Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

You lefty's have become American excrement.

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Brother you have no idea how much I agree with you. That worn out Bitch Clinton (as your pics show) went CRAZY trying to prosecute Nixon for taking part in a second rate "dirty tricks" break in at the Watergate - screaming that "WE WILL GET TO THE TRUTH!!!"

Now that this bitch is directly responsible for the DEATHS of 4 Americans - it's "WHAT DIFFERENCE DOES IT MAKE?!?"

And, what's worse, is that these punk-assed, Obama bootlicking Brown Shirts that call themselves "progressives" simply want it to go away so that it doesn't injure either that piece of crap Obama or their 2016 nominee that worthless dirt bag piece of human excrement Hillary "The fat assed" Clinton.

There are no words to express how much I hate liberals. None.
As another Republican investigation of alleged wrongdoing in Benghazi has come and gone with no findings of has to ask

How long will Republicans continue to beat that dead horse?
As another Republican investigation of alleged wrongdoing in Benghazi has come and gone with no findings of has to ask

How long will Republicans continue to beat that dead horse?

^ rush to desired conclusion DESPITE the evidence.

rw is just another typical lib.
Sorry bout that,

1. As long as we get Obama......
2. Getting Hitlery would be a bonus!!!!!!

This should get all the turds in here to start foaming at the mouth:

On October 27th, 2012, only days before the presidential election, I wrote:

If Barack Obama is reelected, will he face impeachment over Benghazi — a yet more unpleasant and far more wrenching result than to lose an election?

It could happen — and in my estimation should happen — the way revelations are playing out over the bloody terror attack that took four American lives and has led to weeks of prevarication and obfuscation.

The scandal thus far has at least tarnished and quite possibly implicated everyone from the CIA director, to the secretaries of State and Defense, to the UN ambassador and, of course, the president himself — with no end in sight, because Obama, normally loath to expose himself and even less so in an election season, refuses to answer questions on the subject.

It’s not the crime, but the cover-up, we learned in an earlier impeachment, only in this case the crime may be just as bad or worse.”

Roger L. Simon » Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

Two things you can count on from Republicans; they will continue to beat this dead horse, and they will continue to have weekly votes in the House to repeal the ACA. You'd think they might just try to actually do something constructive, but that is not the Republican way. This is why they are slowly but surely fading away.
The "lie" was told at the express direction of the CIA who didn't want the terrorists to know that they had been monitoring their communications. That has already been determined. Republicans outed the CIA operation thereby ending the best intel the US government had into their plans.

There was no benefit to the administration to lie, and there was no benefit in telling the US public what the CIA knew at the time. The CIA asked for time the administration gave it to them.

Only Faux News thinks this is a some sort of scandal or cover-up. Seriously folks, given the numbers of Americans who died in Embassy attacked under W, you'd think right-wingers would be dancing in the streets that there have been so few attacks on US diplomatic missions since Obama came to power.

You put your finger on the RW pulse.

Fuck the CIA and covert ops if we can make political hay.

Fuck the LACK of embassy attacks if we can make political hay.

The left wing pulse

Fuck the dead if it makes political hay
Fuck telling the truth to the American people if it makes political hay
Fuck everything as long as it makes political hay.

and.....................Fuck Bodey. :up_yours:

:lol: Boot polish withdrawals?
Sorry bout that,

1. And his cover up of his fuck up wasn't bad enough, he fooled a nation into re-electing him, which compounded his *guilt*.
2. Some of us are able to keep track, and see reality the way it really is.

Blood on Their Hands

May 10, 2013 By Daniel Greenfield


Lady Macbeth may have been one of literature’s most famous villains, but at least she had the guilty conscience to eventually try and wash the blood off her hands.

It is doubtful that Hillary Rodham Clinton will start hallucinating bloody spots on her palms during the book tour for her upcoming 14-million-dollar tome or compulsively washing her hands during the 2016 campaign.

If she does make it into the White House, it is even more doubtful that she will wander it in a nightgown crying out for the blood that can never be washed away. Real life villains are more likely to ask what difference it makes; the solipsistic query of the sociopath to whom the feelings of others are abstract things.

At the Benghazi hearings, Congressman Elijah Cummings informed witnesses that “death is a part of a life.” His colleague, Eleanor Holmes Norton asked, “What’s the big deal here?”

“We had Benghazi I with Susan Rice, now we’re having Benghazi II with Hillary Clinton. Enough Benghazi,” Norton declared. It’s not quite “What, will these hands ne’er be clean?” and more “What need we fear who knows it, when none can call our power to account?”


“What is a traitor?” Lady Macduff’s son asks his mother, before being murdered by Macbeth’s assassins. “Why, one that swears and lies,” his mother replies. “Who must hang them?” her son asks. “Why, the honest men,” she answers. “Then the liars and swearers are fools,” he says, “for there are liars and swearers enow to beat the honest men and hang up them.”

The liars and swearers have hung up the honest men from Benghazi to Kabul to Capitol Hill. And the traitors walk through the night with blood on their hands and do not even see.

Blood on Their Hands | FrontPage Magazine

After NINE Congressional hearings, still no grounds for impeachment
But keep trying Republicans.....only 1200 days till the next election

After NINE Congressional hearings, still no grounds for impeachment
But keep trying Republicans.....only 1200 days till the next election

Ho hummmm....

Finding "grounds for impeachment" is not now and never should be (or have been) the goal of the investigations.

Nonetheless, what has been revealed so far does show that the Administration screwed the pooch -- and don't forget at what cost -- and that they have clearly engaged in trying to cover up how they fucked things up.

You can stick your head back in the sand, but the facts remain the facts.

After NINE Congressional hearings, still no grounds for impeachment
But keep trying Republicans.....only 1200 days till the next election

Ho hummmm....

Finding "grounds for impeachment" is not now and never should be (or have been) the goal of the investigations.

Nonetheless, what has been revealed so far does show that the Administration screwed the pooch -- and don't forget at what cost -- and that they have clearly engaged in trying to cover up how they fucked things up.

You can stick your head back in the sand, but the facts remain the facts.

We have been "screwing the pooch" with consulate attacks for 40 years.

Why don't the Republicans hold hearings on how to improve embassy security rather than on who they can hang for the last attack?

After NINE Congressional hearings, still no grounds for impeachment
But keep trying Republicans.....only 1200 days till the next election

Ho hummmm....

Finding "grounds for impeachment" is not now and never should be (or have been) the goal of the investigations.

Nonetheless, what has been revealed so far does show that the Administration screwed the pooch -- and don't forget at what cost -- and that they have clearly engaged in trying to cover up how they fucked things up.

You can stick your head back in the sand, but the facts remain the facts.


At what cost? Are you....a supposed smart person.....claiming that those four lives could have been saved? Is that the cost you are talking about?

You have not substantiated any claim of a cover up. You have lots of questions and lots of answers that start with the word "if".

Are there any "conservatives" who don't buy into this bullshit? Please.....make yourself known.

After NINE Congressional hearings, still no grounds for impeachment
But keep trying Republicans.....only 1200 days till the next election

Ho hummmm....

Finding "grounds for impeachment" is not now and never should be (or have been) the goal of the investigations.

Nonetheless, what has been revealed so far does show that the Administration screwed the pooch -- and don't forget at what cost -- and that they have clearly engaged in trying to cover up how they fucked things up.

You can stick your head back in the sand, but the facts remain the facts.


At what cost? Are you....a supposed smart person.....claiming that those four lives could have been saved? Is that the cost you are talking about?

You have not substantiated any claim of a cover up. You have lots of questions and lots of answers that start with the word "if".

Are there any "conservatives" who don't buy into this bullshit? Please.....make yourself known.

Sigh indeed.

It appears to be the case that of the four who died, nothing could have saved the first two.

Of course, I never maintained otherwise.

As for the evidence of coverup, it seems very sad that when all of the evidence uncovered so far is placed DIRECTLY under your nose, you still can't "see" it or you pretend it's not even there.

It was an orchestrated attack, Skippy. It was not a mob reaction to any fucking video. And Shrillary and lots of other folks KNEW it. Yet the fucking Administration had Ms. Rice take to the Sunday talk show circuit to lie her fucking ass off. Repeatedly.

The REAL question is whether there are ANY liberals out there who are up to the task of being honest enough to ADMIT what we have already discovered. It seems that YOU are not on that list, LL. Sadly.
The extremists, right wingers in this case, are always looking for ways to get rid of elected officials.
It's rather odd that the same people always spout on about defending democracy and so on but want to get rid of the person the American public chose to be president.

I find them to be more than a little pathetic.
Sorry bout that,


After NINE Congressional hearings, still no grounds for impeachment
But keep trying Republicans.....only 1200 days till the next election

Ho hummmm....

Finding "grounds for impeachment" is not now and never should be (or have been) the goal of the investigations.

Nonetheless, what has been revealed so far does show that the Administration screwed the pooch -- and don't forget at what cost -- and that they have clearly engaged in trying to cover up how they fucked things up.

You can stick your head back in the sand, but the facts remain the facts.


At what cost? Are you....a supposed smart person.....claiming that those four lives could have been saved? Is that the cost you are talking about?

You have not substantiated any claim of a cover up. You have lots of questions and lots of answers that start with the word "if".

Are there any "conservatives" who don't buy into this bullshit? Please.....make yourself known.

1. Hey, knock knock, we *all* buy into it, because the facts speak for themselves in this matter.
2. Obama and his minions cover up of Benghazi, all for the sake of an election is what is at issue, Hitlery and Obama are the most *guilty* with blood on their hands, as has been stated.
3. America used to stand for the truth, those days seem to have set.
4. If this administration was a Republican one this would be all different.
5. Why?
6. This own governments people have no *value*, so why is that too?


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