Ben Carson --- Welfare Perpetuates Poverty, Buys Votes

Our country's in the tank due to Leftist/progressive programs and when someone speaks up about it, the Dimbocraps go nuts.

It's why I can see a Trump/Carson ticket winning the White House while the GOP picks up more seats in Congress.

Yeah, their plans for massive cuts in social programs and massive increases in military spending will play real well,


under progressives the poorest got poorer; the richest got richer

you ok with that leftard??
$22 trillion spent on social welfare since the mid 1960s only to have the same percentage in poverty now as then.
Our country's in the tank due to Leftist/progressive programs and when someone speaks up about it, the Dimbocraps go nuts.

It's why I can see a Trump/Carson ticket winning the White House while the GOP picks up more seats in Congress.

Yeah, their plans for massive cuts in social programs and massive increases in military spending will play real well,


You mean cutting spending on something that isn't specifically in the Constitution and spending it on something that is?
$22 trillion spent on social welfare since the mid 1960s only to have the same percentage in poverty now as then.

And think of all the trillions of bucks lost because of affirmative action when companies are forced to hire illiterate blacks as software engineers!!! We just keep throwing away money to help blacks and it never even works. Lincoln had the right idea - send blacks back to africa.
Liberals are going ballistic cuz ben and the trumpster are saying things everybody knows are true but you're not supposed to say!!

Ben Carson: Welfare Perpetuates Poverty, Buys Votes

oct 12 2015 Republican presidential candidate Ben Carson used a Sunday campaign stop in Georgia to accuse politicians of using poverty to bolster their voting constituencies. In his eyes, open-ended welfare has not only perpetuated poverty, its sustained a loyal voting bloc for certain politicians.

“False compassion is patting them on the head and saying, ‘You can’t take care of yourself and I’m going to give you food stamps, a housing subsidy and free health care,'” Carson said according to the Gainesville Times. “And all the things you need so you can stay dependent and vote for me.’”
Carson is absolutely right. Sadly, he only told a small part of the dependency tale, and portrayed it as strictly a left wing thing.

I hate lies of omission.
Looks like the republicans have another black man they can get behind, since herman 999caine didn't work out. The thread's about free stuff also, maybe the op doesn't know that carson's mom took advantage of free stuff while he was growing up? You know, the kind of free stuff that was invented by democrats to keep blacks on the plantation like food stamps?

I know carson was raised on welfare and i also know he has admitted he's an affirmative action baby. He has benefited immensely from black privilege.

People are poorer in countries where they get little or no help from the government.

Helping poor people is OK as long as it doesn't involve giving them money based on how many kids they have. That's the big mistake we have made in america. Poor people shouldn't have kids and if you want welfare, you should accept sterilization.
Black privlage !? Lol!!

You righties really show your true colors . So to speak.
Our country's in the tank due to Leftist/progressive programs and when someone speaks up about it, the Dimbocraps go nuts.

It's why I can see a Trump/Carson ticket winning the White House while the GOP picks up more seats in Congress.

Yeah, their plans for massive cuts in social programs and massive increases in military spending will play real well,


under progressives the poorest got poorer; the richest got richer

you ok with that leftard??

It has been happening for quite a long time. Probably started with the war on unions.

People are poorer in countries where they get little or no help from the government.

Helping poor people is OK as long as it doesn't involve giving them money based on how many kids they have. That's the big mistake we have made in america. Poor people shouldn't have kids and if you want welfare, you should accept sterilization.

OK, there you go. Let's apply eugenics to the poor.

I've already said, everyone in the country should receive a basic income in place of most 'poverty' programs.
Liberal Social Programs and their Social Program 'Construct', BY DESIGN, are intended to ensure Americans remain UN-successful, NON-self-sufficient, and DE-pendent upon the federal government and tax payer-funded Liberal Social Program Handouts! It was LBJ who proved that it is only a weak, poor citizen who is completely dependent on these government hand-outs for their very survival, who will argue for the need for 'Big government', and who will be willing to trade their rights, liberties, AND VOTES in exchange for the continued provision of those life-sustaining government hand-outs.

Historically documented, Liberals were very much afraid of the newly acquired power of Civil Rights placed in the hands of Blacks. LBJ said, "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I WILL HAVE THESE NI@@ERS VOTING 'DEMOCRAT' FOR THE NEXT 200 YEARS." And in that moment the Liberal Ideology / Program of 'Economic Slavery' was born, and they continue not only to use it today but have EXPANDED it! And every election the Liberals engage in 'fear-mongering' by claiming 'if you don't vote for us the GOP will take away all your 'freebies'.'

The reason this scares the hell out of them is because they KNOW they have become dependent upon these programs for their survival. If the government simply ceased to exist they would be LOST, would not survive. It should not be the goal of a government to continue to create a nation of citizens 'enslaved' by their government, dependent on hand-outs given to them, paid for by seizing the results of the hard work of others. It should be a government's job to create a nation of successful, independent citizens that are able to contribute and help the nation GROW! That, however, does not create a self-sustaining DNC/Politician-dependent voting populace and therefore does not ensure politician job security!

Want to know how this is FACT?
- Since the passage of Civil Rights, how has the status of black Americans been greatly improved? Blacks continue to point to impoverished communities, massive un-employment rates, poor education, lack of opportunity, lack of respect, lack of success....yet they have continued to support the very people who created the policy of 'Economic Slavery' and dependence that has kept them down for the last 50+ (FIFTY) YEARS...WITHOUT CHANGE (or 'HOPE and CHANGE')!

Insanity, some say, is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

Instead of keeping Americans on a 'dependent chain' by doing nothing more than giving 'free' handouts, there needs to be MORE - a DESIRE to liberate, empower, and make people more successful and independent and then a PLAN. Such as:

- Bring jobs back to the US, placing an import tax on all goods coming back into the US by 'US' Companies thereby eliminating all that money they save from cheap 'slave' labor. Make it cheaper to make things here.

- Create JOBS programs. Work with companies to create 'Internships / Training Programs whereby companies offer jobs to Americans who agree to give them so many years of service. Companies should agree to pay workers a reasonable, livable wage while teaching them everything they need to know about a trade in exchange for several years of loyal, dedicated service, eliminating the need for massively expensive years of college.

- Begin a DRAFT (calm down - just an idea, hear me out): Kids right out of High School should be 'drafted' into employment of the US in a military-disciplined style of service for (a minimum of) 2 years. No, I am not talking about a massive 'military' but instead more like a 'Civil Service'. have these young people learn discipline, responsibility, respect, a solid work ethic, and potentially learn a trade while serving as a community / local / state force that does various jobs. Picking up trash, cleaning up neighborhoods (like those that have been abandoned, looted, burned, trashed...), filling sandbags and helping out in disaster areas, etc.....

CREATE JOB / TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES instead of giving LIP SERVICE to the idea while handing out 'free' stuff that does NOTHING to help people become more independent!
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People are poorer in countries where they get little or no help from the government.

Helping poor people is OK as long as it doesn't involve giving them money based on how many kids they have. That's the big mistake we have made in america. Poor people shouldn't have kids and if you want welfare, you should accept sterilization.

OK, there you go. Let's apply eugenics to the poor.

I've already said, everyone in the country should receive a basic income in place of most 'poverty' programs.

a desire for eugenics is deep in the history of the American Progressive movement, ironic you should mention it leftard.
Liberal Social Programs and their Social Program 'Construct', BY DESIGN, are intended to ensure Americans remain UN-successful, NON-self-sufficient, and DE-pendent upon the federal government and tax payer-funded Liberal Social Program Handouts! It was LBJ who proved that it is only a weak, poor citizen who is completely dependent on these government hand-outs for their very survival, who will argue for the need for 'Big government', and who will be willing to trade their rights, liberties, AND VOTES in exchange for the continued provision of those life-sustaining government hand-outs.

Historically documented, Liberals were very much afraid of the newly acquired power of Civil Rights placed in the hands of Blacks. LBJ said, "These uppity negroes have something they have never had before - power to back their movement. We have to give them something, BUT NOT ENOUGH TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE. I WILL HAVE THESE NI@@ERS VOTING 'DEMOCRAT' FOR THE NEXT 200 YEARS." And in that moment the Liberal Ideology / Program of 'Economic Slavery' was born, and they continue not only to use it today but have EXPANDED it! And every election the Liberals engage in 'fear-mongering' by claiming 'if you don't vote for us the GOP will take away all your 'freebies'.'

The reason this scares the hell out of them is because they KNOW they have become dependent upon these programs for their survival. If the government simply ceased to exist they would be LOST, would not survive. It should not be the goal of a government to continue to create a nation of citizens 'enslaved' by their government, dependent on hand-outs given to them, paid for by seizing the results of the hard work of others. It should be a government's job to create a nation of successful, independent citizens that are able to contribute and help the nation GROW! That, however, does not create a self-sustaining DNC/Politician-dependent voting populace and therefore does not ensure politician job security!

Want to know how this is FACT?
- Since the passage of Civil Rights, how has the status of black Americans been greatly improved? Blacks continue to point to impoverished communities, massive un-employment rates, poor education, lack of opportunity, lack of respect, lack of success....yet they have continued to support the very people who created the policy of 'Economic Slavery' and dependence that has kept them down for the last 50+ (FIFTY) YEARS...WITHOUT CHANGE (or 'HOPE and CHANGE')!

Insanity, some say, is doing the same thing over and over while expecting different results.

Instead of keeping Americans on a 'dependent chain' by doing nothing more than giving 'free' handouts, there needs to be MORE - a DESIRE to liberate, empower, and make people more successful and independent and then a PLAN. Such as:

- Bring jobs back to the US, placing an import tax on all goods coming back into the US by 'US' Companies thereby eliminating all that money they save from cheap 'slave' labor. Make it cheaper to make things here.

- Create JOBS programs. Work with companies to create 'Internships / Training Programs whereby companies offer jobs to Americans who agree to give them so many years of service. Companies should agree to pay workers a reasonable, livable wage while teaching them everything they need to know about a trade in exchange for several years of loyal, dedicated service, eliminating the need for massively expensive years of college.

- Begin a DRAFT (calm down - just an idea, hear me out): Kids right out of High School should be 'drafted' into employment of the US in a military-disciplined style of service for (a minimum of) 2 years. No, I am not talking about a massive 'military' but instead more like a 'Civil Service'. have these young people learn discipline, responsibility, respect, a solid work ethic, and potentially learn a trade while serving as a community / local / state force that does various jobs. Picking up trash, cleaning up neighborhoods (like those that have been abandoned, looted, burned, trashed...), filling sandbags and helping out in disaster areas, etc.....

CREATE JOB / TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES instead of giving LIP SERVICE to the idea while handing out 'free' stuff that does NOTHING to help people become more independent!

Who is creating job opportunities?
"Conservatives say if you don't give the rich more money, they will lose their incentive to invest. As for the poor, they tell us they've lost all incentive because we've given them too much money."

- George Carlin

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