I am sure that the Republicans in congress fully investigated the matter too..with Chairman Issa at the lead..right?
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From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

Perhaps we ought to be celebrating the increase in the number of Americans on Food Stamps and the decrease of Americans in the Labor Force. Both of those trends point to more Poverty. Is that America's choice? Are more Americans on Food Stamps something to be celebrated or addressed?

And what exactly would a Ben Carson do to address that?

Have his mother go to the houses of each and every poor American and work three jobs to send them to college?

"A truly moral nation enacts policies encourage personal responsibility and encourage self-destructive behavior by not subsidizing people who live irresponsibly and make poor choices."
-- Dr. Ben Carson

Holy shit, he's pretty much already sunk. That stuff is not going to fly in today's America. The victimhood industry has seen to that, he'll just be painted as a big meanie. That hateful stuff was for an America that no longer exists, the one that demonstrated the dynamic power of the individual.

Sorry. Next?


well, yeah, I guess here's the problem.

That's really great for some black guy who is trying to make a quick buck by validating the views of white bigots, but the reality is, the majority of people who are on welfare are only on it for a short time.

A lot of people who are on assistance have jobs, just not jobs that pay well enough to make ends meet. So essentially, welfare is a subsidy for WalMart and McDonalds.

Not to worry, Stepandfetchit Carson will validate your bigotry.


Anyone who advocates for hard work and personal responsibility is just a tool of the rich man, and a black guy who does it is an Uncle Tom.

Perfect, Joe, thanks.


When President Obama said that blacks should work to get out of poverty, people here said he was "playing the race card".
Waiting for Jesus to talk to him? Sounds like we have another Bush on our hands.

What is wrong with consulting with Jesus?

You mean what's wrong with consulting with an imaginary Sky Fairy in your head?

People who think God is talking to them need hospitalization, not political office.

....contrast that with people who believe a US President can lower the rise of the Oceans or a President that will pay for their mortgage, rent, gas, and phone.
Liberals hate any black that has transcended their plantation thinking; they are vehemently opposed to the self reliance, and personal responsibility message - Ben Carson!

I hope he runs, and wins. I can't wait to see the vicious attacks from the left on a real black man :badgrin:

Almost every time he opens his mouth, Carson plays the race card.

I saw Ben Carson on Meet the Press on Sunday. Right along with Rince Preibus they almost immediately started yammering about Benghazi. Carson said the "deaths of 4 diplomats" which of course was never corrected by David Gregory. Along with his other nonsense.

It's amazing they get away with so much garbage on the Sunday shows.

Which is why Clinton was impeached?
Yeah, he had teh goods on him.

Um, yeah, Clinton was impeached because the House was on a Kamikaze run to appeal to the Talk Radio crowd.

BUt when it came to actually finding him guilty...

Meh, they couldn't even find him guilty of lying about a blow job. Which he totally copped to.

Clinton was impeached be cause I lobbied for people to lie for him.......also known as Obstruction of Justice. I guess the Left wants a pass for their guys and gals.
From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

Also that he's not qualified.

you can always tell when left-wing nutjobs are fearful; they spew more hypocritical ignorance and hatred then usual
From what I've seen of Dr. Carson, he's an inspirational example of what you can accomplish in America if you work hard and stick to principles that are time tested and proven. The story of how his mother, with her 3rd grade education, worked so hard to raise him and instill in him the importance of education is a testament for the road to success.

He seems to be a good man and would make a good inspirational leader.

Unfortunately, he seems to be too good for the cesspool of the District of Corruption. He'd be eaten alive by the slimy liberal media. He'd be a babe in a woodland filled with political wolves. If he is the man of principles he appears to be, he wouldn't take to being handled and managed by political advisors and media handlers.

It pains me to say it but America has sunk too low for a man like Dr. Carson. Everything good and decent is open game for ridicule in today's America.

"Poverty is really more of a choice more than anything else".
--Dr. Ben Carson

It's quotes like that which will assure Ben Carson never becomes President.

Also that he's not qualified.


Which constitutional provision specifies only committed Marxists can be president?

Which is why Clinton was impeached?
Yeah, he had teh goods on him.

Um, yeah, Clinton was impeached because the House was on a Kamikaze run to appeal to the Talk Radio crowd.

BUt when it came to actually finding him guilty...

Meh, they couldn't even find him guilty of lying about a blow job. Which he totally copped to.

And now we're seeing exactly the same thing - with Obama and with Hillary.

We're up to the 5th "investigation" about Benghazi and they still can't find anything and, according to some on the right, that blowjob means Hillary shouldn't be prez.


Which is why Clinton was impeached?
Yeah, he had teh goods on him.

Um, yeah, Clinton was impeached because the House was on a Kamikaze run to appeal to the Talk Radio crowd.

BUt when it came to actually finding him guilty...

Meh, they couldn't even find him guilty of lying about a blow job. Which he totally copped to.

And now we're seeing exactly the same thing - with Obama and with Hillary.

We're up to the 5th "investigation" about Benghazi and they still can't find anything and, according to some on the right, that blowjob means Hillary shouldn't be prez.


We've found a memo that lays out that the administration lied about the incident to improve the president's re-election. This has been shown over and over.

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