Ben Carson, WH Bid Annoncement

Carson might have had a better chance had the last two terms been served by someone other than Obama.

Our Kenyan Emperor has poisoned the well - NO person "of colour" will be electable for another 80-100 years.

Americans may be slow to learn but not DEAD slow.
Americans have short memories. They've already forgotten 9/11....and Benghazi, and I figure in a couple of years they'll elect a black Hispanic Muslim transsexual.
Very interesting man.
I can see why the left hates him.
Love him or hate him, we paid for his childhood, all the way through college. He's the Welfare King in this case.
He is the perfect example of the intended purposes of our welfare system but he is a rare example.
How do you know that? You don't know that. You are just spouting off. Probably millions of people, of all races and ethnic backgrounds, have benefited from America's social welfare system. They are just not as well known as Carson; they are just living ordinary middle, working class and even upper class lives. To assume that almost no one becomes a success having benefited from America's social welfare programs is to make an ass out of oneself. Not a stretch for you.
The demand on welfare programs increasing dramatically says otherwise
Very interesting man.
I can see why the left hates him.
Love him or hate him, we paid for his childhood, all the way through college. He's the Welfare King in this case.
He is the perfect example of the intended purposes of our welfare system but he is a rare example.
How do you know that? You don't know that. You are just spouting off. Probably millions of people, of all races and ethnic backgrounds, have benefited from America's social welfare system. They are just not as well known as Carson; they are just living ordinary middle, working class and even upper class lives. To assume that almost no one becomes a success having benefited from America's social welfare programs is to make an ass out of oneself. Not a stretch for you.
The demand on welfare programs increasing dramatically says otherwise
Prove your claims. All you are doing is spouting off in a know-it-all way. You don't have any back up for what you claim. Why would anyone just accept your claims? You have nothing.
Carson might have had a better chance had the last two terms been served by someone other than Obama.

Our Kenyan Emperor has poisoned the well - NO person "of colour" will be electable for another 80-100 years.

Americans may be slow to learn but not DEAD slow.
Americans have short memories. They've already forgotten 9/11....and Benghazi, and I figure in a couple of years they'll elect a black Hispanic Muslim transsexual.
And what would be wrong with that if this person is the best qualified for the job? You don't like Hispanics. You don't like Muslims. You don't like transsexuals. That's your problem. You live in a tiny little vacuum packed world. Time marches on. Everything changes. You are stuck in the mud...that's why your name is so fitting, Mr. Mud.
Carson might have had a better chance had the last two terms been served by someone other than Obama.

Our Kenyan Emperor has poisoned the well - NO person "of colour" will be electable for another 80-100 years.

Americans may be slow to learn but not DEAD slow.
Americans have short memories. They've already forgotten 9/11....and Benghazi, and I figure in a couple of years they'll elect a black Hispanic Muslim transsexual.
And what would be wrong with that if this person is the best qualified for the job? You don't like Hispanics. You don't like Muslims. You don't like transsexuals. That's your problem. You live in a tiny little vacuum packed world. Time marches on. Everything changes. You are stuck in the mud...that's why your name is so fitting, Mr. Mud.

I think the right person for the job is the best person for the job......doesn't matter what their race, sexuality, or political party is. But you guys believe in identity we keep getting these assholes.

Now that the teapers have jumped off of the Carson bandwagon... I am interested in hearing what he has to say.

First thing I can note...I think he is gay. He speaks and moves like a flamer.
Hillary is a dyke, so what is your point?
Progressives truly hate any black man who dared to succeed. That's the same hatred that fueled their KKK and Tuskegee Experiments
Watch how much support he gets from the GOP. Actions speak louder than words
If he proves to be a viable candidate with a message I agree with I will support him with my wallet.
But we all know the GOP funds will goto someone who won't rock the political boat. Which is no different than the DEM system.

He's never run a business. I thought that was a requirement?

And we'll see, but Ben is about to find out real fast that words are spent easily....Money isnt. And when these same people who are talking Ben up dont go into their wallets to back it.

He'll realize he was just a pawn in the grand scheme of things
He's a token, and not smart enough to get it.

The head of neurosurgery at John Hopkins isn't smart enough?
So whats that make you?
Very interesting man.
Perhaps if one considers advocating for the same failed conservative agenda "interesting."

Why is it that those who follow that "conservative agenda" are generally successful?
I mean if you look at the followers of the liberal agenda you have welfare recipients.
Dont know about you,but I think I'd rather side with the winning philosophy rather than the government dependency philosophy.
Very interesting man.
Perhaps if one considers advocating for the same failed conservative agenda "interesting."

Why is it that those who follow that "conservative agenda" are generally successful?
I mean if you look at the followers of the liberal agenda you have welfare recipients.
Dont know about you,but I think I'd rather side with the winning philosophy rather than the government dependency philosophy.

Baltimore went 88% for Obama
Very interesting man.
Perhaps if one considers advocating for the same failed conservative agenda "interesting."

Why is it that those who follow that "conservative agenda" are generally successful?
I mean if you look at the followers of the liberal agenda you have welfare recipients.
Dont know about you,but I think I'd rather side with the winning philosophy rather than the government dependency philosophy.

Baltimore went 88% for Obama

And there you have it....
The epic butthurt response from a simple fact proves insightful
Proves after Obama, you have no right to talk about experience. You also lost all credibility. Thanks Obama! Oh, remember if you disagree with a black man, you are a racist. Liberal theology.

Ok, you seem confused. Republican required that a candidate run a business. Yet Carson hasnt.

Nothing has changed...they wont support Carson either
So far he is my pick.

Sure he is! (Since words are free)
He seems to be a true conservative, so he has my vote.

I really like the guy but I'm going to wait until I learn a little more about him.
And I do have concerns about his lack of foreign policy experience...but it cant be worse than the current dumbass and chiefs abilities.
but blacks aren't endearing themselves in the minds of America these days. I think most of the public is just fed up with them. I don't care what party they belong to. They need to regain trust before any of them are given a chance to have that much power again.

"Because all blacks are the same" said the white guy

Well.....since 95% of them voted for Obama....we can agree that at least 95%, instead of all of them, are included in my assessment.

And since every POTUS has been white...

Or at least half-white.

And Hitler was white know what that means? Hitler ruined the chances for white guys.

That's good logic
Just a few months, liberals.

If you don't come up with a black candidate then you'll be running some whitey who, if you vote for in November, 2016 will brand you forever as a racist.

Hey, you wrote the rules - now live by them.
Just a few months, liberals.

If you don't come up with a black candidate then you'll be running some whitey who, if you vote for in November, 2016 will brand you forever as a racist.

Hey, you wrote the rules - now live by them.

Thats a great point. I think we should make decisions based on what some idiot on the internet says we should
Just a few months, liberals.

If you don't come up with a black candidate then you'll be running some whitey who, if you vote for in November, 2016 will brand you forever as a racist.

Hey, you wrote the rules - now live by them.

Whats crazy about that?
Conservatives are constantly labeled as racist for not approving of obamas policies.
People say there is a racist attitude toward Obama because of the overt racism directed, by conservatives, at him and his wife. Look at some of the avatars here and tell me they are not racist. Things like this from conservatives and directed at our president make it clear that conservatives attack Obama because he is black.

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