Ben Carson On 2016: 'likelihood Is Strong'

He's an excellent man. Maybe not so excellent a candidate? He has no experience in politics. A great deal will depend upon who he attracts to run his campaign. From what I've seen so far, he's smart and disciplined.

I wonder if he realizes what he's up against? He's about to go under the microscope......Let the personal attacks and destruction begin!!
Yes, we saw what little experience brings us.

As for the personal attacks.....whether he is guilty or not, we have seen how unsubstantiated claims can affect ones candidacy.

If he is doing well, Harry Reid will tell the world how "word on the street is he hasn't paid taxes in 10 years".

Or better yet....

A question will be planted.....

"Have you ever been sued for malpractice"

And he will respond with......

"I have never been found guilty of malpractice, but yes, I have been sued"..

So another plant will then insist he disclose the records of his malpractice cases..

and he will respond with...

"that is patient privileged information and I can not do that"

And THEN harry reid will say into the mic with all watching..."word on the street is Carson has been sued by over 30% of his patients for mal practice and he used his wealth and connections to settle with them....otherwise he would have no problem disclosing his records.

And sadly, many fucking morons will fall for it.
It's because Democrats have zero integrity. Like that's news to anyone. When confronted with that simple fact, their response is "No one has integrity." Which isn't true and irrelevant.
look at Rabbi talk about integrity...Now that is funny.
Only to idiots like you who have none.
Now go back under your rock.
It's amazing to see how much hate spews out of the left over a possible black candidate for Republicans. If you guys are not careful you will get a stigma of being a racist party like you used to be historically....
and there it is...that didnt take long
Read the boards numb nuts.

The board is representative of the entire democrat party? Good Lord I hope that's not the case for the republican party or else we've got some real psychopaths just a single winning election away from sending us into war-stricken, economic and international chaos!

I should have been more specific... Because obviously I meant every single voter that votes Democrat knows who Ben Carson is and called him and UT...

Fuck your stupid.
no they didnt you retard.....

lol... Ooooooooooooooooooooooooooook. We'll just keep calling you an idiot hack and let it slide that it has not been stated on these very boards many times by Dems that Ben is a UT...

BTW there is no point is replying back, you're an obsessed hack with hating Republicans (not that I'm one) and defending anything Democrat (because you are one.)
link it up.
Read the boards or admit you are outdated and pay no attention. I will not do homework for someone that will purposely forget what they learned so they can keep arguing.
He's obviously bright....but I know very little about his positions. But Stat is correct....the more choices on either side is a good thing.

For Example: I think Hillary as the only candidate on the left hurts their cause. Throw Elizabeth Warren out there....maybe even Joe Biden. Bring something fresh to the table.

To me...nothing would be more boring than a Hillary/Jeb Bush run off.

Well at least you admit it, thank you.

Now if Reps win the WH back, or the Senate... It will prolly be due to Obama and Dems fucking up the economy, foreign policy and spying on everyone, and have nothing to do with voting for a black person or a vagina. While both parties suck, I could get on board with that before I can supporting a heavy push to get someone elected due to skin tone or sex.

I voted for Hillary in the primaries. I REALLY didn't want Obama to get the nomination for all the reasons that republicans stated in the run up to the election. His inexperience has shown through and he's as far left as any politician out there. A lot of what I feared might happen has come to pass.

But oh well every party has its stupid people :dunno:
It's amazing to see how much hate spews out of the left over a possible black candidate for Republicans. If you guys are not careful you will get a stigma of being a racist party like you used to be historically....
and there it is...that didnt take long

When you voted for Obama twice can you honestly say skin color had zero to do with it? When you already support Hillary can you honestly say her being female has nothing to do with it?

I can honestly say that you are not honest. I expect no honest answer from you. How's Obama's Iraq and Syria wars doin btw?
"You're a racist for criticizing Carson! You hate him because he's black! AAAAUUUUGGHHHH!"

"You're a racist for criticizing Carson! You hate him because he's black! AAAAUUUUGGHHHH!"

"You're a racist for criticizing Carson! You hate him because he's black! AAAAUUUUGGHHHH!"

Just practicing!


Lol, you stole that right out of the Democrat emails to defend Obama back in 2007 but changed the name! Slick buddy!
Well at least you admit it, thank you.

Now if Reps win the WH back, or the Senate... It will prolly be due to Obama and Dems fucking up the economy, foreign policy and spying on everyone, and have nothing to do with voting for a black person or a vagina. While both parties suck, I could get on board with that before I can supporting a heavy push to get someone elected due to skin tone or sex.

I voted for Hillary in the primaries. I REALLY didn't want Obama to get the nomination for all the reasons that republicans stated in the run up to the election. His inexperience has shown through and he's as far left as any politician out there. A lot of what I feared might happen has come to pass.

But oh well every party has its stupid people :dunno:

=) Hey, a more respectable position I admit.
I like Carson but we are finishing up eight years of someone who was not ready for prime time I would just as soon not have another .
I agree with this as well, and I caution against the GOP getting all gushy because we "like black folks too". Talk about pandering and patronizing.

Uhm, no one here mentioned race at all. YOU did.

Thanks for putting your racism up and front for us all to see.
You think Carson's race is irrelevant? You're a dumbass and a half.

Of course it's irrelevant. In what century do you live?
I like Ben Carson, he is not as big an asshole as some of the Republicans. But he is not ready for prime time

All he has to do is learn to lie like Obama... Like when Obama told people he would end the Iraq war, then took credit for ending the Iraq war... Then switched to saying he was forced to end the Iraq war but Bush really ended it. Too late though, Obama was elected and the fanbois were created.

Ben stands no chance because like Rand he is a doctor... Dems hate educated doctors. They like politicians that have done nothing with their lives, like Obama, Hilary, Clinton and so on. That's why so many Dems want Michelle to run, sh'e is a she, she is black and has otherwise done nothing.... That's all that is needed.

And thank you also for showing your racist ass.

This is going to be fun.

I create a thread about a person, and two Righties make it about race.

Hmmmm... interesting.

If Carson were white, we wouldn't even know who he is. Likewise if Obama weren't half black, he never would have been elected.

The only reason Carson is being considered is because he is a black man who publicaly criticized a black president

GOP Presidential material

OP, you ran away! You need to get on this racist!

You're prolly right RW, just like I'm prolly right that You supported Obama because he is black and you support Hillary because she has a vagina and you really want Michelle over Hillary because, Vagina + Black = unbeatable to you. Or is somehow Ben only supported because of his skin color but by pure chance all 3 (Warren) possible Dem candidates are Female or female and Black by 100% chance? And of course this is not looking at the current President's skin tone, just future possible Presidential noms for the Dems.

lol, you're too easy.

That was some most excellent butthurt.

Now, back to the topic at hand, namely, Dr. Carson.
I didn't make it about race, the Democratic party made it about race. They call Ben a Uncle Tom.

Read the boards numb nuts.

The board is representative of the entire democrat party? Good Lord I hope that's not the case for the republican party or else we've got some real psychopaths just a single winning election away from sending us into war-stricken, economic and international chaos!

I should have been more specific... Because obviously I meant every single voter that votes Democrat knows who Ben Carson is and called him and UT...

Fuck your stupid.

Which Democrat has done that?

For hacks on either the right of the left is has nothing to do with who is being correct or incorrect, honest or dishonest. It's always about if you don't agree with me then attack. For the hacks there are no position outside of right and left. I myself argue consistently with "republicans or conservatives" on these boards, yet I am considered a rightie to those on the left. When I argue with the righties I get called a lefty.... The same insults that both sides use against one another are used towards me.

This is why these boards and politics are mostly a joke to me. Meeting honest people is a rarity. In this thread a lone I get called a racist... Yet the lefties who discuss race don't obtain this title from the OP, because they are "lefties."

If Obama ended the Iraq war, cut the deficit without massive spending off the books (federal reserve). If Obama had ended other wars rather than escalate them. If Obama had not started new wars... If Obama had not spied on all citizens and allies and openly lied about it... If Obama had not become the greatest divider in US history.... If Obama had actually followed the constitution and a great deal of topics like he said he would I could actually really like Obama. But fact is Obama is a war President, a deficit President, a divider, an open racist and grew almost every single Bush era policy and program he once claimed he would end.

List the programs and policies Obama ended of Bush... If you think Bush was horrible, you can't possibly think any better of Obama... Unless you're a hack.
All he has to do is learn to lie like Obama... Like when Obama told people he would end the Iraq war, then took credit for ending the Iraq war... Then switched to saying he was forced to end the Iraq war but Bush really ended it. Too late though, Obama was elected and the fanbois were created.

Ben stands no chance because like Rand he is a doctor... Dems hate educated doctors. They like politicians that have done nothing with their lives, like Obama, Hilary, Clinton and so on. That's why so many Dems want Michelle to run, sh'e is a she, she is black and has otherwise done nothing.... That's all that is needed.

And thank you also for showing your racist ass.

This is going to be fun.

I create a thread about a person, and two Righties make it about race.

Hmmmm... interesting.

If Carson were white, we wouldn't even know who he is. Likewise if Obama weren't half black, he never would have been elected.

The only reason Carson is being considered is because he is a black man who publicaly criticized a black president

GOP Presidential material

OP, you ran away! You need to get on this racist!

You're prolly right RW, just like I'm prolly right that You supported Obama because he is black and you support Hillary because she has a vagina and you really want Michelle over Hillary because, Vagina + Black = unbeatable to you. Or is somehow Ben only supported because of his skin color but by pure chance all 3 (Warren) possible Dem candidates are Female or female and Black by 100% chance? And of course this is not looking at the current President's skin tone, just future possible Presidential noms for the Dems.

lol, you're too easy.

That was some most excellent butthurt.

Now, back to the topic at hand, namely, Dr. Carson.

Until you call out the lefties that brought up race I have to assume you're an inconstant hypocrite lefty hack as proven by your actions.

btw, lol.
And thank you also for showing your racist ass.

This is going to be fun.

I create a thread about a person, and two Righties make it about race.

Hmmmm... interesting.

If Carson were white, we wouldn't even know who he is. Likewise if Obama weren't half black, he never would have been elected.

The only reason Carson is being considered is because he is a black man who publicaly criticized a black president

GOP Presidential material

OP, you ran away! You need to get on this racist!

You're prolly right RW, just like I'm prolly right that You supported Obama because he is black and you support Hillary because she has a vagina and you really want Michelle over Hillary because, Vagina + Black = unbeatable to you. Or is somehow Ben only supported because of his skin color but by pure chance all 3 (Warren) possible Dem candidates are Female or female and Black by 100% chance? And of course this is not looking at the current President's skin tone, just future possible Presidential noms for the Dems.

lol, you're too easy.

That was some most excellent butthurt.

Now, back to the topic at hand, namely, Dr. Carson.

Until you call out the lefties that brought up race I have to assume you're an inconstant hypocrite lefty hack as proven by your actions.

btw, lol.
Show me a leftie on this thread who brought up race before you first posted what you did, hack.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk
I like Carson but we are finishing up eight years of someone who was not ready for prime time I would just as soon not have another .
I agree with this as well, and I caution against the GOP getting all gushy because we "like black folks too". Talk about pandering and patronizing.

Uhm, no one here mentioned race at all. YOU did.

Thanks for putting your racism up and front for us all to see.
You think Carson's race is irrelevant? You're a dumbass and a half.

Of course it's irrelevant. In what century do you live?
You mean like Obama's race is irrelevant?
Obama has ruined the chances of any black candidate running for President for the foreseeable future.
All he has to do is learn to lie like Obama... Like when Obama told people he would end the Iraq war, then took credit for ending the Iraq war... Then switched to saying he was forced to end the Iraq war but Bush really ended it. Too late though, Obama was elected and the fanbois were created.

Ben stands no chance because like Rand he is a doctor... Dems hate educated doctors. They like politicians that have done nothing with their lives, like Obama, Hilary, Clinton and so on. That's why so many Dems want Michelle to run, sh'e is a she, she is black and has otherwise done nothing.... That's all that is needed.

And thank you also for showing your racist ass.

This is going to be fun.

I create a thread about a person, and two Righties make it about race.

Hmmmm... interesting.

If Carson were white, we wouldn't even know who he is. Likewise if Obama weren't half black, he never would have been elected.

The only reason Carson is being considered is because he is a black man who publicaly criticized a black president

GOP Presidential material

OP, you ran away! You need to get on this racist!

You're prolly right RW, just like I'm prolly right that You supported Obama because he is black and you support Hillary because she has a vagina and you really want Michelle over Hillary because, Vagina + Black = unbeatable to you. Or is somehow Ben only supported because of his skin color but by pure chance all 3 (Warren) possible Dem candidates are Female or female and Black by 100% chance? And of course this is not looking at the current President's skin tone, just future possible Presidential noms for the Dems.

lol, you're too easy.

That was some most excellent butthurt.

Now, back to the topic at hand, namely, Dr. Carson.
What about him? Why do you think he is an appropriate candidate to be president?
I like Carson but we are finishing up eight years of someone who was not ready for prime time I would just as soon not have another .
I agree with this as well, and I caution against the GOP getting all gushy because we "like black folks too". Talk about pandering and patronizing.

Uhm, no one here mentioned race at all. YOU did.

Thanks for putting your racism up and front for us all to see.
You think Carson's race is irrelevant? You're a dumbass and a half.

Of course it's irrelevant. In what century do you live?
You mean like Obama's race is irrelevant?

Of course. His race is irrelevant to me. The only people who constantly bring up his race are RWNJs like you.

Gesendet von meinem GT-I9515 mit Tapatalk

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