Ben Carson Was A Vegetarian When He Was Robbed At Popeyes Chicken

So it seems possible Ben Carson is either crazy or a liar. The police department can't find the report of a robbery and Ben Carson was supposedly a vegetarian thirty years ago, what gives?

"In the days following Ben Carson’s claim that he once survived being held at gunpoint at a Popeyes chicken restaurant by telling the gunman to target the cashier instead of himself, the nation has grappled with whether to believe his story. The Baltimore Police Department says it can find no records to support his claim, even though the restaurant chain would certainly have filed a police report after a robbery. Now it turns out Carson was a vegetarian at the time – so why would he have been at a chicken restaurant?

In keeping with the times, Popeyes has added vegetarian dishes to its menu. But the Ben Carson camp alternately claims that the robbery happened either “thirty” or “more than thirty” years ago, and at that time the restaurant chain simply offered chicken. If this were the only suspicious part of Ben Carson’s robbery story, one might be tempted to explain it away by suggesting that perhaps he merely stopped in to use the restroom. But within the larger context of the story, it increasingly appears that he may have simply made up the story in an effort to justify his earlier comments about America needing more guns to fight back against gunmen. The story gets even stranger.

Ben Carson’s business manager attempted to confirm the truthfulness of the robbery story by claiming that Carson had included the details about it in his book, Take The Risk. But those who have read the book have confirmed that it makes no mention of such an incident. Throw in the police not being able to find any evidence of the robbery, and his increasingly bizarre claims about the Holocaust, no wonder have come to seriously ask whether Ben Carson may be suffering from a mental illness"
Ben Carson was a vegetarian at the time he claims to have been robbed at Popeyes Chicken

Holy shit, is Rain Man Carson a liar and a plagiarist? Go shoot that other guy.

And you see the hatred of the far left..
Right, that's why vets are being denied surgeries that would greatly improve their quality of life because of their age, using the excuse it's not allowed under maobamacare. That's a real improvement, right?

Isn't that a VA issue?
No leashes or muzzles required. They will fall like a house of cards when they are outed for their bullshit.

So she didn't have classified and sensitive information on an unsecured server?

So she didn't store that server in an unsecured and unapproved location?

So she didn't allow access to that server and its contents to persons not authorized to have such information?

So she didn't attempt to delete emails that were work related, thus attempting to destroy government property?

So she didn't sign a sworn affidavit to a federal judge that she had turned over all work related emails to the State Dept. when in fact she hadn't?

So she's not claiming all that was allowed?

I could go on but I think I've made my point. The bitch is still lying, when in fact she committed numerous federal felonies.

All lies if we are to believe the #2 Republican in the House.

Keep telling yourself that, none of what I listed has a damn thing to do with Benghazi.

It's all a sham and you have to be pretty stupid not to know it.

Really, is that all you got. Tell the FBI they are spending all this time and manpower investigating a sham. They've been at it for a couple a months and now they have a new player to investigate, the company that did the backups to the cloud for Platte River Networks.

Let me get this straight...

Did you just argue that Marion Barry smoking crack is evidence to support Carson's honesty?
So she didn't have classified and sensitive information on an unsecured server?

So she didn't store that server in an unsecured and unapproved location?

So she didn't allow access to that server and its contents to persons not authorized to have such information?

So she didn't attempt to delete emails that were work related, thus attempting to destroy government property?

So she didn't sign a sworn affidavit to a federal judge that she had turned over all work related emails to the State Dept. when in fact she hadn't?

So she's not claiming all that was allowed?

I could go on but I think I've made my point. The bitch is still lying, when in fact she committed numerous federal felonies.

All lies if we are to believe the #2 Republican in the House.

Keep telling yourself that, none of what I listed has a damn thing to do with Benghazi.

It's all a sham and you have to be pretty stupid not to know it.

Really, is that all you got. Tell the FBI they are spending all this time and manpower investigating a sham. They've been at it for a couple a months and now they have a new player to investigate, the company that did the backups to the cloud for Platte River Networks.

Let me get this straight...

Did you just argue that Marion Barry smoking crack is evidence to support Carson's honesty?

I think he disappeared when asked to clarify the VA statement.
So it seems possible Ben Carson is either crazy or a liar. The police department can't find the report of a robbery and Ben Carson was supposedly a vegetarian thirty years ago, what gives?

"In the days following Ben Carson’s claim that he once survived being held at gunpoint at a Popeyes chicken restaurant by telling the gunman to target the cashier instead of himself, the nation has grappled with whether to believe his story. The Baltimore Police Department says it can find no records to support his claim, even though the restaurant chain would certainly have filed a police report after a robbery. Now it turns out Carson was a vegetarian at the time – so why would he have been at a chicken restaurant?

In keeping with the times, Popeyes has added vegetarian dishes to its menu. But the Ben Carson camp alternately claims that the robbery happened either “thirty” or “more than thirty” years ago, and at that time the restaurant chain simply offered chicken. If this were the only suspicious part of Ben Carson’s robbery story, one might be tempted to explain it away by suggesting that perhaps he merely stopped in to use the restroom. But within the larger context of the story, it increasingly appears that he may have simply made up the story in an effort to justify his earlier comments about America needing more guns to fight back against gunmen. The story gets even stranger.

Ben Carson’s business manager attempted to confirm the truthfulness of the robbery story by claiming that Carson had included the details about it in his book, Take The Risk. But those who have read the book have confirmed that it makes no mention of such an incident. Throw in the police not being able to find any evidence of the robbery, and his increasingly bizarre claims about the Holocaust, no wonder have come to seriously ask whether Ben Carson may be suffering from a mental illness"
Ben Carson was a vegetarian at the time he claims to have been robbed at Popeyes Chicken
They used to sell salads :bye1:.

Thirty years ago it was a pretty small menu, it still doesn't explain the lack of a police report.
This is so stupid. Is this all you've got 30 years ago? Really. Pathetic.

Ben Carson brought this up himself two days ago and that's why it is being bandied about. He started it, no one else.
Who cares? Not me. Unless Ben rapes a puppy he's my guy.
Right, that's why vets are being denied surgeries that would greatly improve their quality of life because of their age, using the excuse it's not allowed under maobamacare. That's a real improvement, right?

Isn't that a VA issue?

I don't think you have any idea how far reaching maobamacre is, it touches every facet of healthcare in this country, including VA.
So she didn't have classified and sensitive information on an unsecured server?

So she didn't store that server in an unsecured and unapproved location?

So she didn't allow access to that server and its contents to persons not authorized to have such information?

So she didn't attempt to delete emails that were work related, thus attempting to destroy government property?

So she didn't sign a sworn affidavit to a federal judge that she had turned over all work related emails to the State Dept. when in fact she hadn't?

So she's not claiming all that was allowed?

I could go on but I think I've made my point. The bitch is still lying, when in fact she committed numerous federal felonies.

All lies if we are to believe the #2 Republican in the House.

Keep telling yourself that, none of what I listed has a damn thing to do with Benghazi.

It's all a sham and you have to be pretty stupid not to know it.

Really, is that all you got. Tell the FBI they are spending all this time and manpower investigating a sham. They've been at it for a couple a months and now they have a new player to investigate, the company that did the backups to the cloud for Platte River Networks.

Let me get this straight...

Did you just argue that Marion Barry smoking crack is evidence to support Carson's honesty?

No, I haven't said a word about that crack head.
All lies if we are to believe the #2 Republican in the House.

Keep telling yourself that, none of what I listed has a damn thing to do with Benghazi.

It's all a sham and you have to be pretty stupid not to know it.

Really, is that all you got. Tell the FBI they are spending all this time and manpower investigating a sham. They've been at it for a couple a months and now they have a new player to investigate, the company that did the backups to the cloud for Platte River Networks.

Let me get this straight...

Did you just argue that Marion Barry smoking crack is evidence to support Carson's honesty?

I think he disappeared when asked to clarify the VA statement.

Not everyone has 24/7 to spend here, I come and go like, normal people. I talked to a vet in the Houston VA hospital that was denied a knee replacement because of his age, they told him he didn't meet the maobamacare guides and will have to survive on high speed drugs for the pain. Clear enough?
How so? This poor delusional soul thinks he can run the country because he knows how to run the A crew in an operating room at Johns Hopkins.

He always looks like he just woke up from a nap and can't find his glasses.

Repubes really need to get their shit together.

Running a pediatric neurosurgery dept at a major hospital is more experience that your dear leader ever had when you voted for it.

And yet by getting the ACA passed Obama did more for America's health than Carson ever did.

Right, that's why vets are being denied surgeries that would greatly improve their quality of life because of their age, using the excuse it's not allowed under maobamacare. That's a real improvement, right?

Well if you had an ounce of credibility I'd take your word for it. You don't.

Maybe you should spend some of your time at VA hospitals and actually talking to vets like I have, then maybe you wouldn't be so ignorant.

Or, I could just become an anonymous guy on the internet who says he does such things.
Running a pediatric neurosurgery dept at a major hospital is more experience that your dear leader ever had when you voted for it.

And yet by getting the ACA passed Obama did more for America's health than Carson ever did.

Right, that's why vets are being denied surgeries that would greatly improve their quality of life because of their age, using the excuse it's not allowed under maobamacare. That's a real improvement, right?

Well if you had an ounce of credibility I'd take your word for it. You don't.

Maybe you should spend some of your time at VA hospitals and actually talking to vets like I have, then maybe you wouldn't be so ignorant.

Or, I could just become an anonymous guy on the internet who says he does such things.

Or you could be a disabled vet who spends a lot of time at VA facilities like me, and have since 2000.
Keep telling yourself that, none of what I listed has a damn thing to do with Benghazi.

It's all a sham and you have to be pretty stupid not to know it.

Really, is that all you got. Tell the FBI they are spending all this time and manpower investigating a sham. They've been at it for a couple a months and now they have a new player to investigate, the company that did the backups to the cloud for Platte River Networks.

Let me get this straight...

Did you just argue that Marion Barry smoking crack is evidence to support Carson's honesty?

I think he disappeared when asked to clarify the VA statement.

Not everyone has 24/7 to spend here, I come and go like, normal people. I talked to a vet in the Houston VA hospital that was denied a knee replacement because of his age, they told him he didn't meet the maobamacare guides and will have to survive on high speed drugs for the pain. Clear enough?


Dispelling Some Rumors About Medicare And The Health Law Limiting Care
And yet by getting the ACA passed Obama did more for America's health than Carson ever did.

Right, that's why vets are being denied surgeries that would greatly improve their quality of life because of their age, using the excuse it's not allowed under maobamacare. That's a real improvement, right?

Well if you had an ounce of credibility I'd take your word for it. You don't.

Maybe you should spend some of your time at VA hospitals and actually talking to vets like I have, then maybe you wouldn't be so ignorant.

Or, I could just become an anonymous guy on the internet who says he does such things.

Or you could be a disabled vet who spends a lot of time at VA facilities like me, and have since 2000.

You obviously didn't lose your ability to post bullshit.
Your defense pretty much shows us your own partisanship. I also think that since you can't produce an honest candidate you're reduced to phony platitudes to cover up your own ugly problem with the truth.


Where do I begin with this post?

"Your defense pretty much shows your partisanship"

Well, your rebuttal shows yours.

"I also think that since you can't produce an honest candidate, you're reduced to phony platitudes to cover up your own ugly problem with the truth."

Interesting, since you're saying nothing about Hillary's issues with honesty. So, like I said, you're just as partisan as your opponent.
Keep telling yourself that, none of what I listed has a damn thing to do with Benghazi.

It's all a sham and you have to be pretty stupid not to know it.

Really, is that all you got. Tell the FBI they are spending all this time and manpower investigating a sham. They've been at it for a couple a months and now they have a new player to investigate, the company that did the backups to the cloud for Platte River Networks.

Let me get this straight...

Did you just argue that Marion Barry smoking crack is evidence to support Carson's honesty?

I think he disappeared when asked to clarify the VA statement.

Not everyone has 24/7 to spend here, I come and go like, normal people. I talked to a vet in the Houston VA hospital that was denied a knee replacement because of his age, they told him he didn't meet the maobamacare guides and will have to survive on high speed drugs for the pain. Clear enough?

Vets like everyone else don't get to diagnose and prescribe their own treatments. He may have a knee problem but obviously his health care practitioner doesn't agree with that course of treatment. The VA does not use any other guidelines but its own and you can have the VA exclusively or in conjunction with your own health insurance or Medicare. Whatever the fellows problem was it wasn't because of an Obamacare guideline,
It's all a sham and you have to be pretty stupid not to know it.

Really, is that all you got. Tell the FBI they are spending all this time and manpower investigating a sham. They've been at it for a couple a months and now they have a new player to investigate, the company that did the backups to the cloud for Platte River Networks.

Let me get this straight...

Did you just argue that Marion Barry smoking crack is evidence to support Carson's honesty?

I think he disappeared when asked to clarify the VA statement.

Not everyone has 24/7 to spend here, I come and go like, normal people. I talked to a vet in the Houston VA hospital that was denied a knee replacement because of his age, they told him he didn't meet the maobamacare guides and will have to survive on high speed drugs for the pain. Clear enough?


Dispelling Some Rumors About Medicare And The Health Law Limiting Care

And medicare has what to do with the VA?
And yet by getting the ACA passed Obama did more for America's health than Carson ever did.

Right, that's why vets are being denied surgeries that would greatly improve their quality of life because of their age, using the excuse it's not allowed under maobamacare. That's a real improvement, right?

Well if you had an ounce of credibility I'd take your word for it. You don't.

Maybe you should spend some of your time at VA hospitals and actually talking to vets like I have, then maybe you wouldn't be so ignorant.

Or, I could just become an anonymous guy on the internet who says he does such things.

Or you could be a disabled vet who spends a lot of time at VA facilities like me, and have since 2000.

Then you should know better.

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