Bengahzi committee running longer that 911 commission

yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

I guess all the stonewalling does that...right? But the Benghazi Committee discovered Hillary's e-mail arrangement. I'm sure you're happy about that. :)
Site the instances of stonewalling, 3 to 5 will do.

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Seriously? Dude, the only reason that Hillary is embroiled in her current e-mail scandal is that her private servers were discovered by Congressional investigators when she claimed that she'd given them everything she had on Benghazi only to have them realize that she was running her part of the State Department "off the official grid" with illegal private e-mail accounts!
So all you have are YOUR interpretation of the facts. Thanks.

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So all you have are YOUR interpretation of the facts VS the never ending RW conspiracy bullshit ?

yeah, thanks.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

Yep, the 9/11 commission didn't face obstruction. Tell your corrupt Democrats to cut the shit and come clean
What obstruction? List them....with links.

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Why, it would make no difference to you. So what would be the point? Think ...
That's what I thought. Bupkiss.

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Well if you thought I was going to waste my time doing research for you that you clearly don't give a shit about, then you didn't ... think ...
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

Duh, what do you expect? We are dealing with one of the best liers and Mastor minds at concealing information in U.S. history , heck if Tricky dick was alive today he would be in awe of Bill and Hillary.

.'s those indictments coming?

Like I said she and Bill are master minds at this, one if the best, if not the best at hiding and losing information the U.S. has ever seen.

Political criminals in the future better study them real hard if they want to stay out if the clink.

Keep in mind that Republicans kept the Hillary Whitewater investigation active for seven years

They are just getting started

I sti think it is funny they found those white water documents years later after all was Said and done, Damn hillary is good.

FBI STILL investigating All of the Hildebeasts e-mails concerning Benghazi...or was that just a SECURITY CHECK as the Hildebeast said....although the FBI doesn't do SECURITY CHECKS?
How's those indictments coming?

How's your getting the Republicans to impeach Obama going? You have what, eight months before you lose that bet?
Keep in mind that Republicans kept the Hillary Whitewater investigation active for seven years

They are just getting started

I sti think it is funny they found those white water documents years later after all was Said and done, Damn hillary is good.


Then there's how she coined the phrase "vast right wing conspiracy" over the Gennifer Flower accusations, accusations she knew were true when she said it ...
Keep in mind that Republicans kept the Hillary Whitewater investigation active for seven years

They are just getting started

I sti think it is funny they found those white water documents years later after all was Said and done, Damn hillary is good.


Then there's how she coined the phrase "vast right wing conspiracy" over the Gennifer Flower accusations, accusations she knew were true when she said it ...

I know, we would get in trouble at school if we said our dog ate our home work.

But she fakes a head injury so she doesn't have to testify to congress and viola !!! The media and libtards buy it.

yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Nothing has been solved yet... There is been zero closure for the families affected
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.

yeah, they'll pretend they're doing something that isn't wasting our money until Hillary is elected and they lose the senate.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Nothing has been solved yet... There is been zero closure for the families affected

because there's nothing they want to "solve", dumbass. or they'd have "solved" it already. they didn't even interview people about a "solution" to anything.

you guys are so gullible.

either that or you think everyone else is even more stupid than rightwingnuts
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Nothing has been solved yet... There is been zero closure for the families affected

because there's nothing they want to "solve", dumbass. or they'd have "solved" it already. they didn't even interview people about a "solution" to anything.

you guys are so gullible.

either that or you think everyone else is even more stupid than rightwingnuts
Parents/families have zero closure... They just know it had nothing to do with some stupid video no one watched. Hildabeast and Barry don't give two shits about the family's along with most of congress. Instead they want to honor the trader Bergdahl
If Clinton doesn't get the nomination, the Benghazi investigation will disappear faster than a New York heartbeat. Count on it.
yea that's right . The GOPs tax payer funded smear campaine is STILL going . It's like 700+ days and counting ! The 911 commission lasted 604 days .

The GOP should be forced to repay the taxpayers for this farce .

GOP's Benghazi Committee just keeps going (and going)

Rep. Trey Gowdy’s (R-S.C.) Benghazi panel has also lasted longer than the investigations into the federal response to Hurricane Katrina, the attack on Pearl Harbor, the assassination of President Kennedy, the Iran-Contra scandal, Church Committee, and the Watergate probe.
previous coverage, the Benghazi investigation, which has cost American taxpayers over $6.5 million, isn’t done. There is no end date in mind, and there’s every reason to believe GOP lawmakers will just keep it going, probably with this year’s presidential election in mind, though I suppose it’s possible that it will simply continue forever.
Nothing has been solved yet... There is been zero closure for the families affected
Lol closure !
Keep in mind that Republicans kept the Hillary Whitewater investigation active for seven years

They are just getting started

I sti think it is funny they found those white water documents years later after all was Said and done, Damn hillary is good.


I know...they were buried with Vince Foster

Good old memories Bill and hillary made the technology transfer well from paper documents to hiding electronic mail ~ always one step ahead.

The best of the best :)

Elusive Papers of Law Firm Are Found at White House

The release of the records is the latest of several instances in which the Clinton White House has declared a document search to be exhaustive, only to later stumble on important material. For example, White House officials initially said that Vincent W. Foster Jr., the deputy White House counsel, left no indication of why he committed suicide on July 20, 1993. But later, an aide found the remnants of a note describing Mr. Foster's disenchantment with Washington.

Mr. Kendall said the Rose billing records were discovered in the White House on Thursday night by Carolyn Huber, a White House aide and former office manager of the Rose firm. He also said Mrs. Clinton was not aware until today that the records had been in the White House.

Henry F. Schuelke, a lawyer for Mrs. Huber, said tonight that she found the records in a storage area in the third-floor private residence at the White House where unsolicited gifts to the President and First Lady are stored before being sorted and catalogued.

Mr. Schuelke said Mrs. Huber did not know who placed the records in the storage area or how long the material might have been there. "It could have been there for months," he said. "She has no idea how long it was there."

He said she discovered the material after she had brought the documents, along with some of the unsolicited gifts, to her own office in the White House East wing.

A whole slew of indictments are expected to be coming down any day now, any day..................

FBI STILL investigating All of the Hildebeasts e-mails concerning Benghazi...or was that just a SECURITY CHECK as the Hildebeast said....although the FBI doesn't do SECURITY CHECKS?

Youre right . The email thing is just another bengahzi spin off which hunt .

Yup, 147 FBI agents involved and it's complete BULLSHIT! :ahole-1::badgrin::badgrin::badgrin:
Try around 12 you lying liar, and I hear Stephanie is the one heading up the investigation.

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