Ben Carson On 2016: 'likelihood Is Strong'

Does he have any experience at all running a governmental entity? Any experience in politics? In working with others in the political field? In dealing with international relations?
Neither did Obama so those questions must be racist.
Yes, Obama did have experience working in politics and with a governmental entity.
He did NOT run a government entity as you said...

And his experience in government was very limited with a 100% party line voting record....and only a year and a half at the federal level before hitting the campaign trail.

By no means experience that can be touted as worthy of presidential consideration.
Learn to read. I did not say Obama ran a governmental agency. I said he worked with one; in addition, he was a senator.

Read your post when you showed what Carson does NOT have...and the ensuing posts.

Fuck off. Not into childish mind games with you.
You are nuts. You are fucking nuts. My post about what qualifications he has had nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. That was a conclusion you leaped to for no reason except you don't know how to think.
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Why is it most threads on this board it's impossible to have an intelligent discussion? All right wingers posting on this thread are
Neither did Obama so those questions must be racist.
Yes, Obama did have experience working in politics and with a governmental entity.
He did NOT run a government entity as you said...

And his experience in government was very limited with a 100% party line voting record....and only a year and a half at the federal level before hitting the campaign trail.

By no means experience that can be touted as worthy of presidential consideration.
Learn to read. I did not say Obama ran a governmental agency. I said he worked with one; in addition, he was a senator.

Read your post when you showed what Carson does NOT have...and the ensuing posts.

Fuck off. Not into childish mind games with you.
You are nuts. You are fucking nuts. My post about what qualifications he has had nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. That was a conclusion you leaped to for not reason except you don't know how to think.
Its impossible because idiots like you are classic low information types. You make a claim you cannot substantiate and then deflect when called on it.
With Obama as precedent experience or lack of it is an issue. Obama had little to no experience in government or running any organization when elected. He still doesnt.
OMG what a bunch of idiots. Off to find a thread where a rightwinger has a few brain cells. You all are useless. Completely unable to dialogue with any logic or reason,,only into name calling and abuse. Pathetic.

You say something like this and expect to be taken seriously: "Obama had little to no experience in government or running any organization when elected. He still doesnt." Someone who has been president for 1 1/2 terms, who has been rated by presidential historians as average, not bad and not great. This person still doesn't have any experience in governemnt? What a jackass thing to say.

And btw, this thread is not about Obama. I asked a simple question, what experience does Carson have in government, and you go off half cocked abusing me for something that didn't even happen. Useless. You are completely useless.
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OMG what a bunch of idiots. Off to find a thread where a rightwinger has a few brain cells. You all are useless. Completely unable to dialogue with any logic or reason,,only into name calling and abuse. Pathetic.
You cant defend your own statements and now run from them. How pathetic is that?
If Carson were white, we wouldn't even know who he is. Likewise if Obama weren't half black, he never would have been elected.

The only reason Carson is being considered is because he is a black man who publicaly criticized a black president

GOP Presidential material

OP, you ran away! You need to get on this racist!

You're prolly right RW, just like I'm prolly right that You supported Obama because he is black and you support Hillary because she has a vagina and you really want Michelle over Hillary because, Vagina + Black = unbeatable to you. Or is somehow Ben only supported because of his skin color but by pure chance all 3 (Warren) possible Dem candidates are Female or female and Black by 100% chance? And of course this is not looking at the current President's skin tone, just future possible Presidential noms for the Dems.

lol, you're too easy.

That was some most excellent butthurt.

Now, back to the topic at hand, namely, Dr. Carson.

Until you call out the lefties that brought up race I have to assume you're an inconstant hypocrite lefty hack as proven by your actions.

btw, lol.
Show me a leftie on this thread who brought up race before you first posted what you did, hack.

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I never brought up race, someone else did, thus by your moronic logic means only 1 person brought it up and I was not that person.

Fuck you're stupid. Don't call me a hack as some bullshit way to get out from you being the definition of a hack. WTF am I hack of you chit for brains?
OMG what a bunch of idiots. Off to find a thread where a rightwinger has a few brain cells. You all are useless. Completely unable to dialogue with any logic or reason,,only into name calling and abuse. Pathetic.

You say something like this and expect to be taken seriously: "Obama had little to no experience in government or running any organization when elected. He still doesnt." Someone who has been president for 1 1/2 terms, who has been rated by presidential historians as average, not bad and not great. This person still doesn't have any experience in governemnt? What a jackass thing to say.

And btw, this thread is not about Obama. I asked a simple question, what experience does Carson have in government, and you go off half cocked abusing me for something that didn't even happen. Useless. You are completely useless.
He still doesnt. He doesnt get how government works. He thinks a pen and a phone are all he needs to get laws written. He thinks he can say something and it magically happens. His foreign policy is a mess. He announces a coalition before he has anyone lined up. He gets mad at Israel but coddles Iran. He doesnt have a clue. He's surrounded by yes men and mediocrities.
The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner, the creator of the universe loves you, sent His Son to die for your sins; that's very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward.
Benjamin Carson

run Bible Boi, run.
Neither did Obama so those questions must be racist.
Yes, Obama did have experience working in politics and with a governmental entity.
He did NOT run a government entity as you said...

And his experience in government was very limited with a 100% party line voting record....and only a year and a half at the federal level before hitting the campaign trail.

By no means experience that can be touted as worthy of presidential consideration.
Learn to read. I did not say Obama ran a governmental agency. I said he worked with one; in addition, he was a senator.

Read your post when you showed what Carson does NOT have...and the ensuing posts.

Fuck off. Not into childish mind games with you.
You are nuts. You are fucking nuts. My post about what qualifications he has had nothing whatsoever to do with Obama. That was a conclusion you leaped to for no reason except you don't know how to think.
No. It did not, you fucking game player. Never said it did. But the ensuing post pointed out that Obama ALSO lacked those things....and that is when you responded with the fact that Obama WAS part of a government entity.....ignoring the fact that the point I said he lacked was that he did not RUN a government entity.

I despise posters that make mistakes and don't admit it and instead try to run circles around their opponents.

Keep running in circles, you fucking child.
The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner, the creator of the universe loves you, sent His Son to die for your sins; that's very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward.
Benjamin Carson

run Bible Boi, run.
Does it make you feel like a big boy being able to make fun of the beliefs of another person that you disagree with?

Does it?


Seems you need the confidence boost.
OMG what a bunch of idiots. Off to find a thread where a rightwinger has a few brain cells. You all are useless. Completely unable to dialogue with any logic or reason,,only into name calling and abuse. Pathetic.
You cant defend your own statements and now run from them. How pathetic is that?
She is one of those people that talks out of her ass and when she realizes she erred, she blames everyone but herself.

Is that Obama? Maybe it is.
The most important thing for me is having a relationship with God. To know that the owner, the creator of the universe loves you, sent His Son to die for your sins; that's very empowering. Knowing Him and knowing that He loves me gives me encouragement and confidence to move forward.
Benjamin Carson

run Bible Boi, run.
Does it make you feel like a big boy being able to make fun of the beliefs of another person that you disagree with?

Does it?


Seems you need the confidence boost.

I'm confident God will get Ben the GOP nomination.

IMO there's very little room for religion in the political arena. Saying so doesn't make me feel like a big boy either. I am a big boy. I face facts.

whats your excuse?
I like Ben Carson, he is not as big an asshole as some of the Republicans. But he is not ready for prime time

All he has to do is learn to lie like Obama... Like when Obama told people he would end the Iraq war, then took credit for ending the Iraq war... Then switched to saying he was forced to end the Iraq war but Bush really ended it. Too late though, Obama was elected and the fanbois were created.

Ben stands no chance because like Rand he is a doctor... Dems hate educated doctors. They like politicians that have done nothing with their lives, like Obama, Hilary, Clinton and so on. That's why so many Dems want Michelle to run, sh'e is a she, she is black and has otherwise done nothing.... That's all that is needed.

And thank you also for showing your racist ass.

This is going to be fun.

I create a thread about a person, and two Righties make it about race.

Hmmmm... interesting.

If Carson were white, we wouldn't even know who he is. Likewise if Obama weren't half black, he never would have been elected.

The only reason Carson is being considered is because he is a black man who publicaly criticized a black president

GOP Presidential material
Gee is THAT all?
Why else would Republicans be considering him?

Let's hear

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