Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

Clinton deserved impeachment for much worse crimes:

"On June 26, 1993, Clinton bombed Baghdad in retaliation for an alleged but unproven Iraq plot to assassinate former President George Bush. Eight Iraqi civilians, including the distinguished Iraqi artist Layla al-Attar were killed in the raid, and 12 more were wounded. This kind of unilateral action in response to an unproven charge is a violation of international law."

War Crimes Clinton Is The WorId's Leading Active War Criminal

Hmmmm, by that line of reasoning, baby Bush should be on death row.
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

Come on fellow conservatives and thinking liberals. Don't let them do that. This is important, and deserves to be heard out. None of us whether we are left, right, or in the middle should ignore or sit by complacently when our government intentionally deceives and lies to us for its own benefit. And if those in government are being accused unfairly, then we need to show that too.

But don't let the childish, the trolls, the idiots, and the other exercises in futility win by taking their bait to look in other directions.
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

The "lie" was told at the express direction of the CIA who didn't want the terrorists to know that they had been monitoring their communications. That has already been determined. Republicans outed the CIA operation thereby ending the best intel the US government had into their plans.

There was no benefit to the administration to lie, and there was no benefit in telling the US public what the CIA knew at the time. The CIA asked for time the administration gave it to them.

Only Faux News thinks this is a some sort of scandal or cover-up. Seriously folks, given the numbers of Americans who died in Embassy attacked under W, you'd think right-wingers would be dancing in the streets that there have been so few attacks on US diplomatic missions since Obama came to power.
I don't believe the President will be impeached over media talking points from Sept 16th.
Obama won't be impeached and no heads will roll over Benghazi.

Anyone who thinks anyone will be held accountable is living in la la land.

Benghazi was completely preventable. They should have beefed up security or closed the damned embassy and pulled out like the Britts and the Red Cross.

The State Department was an abject failure in protecting their folks at the consulate. Lord knows they had plenty of warning.

One can only hope that those who were there and survived at the consulate get a chance to tell their stories.

We can also hope that Benghazi doesn't happen again through abject incompetence.
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

The "lie" was told at the express direction of the CIA who didn't want the terrorists to know that they had been monitoring their communications. That has already been determined. Republicans outed the CIA operation thereby ending the best intel the US government had into their plans.

There was no benefit to the administration to lie, and there was no benefit in telling the US public what the CIA knew at the time. The CIA asked for time the administration gave it to them.

Only Faux News thinks this is a some sort of scandal or cover-up. Seriously folks, given the numbers of Americans who died in Embassy attacked under W, you'd think right-wingers would be dancing in the streets that there have been so few attacks on US diplomatic missions since Obama came to power.

You put your finger on the RW pulse.

Fuck the CIA and covert ops if we can make political hay.

Fuck the LACK of embassy attacks if we can make political hay.
Clinton deserved impeachment for much worse crimes:

"On June 26, 1993, Clinton bombed Baghdad in retaliation for an alleged but unproven Iraq plot to assassinate former President George Bush. Eight Iraqi civilians, including the distinguished Iraqi artist Layla al-Attar were killed in the raid, and 12 more were wounded. This kind of unilateral action in response to an unproven charge is a violation of international law."

War Crimes Clinton Is The WorId's Leading Active War Criminal

Hmmmm, by that line of reasoning, baby Bush should be on death row.
I think it goes back much farther than Baby Bush.
From your signature I'm inferring you may not be a fan of Chomsky; however...

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg. And Nuremberg means Nuremberg and Tokyo. So first of all you've got to think back as to what people were hanged for at Nuremberg and Tokyo. And once you think back, the question doesn't even require a moment's waste of time."

There are arguments Nuremberg no longer applies in the same way today as it did in 1949.
I'm not sure if the practical difference would be enough to spare Carter, Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama should some such magical time ever arrive.

If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied..., by Noam Chomsky (Talk delivered around 1990)
Clinton deserved impeachment for much worse crimes:

"On June 26, 1993, Clinton bombed Baghdad in retaliation for an alleged but unproven Iraq plot to assassinate former President George Bush. Eight Iraqi civilians, including the distinguished Iraqi artist Layla al-Attar were killed in the raid, and 12 more were wounded. This kind of unilateral action in response to an unproven charge is a violation of international law."

War Crimes Clinton Is The WorId's Leading Active War Criminal

Hmmmm, by that line of reasoning, baby Bush should be on death row.
I think it goes back much farther than Baby Bush.
From your signature I'm inferring you may not be a fan of Chomsky; however...

"If the Nuremberg laws were applied, then every post-war American president would have been hanged. By violation of the Nuremberg laws I mean the same kind of crimes for which people were hanged in Nuremberg. And Nuremberg means Nuremberg and Tokyo. So first of all you've got to think back as to what people were hanged for at Nuremberg and Tokyo. And once you think back, the question doesn't even require a moment's waste of time."

There are arguments Nuremberg no longer applies in the same way today as it did in 1949.
I'm not sure if the practical difference would be enough to spare Carter, Clinton, both Bushes, and Obama should some such magical time ever arrive.

If the Nuremberg Laws were Applied..., by Noam Chomsky (Talk delivered around 1990)

You are correct. I'm not a big Noam Chomsky fan. However, I can acknowledge that my country is far from perfect and has many blots on our record. IMHO, the balance, however, is clearly in our favor. But that's another argument or another thread.

My point in this thread is that the selective outrage that targets someone not based on their true culpability, but on how much his opponents hate him is just hypocritical B.S.
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

Come on fellow conservatives and thinking liberals. Don't let them do that. This is important, and deserves to be heard out. None of us whether we are left, right, or in the middle should ignore or sit by complacently when our government intentionally deceives and lies to us for its own benefit. And if those in government are being accused unfairly, then we need to show that too.

But don't let the childish, the trolls, the idiots, and the other exercises in futility win by taking their bait to look in other directions.

If you and yours would refrain from hyperbole and crazed rhetoric, you would be taken more seriously by those of us who value integrity and truth. Hinting at, alluding to and outright claiming that President Obama could have prevented those four deaths but decided not to.......gets you mocked for stupidity. Own it.
I can't help wondering how far the liberals and conservatives in DC want to dig into what happened in Benghazi?

"The Benghazi failure is one more reminder of the unfortunate militarization of the intelligence community, particularly the CIA, in the wake of 9/11 that finds our major civilian intelligence service becoming a paramilitary center in support of the war-fighter."

The Why Behind the Benghazi Attack » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

Come on fellow conservatives and thinking liberals. Don't let them do that. This is important, and deserves to be heard out. None of us whether we are left, right, or in the middle should ignore or sit by complacently when our government intentionally deceives and lies to us for its own benefit. And if those in government are being accused unfairly, then we need to show that too.

But don't let the childish, the trolls, the idiots, and the other exercises in futility win by taking their bait to look in other directions.

Just so you know, you're still not fooling anyone.
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

Come on fellow conservatives and thinking liberals. Don't let them do that. This is important, and deserves to be heard out. None of us whether we are left, right, or in the middle should ignore or sit by complacently when our government intentionally deceives and lies to us for its own benefit. And if those in government are being accused unfairly, then we need to show that too.

But don't let the childish, the trolls, the idiots, and the other exercises in futility win by taking their bait to look in other directions.

Just so you know, you're still not fooling anyone.

Erick the Dull doesn't want anybody to even think about the prospect that the Obama Administration either attempted a coverup or had a reason to want to.


You partisan hack libs are the ones who fool nobody, Erik the Doink.
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

Come on fellow conservatives and thinking liberals. Don't let them do that. This is important, and deserves to be heard out. None of us whether we are left, right, or in the middle should ignore or sit by complacently when our government intentionally deceives and lies to us for its own benefit. And if those in government are being accused unfairly, then we need to show that too.

But don't let the childish, the trolls, the idiots, and the other exercises in futility win by taking their bait to look in other directions.

Just so you know, you're still not fooling anyone.

Erick the Dull doesn't want anybody to even think about the prospect that the Obama Administration either attempted a coverup or had a reason to want to.


You partisan hack libs are the ones who fool nobody, Erik the Doink.

You lost.

Get over it.
Just so you know, you're still not fooling anyone.

Erick the Dull doesn't want anybody to even think about the prospect that the Obama Administration either attempted a coverup or had a reason to want to.


You partisan hack libs are the ones who fool nobody, Erik the Doink.

You lost.

Get over it.

No. America lost.

Can't get over that.

But, as always, your deflection is transparent and noted.

Meanwhile, your Obamessiah does look increasingly vulnerable to a charge of "coverup."

What a scumbag he is.

No wonder a filthy piece of shit like you likes him so much.
Well the Obama worshippers and other professional thread derailers have certainly been effective in derailing this one. Let's talk about ANYTHING othe than the upcoming hearings on Benghazi, eh? And if a good food fight can be initiated in the process, so much the better.

The "lie" was told at the express direction of the CIA who didn't want the terrorists to know that they had been monitoring their communications. That has already been determined. Republicans outed the CIA operation thereby ending the best intel the US government had into their plans.

There was no benefit to the administration to lie, and there was no benefit in telling the US public what the CIA knew at the time. The CIA asked for time the administration gave it to them.

Only Faux News thinks this is a some sort of scandal or cover-up. Seriously folks, given the numbers of Americans who died in Embassy attacked under W, you'd think right-wingers would be dancing in the streets that there have been so few attacks on US diplomatic missions since Obama came to power.

You put your finger on the RW pulse.

Fuck the CIA and covert ops if we can make political hay.

Fuck the LACK of embassy attacks if we can make political hay.

The left wing pulse

Fuck the dead if it makes political hay
Fuck telling the truth to the American people if it makes political hay
Fuck everything as long as it makes political hay.

and.....................Fuck Bodey. :up_yours:
I can't help wondering how far the liberals and conservatives in DC want to dig into what happened in Benghazi?

"The Benghazi failure is one more reminder of the unfortunate militarization of the intelligence community, particularly the CIA, in the wake of 9/11 that finds our major civilian intelligence service becoming a paramilitary center in support of the war-fighter."

The Why Behind the Benghazi Attack » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
"Any CIA component in the Middle East or North Africa is a likely target of the wrath of militant and terrorist organizations because of the Agency’s key role in the global war on terror waged by the Bush administration and the increasingly widespread covert campaign of drone aircraft of the Obama administration.

"U.S. programs that included the use of secret prisons, extraordinary renditions, and torture and abuse involved CIA collaboration with despotic Arab regimes, including Libya’s Muammar Gaddafi.

"The U.S. campaign to overthrow Gaddafi didn’t clean the slate of these abuses; it merely opened up the opportunity for militants and Islamists to avenge U.S. actions over the past ten years.

"At home, Americans are devoting far too much attention to whether a so-called proper level of security in Benghazi could have prevented the attack, instead of trying to learn the motives and anticipate the actions of these militant organizations."

If it's true that the "Free Syrians" are being supplied by the CIA with weapons stockpiled in Libya and Croatia, maybe we should start anticipating future terrorism in Damascus BEFORE next November?

The Why Behind the Benghazi Attack » Counterpunch: Tells the Facts, Names the Names
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The "lie" was told at the express direction of the CIA who didn't want the terrorists to know that they had been monitoring their communications. That has already been determined. Republicans outed the CIA operation thereby ending the best intel the US government had into their plans.

There was no benefit to the administration to lie, and there was no benefit in telling the US public what the CIA knew at the time. The CIA asked for time the administration gave it to them.

Only Faux News thinks this is a some sort of scandal or cover-up. Seriously folks, given the numbers of Americans who died in Embassy attacked under W, you'd think right-wingers would be dancing in the streets that there have been so few attacks on US diplomatic missions since Obama came to power.

You put your finger on the RW pulse.

Fuck the CIA and covert ops if we can make political hay.

Fuck the LACK of embassy attacks if we can make political hay.

The left wing pulse

Fuck the dead if it makes political hay
Fuck telling the truth to the American people if it makes political hay
Fuck everything as long as it makes political hay.

The people that are shouting the loudest about Ben Ghazi don't care about the deaths. They haven't come to terms with Obama being re-elected and have latched onto this as a convenient excuse. It's pretty disgusting to use American deaths to score political points, IMO. You'd think Obama killed them personally! In the mean time they've forgotten about the real perpetrators, just like they forgot about bin Laden.
You lefty's have become American excrement.


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