Ben Carson On 2016: 'likelihood Is Strong'

He's an excellent man. Maybe not so excellent a candidate? He has no experience in politics. A great deal will depend upon who he attracts to run his campaign. From what I've seen so far, he's smart and disciplined.

I wonder if he realizes what he's up against? He's about to go under the microscope......Let the personal attacks and destruction begin!!

Dr Carson, on your appearance on Sean Hannity, you made the following statement.........can you explain?

Dr Carson will find the microscope to be much more intense than he gets from Sean Hannity. Sarah Palin couldn't take it, lets see how Carson does

I'm sure the liberal media will give him a fair shake like they do other Republicans...
I like Ben Carson, he is not as big an asshole as some of the Republicans. But he is not ready for prime time
I would have to agree. He's smart enough, but the politics will destroy him. Let him run for Senate first. Same for Palin too. Get some national experience then run as a team for Prez and VP.
I like Ben Carson, he is not as big an asshole as some of the Republicans. But he is not ready for prime time

All he has to do is learn to lie like Obama... Like when Obama told people he would end the Iraq war, then took credit for ending the Iraq war... Then switched to saying he was forced to end the Iraq war but Bush really ended it. Too late though, Obama was elected and the fanbois were created.

Ben stands no chance because like Rand he is a doctor... Dems hate educated doctors. They like politicians that have done nothing with their lives, like Obama, Hilary, Clinton and so on. That's why so many Dems want Michelle to run, sh'e is a she, she is black and has otherwise done nothing.... That's all that is needed.

And thank you also for showing your racist ass.

This is going to be fun.

I create a thread about a person, and two Righties make it about race.

Hmmmm... interesting.
He said nothing racist! What the Hells the matter with you?
I like Carson but we are finishing up eight years of someone who was not ready for prime time I would just as soon not have another .
I agree with this as well, and I caution against the GOP getting all gushy because we "like black folks too". Talk about pandering and patronizing.
If you think that Dr. Carson's attraction to us is because he's black you're sadly mistaken pal.
He's an excellent man. Maybe not so excellent a candidate? He has no experience in politics. A great deal will depend upon who he attracts to run his campaign. From what I've seen so far, he's smart and disciplined.

I wonder if he realizes what he's up against? He's about to go under the microscope......Let the personal attacks and destruction begin!!

Dr Carson, on your appearance on Sean Hannity, you made the following statement.........can you explain?

Dr Carson will find the microscope to be much more intense than he gets from Sean Hannity. Sarah Palin couldn't take it, lets see how Carson does

I'm sure the liberal media will give him a fair shake like they do other Republicans...
Why wouldn't they?
I like Carson but we are finishing up eight years of someone who was not ready for prime time I would just as soon not have another .
I agree with this as well, and I caution against the GOP getting all gushy because we "like black folks too". Talk about pandering and patronizing.
If you think that Dr. Carson's attraction to us is because he's black you're sadly mistaken pal.

You called me "pal". That's very sweet, thank you.

Speaking as a conservative voter, I am sick of the GOP putting up people to fill the affirmative action role. They did it with RINO Michael Steele as spokesdork as well.

The truth is, if not for his skin color, no one would know the name Ben Carson, save his friends, family and associates. He's like Token on South Park.
I like Carson but we are finishing up eight years of someone who was not ready for prime time I would just as soon not have another .
I agree with this as well, and I caution against the GOP getting all gushy because we "like black folks too". Talk about pandering and patronizing.
If you think that Dr. Carson's attraction to us is because he's black you're sadly mistaken pal.
Of course not

He is black and he hates Obama

But republicans will never elect a black
He's an excellent man. Maybe not so excellent a candidate? He has no experience in politics. A great deal will depend upon who he attracts to run his campaign. From what I've seen so far, he's smart and disciplined.

I wonder if he realizes what he's up against? He's about to go under the microscope......Let the personal attacks and destruction begin!!

Dr Carson, on your appearance on Sean Hannity, you made the following statement.........can you explain?

Dr Carson will find the microscope to be much more intense than he gets from Sean Hannity. Sarah Palin couldn't take it, lets see how Carson does

I'm sure the liberal media will give him a fair shake like they do other Republicans...
Why wouldn't they?

I said they will, they will treat him with all the fairness they do other Republicans.
I like Carson but we are finishing up eight years of someone who was not ready for prime time I would just as soon not have another .
I agree with this as well, and I caution against the GOP getting all gushy because we "like black folks too". Talk about pandering and patronizing.
If you think that Dr. Carson's attraction to us is because he's black you're sadly mistaken pal.

You called me "pal". That's very sweet, thank you.

Speaking as a conservative voter, I am sick of the GOP putting up people to fill the affirmative action role. They did it with RINO Michael Steele as spokesdork as well.

The truth is, if not for his skin color, no one would know the name Ben Carson, save his friends, family and associates. He's like Token on South Park.

And Righties are so blinded, they don't even see the racism in such commentary. This is how far they have sunk.

Obama has ruined the chances of any black candidate running for President for the foreseeable future.

Exactly. It's time for a Finnish-American to be President or a Polish-American. Funny how no one thinks those identity groups need their time in the spotlight.

Carson, unlike Obama, is a talented man and he earned his achievements in a demanding field, neurosurgery. His being black and being from Baltimore certainly helped him in his career but he did have the bona fides to be in the career race.

Despite his accomplishments there are a million+ men just like him in the US - men who are accomplished in their field of specialization. Carson became a public figure because he is black and because it's so rare for black men to achieve such success.

Republican fan-boys of Carson are being idiots for cheering him on because they're acting like Liberals. The only appeal of Carson is that he is black. His Republican cheerleaders have internalized the Liberal message that Republicans need to have black candidates to prove that they're not racists. They've abandoned the core Republican ethos of being color-blind and merit-focused.

Carson doesn't bring any political skills, nor executive skills, to the table, unlike actual Republican politicians.

This Leftist mindvirus on race is like the Spanish Flu - it devastates all who stand before it. If Carson wants to be President, let him demonstrate his leadership by working his way up the political ladder - SHOW US that he has what it takes. Being a neurosurgeon doesn't bring anything to the table. Being black SHOULDLN'T bring anything to the table - conservatives, after all, are not liberal racists.
Does he have any experience at all running a governmental entity? Any experience in politics? In working with others in the political field? In dealing with international relations?
Neither did Obama so those questions must be racist.
Yes, Obama did have experience working in politics and with a governmental entity.
He did NOT run a government entity as you said...

And his experience in government was very limited with a 100% party line voting record....and only a year and a half at the federal level before hitting the campaign trail.

By no means experience that can be touted as worthy of presidential consideration.
Carson won't be running against Obama; he'll be running against Hillary, who has a great deal of experience.

Failure certainly qualifies as experience but we shouldn't be rewarding experience, we should be rewarding success. Secondly, we shouldn't be rewarding women who achieve prominence riding the coattails of successful fathers or husbands.
Does he have any experience at all running a governmental entity? Any experience in politics? In working with others in the political field? In dealing with international relations?
Neither did Obama so those questions must be racist.
Yes, Obama did have experience working in politics and with a governmental entity.
He did NOT run a government entity as you said...

And his experience in government was very limited with a 100% party line voting record....and only a year and a half at the federal level before hitting the campaign trail.

By no means experience that can be touted as worthy of presidential consideration.
Carson won't be running against Obama; he'll be running against Hillary, who has a great deal of experience.

Failure certainly qualifies as experience but we shouldn't be rewarding experience, we should be rewarding success. Secondly, we shouldn't be rewarding women who achieve prominence riding the coattails of successful fathers or husbands.

Most truly successful people I know have taken risks and experienced failure. Someone who has never experienced failure is either far to cautious or far too untested (likely both) to be a true leader, imo.
Neither did Obama so those questions must be racist.
Yes, Obama did have experience working in politics and with a governmental entity.
He did NOT run a government entity as you said...

And his experience in government was very limited with a 100% party line voting record....and only a year and a half at the federal level before hitting the campaign trail.

By no means experience that can be touted as worthy of presidential consideration.
Carson won't be running against Obama; he'll be running against Hillary, who has a great deal of experience.

Failure certainly qualifies as experience but we shouldn't be rewarding experience, we should be rewarding success. Secondly, we shouldn't be rewarding women who achieve prominence riding the coattails of successful fathers or husbands.

Most truly successful people I know have taken risks and experienced failure. Someone who has never experienced failure is either far to cautious or far too untested (likely both) to be a true leader, imo.

I'm not saying that failure disqualifies a person, I'm saying that our political culture too often rewards failure. Hillary was a disaster as Secretary of State - look at the world today. There's no way in hell that she should be booted upstairs to be President as a reward for screwhing up US foreign policy.

Look at Giethner's career trajectory, failed upwards his whole life. What's really happening is people are being promoted for being loyal. When is the last time anyone can remember an American politician resigning for having failed with some effort? All American politicians do is parade in front of cameras saying "I take responsibility" and then they don't do anything afterwards. It's the theater of the absurd. Try that before a judge - "Judge, I take responsibility for setting that house on fire and killing that family. OK, see you later, I got a golf game to play and then I'm going to go to find myself at an Ashram in India."
Yes, Obama did have experience working in politics and with a governmental entity.
He did NOT run a government entity as you said...

And his experience in government was very limited with a 100% party line voting record....and only a year and a half at the federal level before hitting the campaign trail.

By no means experience that can be touted as worthy of presidential consideration.
Carson won't be running against Obama; he'll be running against Hillary, who has a great deal of experience.

Failure certainly qualifies as experience but we shouldn't be rewarding experience, we should be rewarding success. Secondly, we shouldn't be rewarding women who achieve prominence riding the coattails of successful fathers or husbands.

Most truly successful people I know have taken risks and experienced failure. Someone who has never experienced failure is either far to cautious or far too untested (likely both) to be a true leader, imo.

I'm not saying that failure disqualifies a person, I'm saying that our political culture too often rewards failure. Hillary was a disaster as Secretary of State - look at the world today. There's no way in hell that she should be booted upstairs to be President as a reward for screwhing up US foreign policy.

Look at Giethner's career trajectory, failed upwards his whole life. What's really happening is people are being promoted for being loyal. When is the last time anyone can remember an American politician resigning for having failed with some effort? All American politicians do is parade in front of cameras saying "I take responsibility" and then they don't do anything afterwards. It's the theater of the absurd. Try that before a judge - "Judge, I take responsibility for setting that house on fire and killing that family. OK, see you later, I got a golf game to play and then I'm going to go to find myself at an Ashram in India."

Oh, I agree with the political failure aspect. People like Hillary and Timmy Turbo Tax are NEVER held accountable for their failures.

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