Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

This is going to be interesting, folks., that bastion of liberalism, is already trying to limit damage from the fiasco. It's weak, so weak.

Note how the author of the article works to spin the conversation from the obvious cover-up for political reasons and tries to emphasize the military side of things.

Shit happens during war -- you can always second-guess decisions. There is no doubt, however, that the Obama administration ran a disnformation campaign on the American public.

Obama should be removed from office and Hilary Cinton brought up on charges.

Benghazi returning as big scandal -
This is going to be interesting, folks., that bastion of liberalism, is already trying to limit damage from the fiasco. It's weak, so weak.

Note how the author of the article works to spin the conversation from the obvious cover-up for political reasons and tries to emphasize the military side of things.

Shit happens during war -- you can always second-guess decisions. There is no doubt, however, that the Obama administration ran a disnformation campaign on the American public.

Obama should be removed from office and Hilary Cinton brought up on charges.

Benghazi returning as big scandal -

I'm not ready to jump to that conclusion until I hear what these witnesses actually say separated from what others say they wil say.

And good on for at least reporting the story. That's a good deal more than most of the liberal mainstream media has done. Of course they can't resist taking jabs at conservatives and identifying 'conservatives' and 'Republicans' when they rarely ever label anybody 'liberal' or "Democrat"--I'll still give them props for reporting the story.

But did I read it right? The writer actually blamed Fox News for the liberal media's lack of reporting stories like this? Sometimes there's nothing to do but just shake our heads and mutter.
I wouldn't say it's impossible today's gop would try impeachment over a pol sitting on a story to cover his ass before an election. Of course they could also turn into rabid banshees and rip the faces off one another. Stay tuned.
Clinton lied under oath to obstruct justice at the expense of a private citizen. The fact that he did so was irrefutable, resulted in a contempt of court citation by a New York federal judge--one HE appointed--resulted in suspension of his Supreme Court privileges, and resulted in being disbarred by the Arkansas Bar, at least for a time. Not sure he has his lawyer's 'license' back yet. But THAT is why he was impeached. And even that was not considered a high crime and misdemeanor sufficient for the Senate to convict and remove him from office.

So far Obama has refused to testify to anything and certainly has not done so under oath. He is being tried in some components of the media and on message boards which I am loathe to do, but he has not been charged with anything and certainly he has not been indicted for anything. Until there is some high crime or misdemeanor to charge him for, even the possibility of an impeachment attempt is pretty unlikely to come up.

But sooner or later Obama's credit card allowing him to shrug off responsibility by saying 'he didn't know anything about that' - 'he was out of that loop' - 'that was somebody else's responsibility' etc. and/or blaming Bush will run out. And Americans, regardless of political party, who are not blinded by partisan loyalties, will realize they have been had. There is no way in hell he is so stupid or so clueless or so powerless that he wouldn't know what he says he doesn't know or nobody would bother to inform him.

And that goes for the Secretary of State too.

And if they ARE that benign, clueless, uninformed, and/or disrespected by those they supervise, they should be replaced in any case.
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I wouldn't say it's impossible today's gop would try impeachment over a pol sitting on a story to cover his ass before an election. Of course they could also turn into rabid banshees and rip the faces off one another. Stay tuned.

This is about a sitting president purposely misinforming the American citizenry concerning a matter of national defense for political gain.

If I were you, I'd start talking up Joe Biden. There's no defending what Obama and Clinton did.
This is going to be interesting, folks., that bastion of liberalism, is already trying to limit damage from the fiasco. It's weak, so weak.

Note how the author of the article works to spin the conversation from the obvious cover-up for political reasons and tries to emphasize the military side of things.

Shit happens during war -- you can always second-guess decisions. There is no doubt, however, that the Obama administration ran a disnformation campaign on the American public.

Obama should be removed from office and Hilary Cinton brought up on charges.

Benghazi returning as big scandal -

I'm not ready to jump to that conclusion until I hear what these witnesses actually say separated from what others say they wil say.

And good on for at least reporting the story. That's a good deal more than most of the liberal mainstream media has done. Of course they can't resist taking jabs at conservatives and identifying 'conservatives' and 'Republicans' when they rarely ever label anybody 'liberal' or "Democrat"--I'll still give them props for reporting the story.

But did I read it right? The writer actually blamed Fox News for the liberal media's lack of reporting stories like this? Sometimes there's nothing to do but just shake our heads and mutter.

There's no understanding the liberal mind. The disinformation campaign is there for the entire public to see. I don't see how they can deny it or defend it as a matter of national security,

We shall see,
I wouldn't say it's impossible today's gop would try impeachment over a pol sitting on a story to cover his ass before an election. Of course they could also turn into rabid banshees and rip the faces off one another. Stay tuned.

This is about a sitting president purposely misinforming the American citizenry concerning a matter of national defense for political gain.

If I were you, I'd start talking up Joe Biden. There's no defending what Obama and Clinton did.

yeah, we were in imminent danger of being vaporized. Like every potus doesn't do this. It's in the frigging job description. LOL

But hissing badgers are capable of anything. There's no bottom to the gop's knownothing romp.
I wouldn't say it's impossible today's gop would try impeachment over a pol sitting on a story to cover his ass before an election. Of course they could also turn into rabid banshees and rip the faces off one another. Stay tuned.

This is about a sitting president purposely misinforming the American citizenry concerning a matter of national defense for political gain.

If I were you, I'd start talking up Joe Biden. There's no defending what Obama and Clinton did.

yeah, we were in imminent danger of being vaporized. Like every potus doesn't do this. It's in the frigging job description. LOL

But hissing badgers are capable of anything. There's no bottom to the gop's knownothing romp.

So, if I am to understand you - YOUR "party" began hissing like badgers when some thugs of Richard Nixon broke into the Watergate and attempted to steal some information and now you're upset that the republicans are "hissing badgers" because our consulate in Benghazi was attacked, 4 men (including a US Ambassador) were murdered and this poseur of a president covered it up - choosing to blame it on a youtube video - then climbed onboard Air Force One and headed to a campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas where he "talked up" how "tough" he is on terror?

Then to allow Rice to go on every News Show and tell the world that "It was because of spontaneous demonstrations" - and FINALLY -

To have that fat-assed Hillary Clinton go before Congress and (literally) SCREAM "What difference does it make"!?!?!?

I would highly encourage you to rethink your position. You're on the wrong side of history here, skippy. Your boy is as incompetent as the day is long.....
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Benghazi returning as big scandal -

Watch for the shifting of blame from Obama to Hillary. She's a real threat in 2016 with her popularity of 65%.

If the blame shifts to Hillary, I fully expect it to be Obama or his henchmen who throw her under the bus. They probably already have.

But do you care whether your President and your Secetary of State lied about the circumstances of the attack on the consulate in Benghazi? Do you care whether they made an intentional call that cost four embassy personnel their lives in a most horrible manner? And if they did, do you care that they are now lying about it? Demanding that others lie about it? Are gagging those who might have a different version of the story? Are threatening those who have stepped forward anyway?
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I wouldn't say it's impossible today's gop would try impeachment over a pol sitting on a story to cover his ass before an election. Of course they could also turn into rabid banshees and rip the faces off one another. Stay tuned.

This is about a sitting president purposely misinforming the American citizenry concerning a matter of national defense for political gain.

If I were you, I'd start talking up Joe Biden. There's no defending what Obama and Clinton did.

yeah, we were in imminent danger of being vaporized. Like every potus doesn't do this. It's in the frigging job description. LOL

But hissing badgers are capable of anything. There's no bottom to the gop's knownothing romp.

You are either failing to understand the situation or engaging in willful ignorance. What part of a sitting president running a misinformation campaign on the American people do you condone?
This is about a sitting president purposely misinforming the American citizenry concerning a matter of national defense for political gain.

If I were you, I'd start talking up Joe Biden. There's no defending what Obama and Clinton did.

yeah, we were in imminent danger of being vaporized. Like every potus doesn't do this. It's in the frigging job description. LOL

But hissing badgers are capable of anything. There's no bottom to the gop's knownothing romp.

So, if I am to understand you - YOUR "party" began hissing like badgers when some thugs of Richard Nixon broke into the Watergate and attempted to steal some information and now you're upset that the republicans are "hissing badgers" because our consulate in Benghazi was attacked, 4 men (including a US Ambassador) were murdered and this poseur of a president covered it up - choosing to blame it on a youtube video - then climbed onboard Air Force One and headed to a campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas where he "talked up" how "tough" he is on terror?

Then to allow Rice to go on every News Show and tell the world that "It was because of spontaneous demonstrations" - and FINALLY -

To have that fat-assed Hillary Clinton go before Congress and (literally) SCREAM "What difference does it make"!?!?!?

I would highly encourage you to rethink your position. You're on the wrong side of history here, skippy. Your boy is as incompetent as the day is long.....

Wow the Ben-Gaters are truly off the deep end.

Nixon was covering up not only the crime of the break in at the Democrats National Headquaters but a whole range of illegal activities his administration was involved in.

The Benghazi talking points were covering up no crime.

To believe that Rice claimed with absolute certainty "It was because of spontaneous demonstrations" one only needs to ignore her actual words

"MS. RICE: Well, let us-- let me tell you the-- the best information we have at present. First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired."

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts | NBC News

Listening to rightwing radio today, they're doing a freakin' victory lap about the "whistle blowers" coming forward, sounds like they're sure the shit's gonna hit the fan.

Of course, they were also sure about the 2012 election.

Break out the crows, one side or the other will be dining soon. Again.

Which of these did the Bush administration blame on anything but Islamic terror ?

How many were refused military aid and intervention ?

Answers = None. None.

Obama blamed the attack on terrorists the day it happened. Only Faux News has kept this story alive as some sort of conspiracy or cover-up. It is neither.
Which of these did the Bush administration blame on anything but Islamic terror ?

How many were refused military aid and intervention ?

Answers = None. None.

Bush essentially used all this to continue his war in Iraq.

Which had absolutely zero to do with Terrorism.

The author of 9/11 was essentially forgotten by the Bush administration.

And exactly zero Conservatives showed any concern about that whatsoever.

You fail in your attempt at diversion. Want to try to answer the questions? Didn't think so.

What questions?

They've been pretty much answered.

Did Bush have any understanding about the root cause of the attacks? Nope. Not only that, he didn't really care.

Did Bush hold back military assistance to the many people that died in terrorism abroad?

You betcha!
Whatever happened during the Nixon administration is important re Benghazi how? (And perhaps you forget the days and days and days of televised Watergate hearings that resulted in Nixon resigning? Nobody died or was even in danger in the Watergate scandal, and Nixon had nothing to do with it His only sin regarding that was participating in the coverup. Is that what you are so afraid of for Obama if questions are asked about Benghazi?)

What happend during Reagan's administration is important to Benghazi how? (And perhaps you forget the months and years of investigation into Iran Contra at an unprecented cost of mega millions that was almost desperate to convict President Reagan and/or his vice president for something. The Democratically controlled house and senate gave it their all to hang Reagan with something, but the special prosecutor finally admitted there was nothing at all there to charge him with.) Do you think Obama should be above any kind of similar scrutiny? Are you so terrified that he wouldn't come out as well as Reagan did?

What help should have been sent?
What help could have been sent
Why did Republicans cut funding to embassy security?

What’s sad about all this, in addition to partisan conservatives using the tragic deaths of Americans for some perceived political gain, is that the ‘stand down’ lie contrived and nurtured by the right was proven false months ago:

“The officers on the ground in Benghazi responded to the situation on the night of 11 and 12 September as quickly and as effectively as possible,” one of the senior intelligence officials told reporters.

Thursday’s briefing for reporters was intended to refute reports, including one by Fox News last Friday, that the C.I.A.’s chain of command had blocked the officers on the ground from responding to the mission’s calls for help.

“There were no orders to anybody to stand down in providing support,” the official said, speaking on the condition of anonymity because of continuing investigations by the State Department and the F.B.I.

At a time when the circumstances surrounding the attack on the Benghazi compound have emerged as a major political issue, with Republicans criticizing the Obama administration’s handling of the episode, the senior official also sought to rebut reports that C.I.A. requests for support from the Pentagon that night had gone unheeded.

In fact, the official said, the military diverted a Predator drone from a reconnaissance mission in Darnah, 90 miles away, in time to oversee the mission’s evacuation. The two commandos, based at the embassy in Tripoli, joined the reinforcements. And a military transport plane flew the wounded Americans and Mr. Stevens’s body out of Libya.

Then you have no objection to the testimony of next week of those who were there and who will testify that their orders were to stand down when they requested clearance to go? People who will provide their names, show their faces, and whose credentials will be open to complete scrutiny? You're absolutely certain that the 'anonymous' official's testimony will discredit any different testimony?

If the administration has clean hands, let's get it all out in the open and show that to the world.

Is that okay with you?

Listening to rightwing radio today, they're doing a freakin' victory lap about the "whistle blowers" coming forward, sounds like they're sure the shit's gonna hit the fan.

Of course, they were also sure about the 2012 election.

Break out the crows, one side or the other will be dining soon. Again.


My money says dud
yeah, we were in imminent danger of being vaporized. Like every potus doesn't do this. It's in the frigging job description. LOL

But hissing badgers are capable of anything. There's no bottom to the gop's knownothing romp.

So, if I am to understand you - YOUR "party" began hissing like badgers when some thugs of Richard Nixon broke into the Watergate and attempted to steal some information and now you're upset that the republicans are "hissing badgers" because our consulate in Benghazi was attacked, 4 men (including a US Ambassador) were murdered and this poseur of a president covered it up - choosing to blame it on a youtube video - then climbed onboard Air Force One and headed to a campaign fund raiser in Las Vegas where he "talked up" how "tough" he is on terror?

Then to allow Rice to go on every News Show and tell the world that "It was because of spontaneous demonstrations" - and FINALLY -

To have that fat-assed Hillary Clinton go before Congress and (literally) SCREAM "What difference does it make"!?!?!?

I would highly encourage you to rethink your position. You're on the wrong side of history here, skippy. Your boy is as incompetent as the day is long.....

Wow the Ben-Gaters are truly off the deep end.

Nixon was covering up not only the crime of the break in at the Democrats National Headquaters but a whole range of illegal activities his administration was involved in.

The Benghazi talking points were covering up no crime.

To believe that Rice claimed with absolute certainty "It was because of spontaneous demonstrations" one only needs to ignore her actual words

"MS. RICE: Well, let us-- let me tell you the-- the best information we have at present. First of all, there’s an FBI investigation which is ongoing. And we look to that investigation to give us the definitive word as to what transpired."

September 16: Benjamin Netanyahu, Susan Rice, Keith Ellison, Peter King, Bob Woodward, Jeffrey Goldberg, Andrea Mitchell - Meet the Press - Transcripts | NBC News

Ms. Rice was lying concerning the nature of the attacks. What you have quoted is Ms. Rice lying to the American public.

Why do you pretend otherwise?

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