Benghazi Impeachment Suddenly Not So Far-Fetched

He "left them to die" you say?

How did he leave them to die?

Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

So, he did NOT "leave them to die."

your claim is actually that, as CiC, at worst, he failed to require adequate security for a Marine base.

It is always fun to call bullshit on you and have you promptly confirm it.

Reagan did not give a shit about our brave Marines. If he did, he would have ensured that they had adequate perimeter security. But he was asleep while the Marines were attacked
Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

So, he did NOT "leave them to die."

your claim is actually that, as CiC, at worst, he failed to require adequate security for a Marine base.

It is always fun to call bullshit on you and have you promptly confirm it.

Reagan did not give a shit about our brave Marines. If he did, he would have ensured that they had adequate perimeter security. But he was asleep while the Marines were attacked

Your fail really does just keep on chugging along.
Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Cool, we have Monday Morning QB'd both Reagan and Obama

Let's do Bush next

Bush was warned of the threat of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in particular. Yet, he demphasized his anti-terror group and did not even meet with them till 9-11. He failed to scramble jets in time to stop the attacks and provided no help to people in the twin towers.

Talk about lying....let's talk WMDs


I am so surprised you even said this considering you are a "right winger"
Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Cool, we have Monday Morning QB'd both Reagan and Obama

Let's do Bush next

Bush was warned of the threat of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in particular. Yet, he demphasized his anti-terror group and did not even meet with them till 9-11. He failed to scramble jets in time to stop the attacks and provided no help to people in the twin towers.

Talk about lying....let's talk WMDs

I don't believe Bush lied about the WMD. There is no doubt that Saddam had them because the US sold them to him. No one in his right mind would order an American fighter jet to shoot down a planeload of commercial air passengers, either.

As for the forewarning, intelligence reports are full of warnings. Intelligence officers are government employees and cover their asses like all other government employees. If the president acted on all warning from intelligence sources, he'd have no time to do anything else.
Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Cool, we have Monday Morning QB'd both Reagan and Obama

Let's do Bush next

Bush was warned of the threat of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in particular. Yet, he demphasized his anti-terror group and did not even meet with them till 9-11. He failed to scramble jets in time to stop the attacks and provided no help to people in the twin towers.

Talk about lying....let's talk WMDs

OK, lets talk lying about WMDs. If Bush lied about them then so did Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Al Gore, John Kerry, the UN, the UK, France, Japan, Spain, Saudi Arabia.

The truth is that the only person who lied was Saddam, the rest just were the victims of bad intelligence. repeating something that you believe to be correct is not a lie.

Going into Iraq was a stupid mistake, but Bush did not lie about WMDs. Lets focus on the real error shall we, congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco, to they are all to blame---every fricken one of them.
No......Reagan just left 200 Marines to die who he could have protected

He "left them to die" you say?

How did he leave them to die?

Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

The joy of being the Teflon president.
Since leftwhiner isn't concerned with even basic honesty, let's examine a left wing site famed for providing preliminary information: wikipedia.

The entry on the marine base attack in Beirut during the Reagan years says:

At around 6:20 a.m., a yellow Mercedes-Benz truck drove to Beirut International Airport, where the 1st Battalion 8th Marines under the 2nd Marine Division had set up its local headquarters. The truck was not the water truck they had been expecting, but a hijacked truck carrying explosives. The truck turned onto an access road leading to the compound and circled a parking lot. The driver then accelerated and crashed through a barbed wire fence around the parking lot, passed between two sentry posts, crashed through a gate and drove toward the lobby of the Marine headquarters. The sentries at the gate were operating under rules of engagement which made it very difficult to respond quickly to the truck. Sentries were ordered to keep their weapons at condition four (no magazine inserted and no rounds in the chamber). By the time the two sentries were able to engage, the truck was already heading towards the building's entry way, armed.

The suicide bomber reached the entry way at 6:22 and detonated his explosives, which were equivalent to 5,400 kg (12,000 pounds) of TNT. The force of the explosion collapsed the four-story building into rubble, crushing many inside. According to Eric Hammel in his history of the Marine landing force,

"The force of the explosion initially lifted the entire four-story structure, shearing the bases of the concrete support columns, each measuring fifteen feet in circumference and reinforced by numerous one-and-three-quarter-inch steel rods. The airborne building then fell in upon itself. A massive shock wave and ball of flaming gas was hurled in all directions."[6]

The explosive mechanism was a gas-enhanced device, probably consisting of bottled propane, butane, hexane or acetylene, placed in proximity to a conventional explosive such as primacord,[citation needed]. The bomb was carried on a layer of concrete covered with a slab of marble to direct the blast upward.[7] Despite the lack of sophistication and wide availability of its component parts, a gas-enhanced device can be a lethal weapon. These devices are similar to fuel-air or thermobaric weapons, explaining the large blast and damage.[8]

So, once again, we see the leftist drivel at work. They make all these claims that prior attacks are in some way analogous to what happened in Benghazi. Of course, they generally are not even close.

In Benghazi, as we have discovered, it was an ongoing prolonged fucking attack.

In Beirut, it was a suicide bombing. Upon the explosion, the attack is over.

And notice, too, leftwhiner makes grandiose proclamations like "Reagan did not give a shit about our brave Marines." But nothing in the incident he cites OR anything else supports his empty claim.

I'd say, "shame on you" to leftwhiner, but hack left-wing fubars like him never feel shame. They are shameless. They have much to feel shame about; they just lack that attribute.
He "left them to die" you say?

How did he leave them to die?

Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Because there was actual, objective, documented evidence as to Iran/Contra; there is no such ‘evidence’ concerning Benghazi.
Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Cool, we have Monday Morning QB'd both Reagan and Obama

Let's do Bush next

Bush was warned of the threat of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in particular. Yet, he demphasized his anti-terror group and did not even meet with them till 9-11. He failed to scramble jets in time to stop the attacks and provided no help to people in the twin towers.

Talk about lying....let's talk WMDs

OK, lets talk lying about WMDs. If Bush lied about them then so did Bill Clinton, Hillary Clinton, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Al Gore, John Kerry, the UN, the UK, France, Japan, Spain, Saudi Arabia.

The truth is that the only person who lied was Saddam, the rest just were the victims of bad intelligence. repeating something that you believe to be correct is not a lie.

Going into Iraq was a stupid mistake, but Bush did not lie about WMDs. Lets focus on the real error shall we, congress authorized and funded the Iraq fiasco, to they are all to blame---every fricken one of them.

Bill Clinton, Hillary, Ted Kennedy, Harry Reid, Al Gore, John Kerry nor the UN did not invade Iraq........Bush did

Cost 5000 American lives
Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Because there was actual, objective, documented evidence as to Iran/Contra; there is no such ‘evidence’ concerning Benghazi.

Yes, there is evidence of a disinformation campain on Benghazi.
Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Because there was actual, objective, documented evidence as to Iran/Contra; there is no such ‘evidence’ concerning Benghazi.

Bullshit, you dishonest hack. There is a shitload of evidence despite the stonewalling efforts of the coverup artist in chief in the Benghazi matter.

There is ZERO evidence of Reagan's culpability for a suicide attack perpetrated against the U.S. Marine peacekeeping contingent in Beirut, you dishonest hack motherfucker.

Have a nice evening.
Since leftwhiner isn't concerned with even basic honesty, let's examine a left wing site famed for providing preliminary information: wikipedia.

The entry on the marine base attack in Beirut during the Reagan years says:

At around 6:20 a.m., a yellow Mercedes-Benz truck drove to Beirut International Airport, where the 1st Battalion 8th Marines under the 2nd Marine Division had set up its local headquarters. The truck was not the water truck they had been expecting, but a hijacked truck carrying explosives. The truck turned onto an access road leading to the compound and circled a parking lot. The driver then accelerated and crashed through a barbed wire fence around the parking lot, passed between two sentry posts, crashed through a gate and drove toward the lobby of the Marine headquarters. The sentries at the gate were operating under rules of engagement which made it very difficult to respond quickly to the truck. Sentries were ordered to keep their weapons at condition four (no magazine inserted and no rounds in the chamber). By the time the two sentries were able to engage, the truck was already heading towards the building's entry way, armed.

The suicide bomber reached the entry way at 6:22 and detonated his explosives, which were equivalent to 5,400 kg (12,000 pounds) of TNT. The force of the explosion collapsed the four-story building into rubble, crushing many inside. According to Eric Hammel in his history of the Marine landing force,

"The force of the explosion initially lifted the entire four-story structure, shearing the bases of the concrete support columns, each measuring fifteen feet in circumference and reinforced by numerous one-and-three-quarter-inch steel rods. The airborne building then fell in upon itself. A massive shock wave and ball of flaming gas was hurled in all directions."[6]

The explosive mechanism was a gas-enhanced device, probably consisting of bottled propane, butane, hexane or acetylene, placed in proximity to a conventional explosive such as primacord,[citation needed]. The bomb was carried on a layer of concrete covered with a slab of marble to direct the blast upward.[7] Despite the lack of sophistication and wide availability of its component parts, a gas-enhanced device can be a lethal weapon. These devices are similar to fuel-air or thermobaric weapons, explaining the large blast and damage.[8]

So, once again, we see the leftist drivel at work. They make all these claims that prior attacks are in some way analogous to what happened in Benghazi. Of course, they generally are not even close.

In Benghazi, as we have discovered, it was an ongoing prolonged fucking attack.

In Beirut, it was a suicide bombing. Upon the explosion, the attack is over.

And notice, too, leftwhiner makes grandiose proclamations like "Reagan did not give a shit about our brave Marines." But nothing in the incident he cites OR anything else supports his empty claim.

I'd say, "shame on you" to leftwhiner, but hack left-wing fubars like him never feel shame. They are shameless. They have much to feel shame about; they just lack that attribute.

Reagan protected our brave marines with a barbed wire fence and the guards did not have loaded guns at the ready?

And Democrats failed to impeach him?
He "left them to die" you say?

How did he leave them to die?

Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

So, he did NOT "leave them to die."

your claim is actually that, as CiC, at worst, he failed to require adequate security for a Marine base.

It is always fun to call bullshit on you and have you promptly confirm it.

Absent any evidence, you and others on the right are attempting to pursue an ‘ultimate responsibility’ doctrine of guilt with regard to Obama as C in C; the same doctrine you refused to apply to Reagan.

You can’t have it both ways.
Since leftwhiner isn't concerned with even basic honesty, let's examine a left wing site famed for providing preliminary information: wikipedia.

The entry on the marine base attack in Beirut during the Reagan years says:

At around 6:20 a.m., a yellow Mercedes-Benz truck drove to Beirut International Airport, where the 1st Battalion 8th Marines under the 2nd Marine Division had set up its local headquarters. The truck was not the water truck they had been expecting, but a hijacked truck carrying explosives. The truck turned onto an access road leading to the compound and circled a parking lot. The driver then accelerated and crashed through a barbed wire fence around the parking lot, passed between two sentry posts, crashed through a gate and drove toward the lobby of the Marine headquarters. The sentries at the gate were operating under rules of engagement which made it very difficult to respond quickly to the truck. Sentries were ordered to keep their weapons at condition four (no magazine inserted and no rounds in the chamber). By the time the two sentries were able to engage, the truck was already heading towards the building's entry way, armed.

The suicide bomber reached the entry way at 6:22 and detonated his explosives, which were equivalent to 5,400 kg (12,000 pounds) of TNT. The force of the explosion collapsed the four-story building into rubble, crushing many inside. According to Eric Hammel in his history of the Marine landing force,

"The force of the explosion initially lifted the entire four-story structure, shearing the bases of the concrete support columns, each measuring fifteen feet in circumference and reinforced by numerous one-and-three-quarter-inch steel rods. The airborne building then fell in upon itself. A massive shock wave and ball of flaming gas was hurled in all directions."[6]

The explosive mechanism was a gas-enhanced device, probably consisting of bottled propane, butane, hexane or acetylene, placed in proximity to a conventional explosive such as primacord,[citation needed]. The bomb was carried on a layer of concrete covered with a slab of marble to direct the blast upward.[7] Despite the lack of sophistication and wide availability of its component parts, a gas-enhanced device can be a lethal weapon. These devices are similar to fuel-air or thermobaric weapons, explaining the large blast and damage.[8]

So, once again, we see the leftist drivel at work. They make all these claims that prior attacks are in some way analogous to what happened in Benghazi. Of course, they generally are not even close.

In Benghazi, as we have discovered, it was an ongoing prolonged fucking attack.

In Beirut, it was a suicide bombing. Upon the explosion, the attack is over.

And notice, too, leftwhiner makes grandiose proclamations like "Reagan did not give a shit about our brave Marines." But nothing in the incident he cites OR anything else supports his empty claim.

I'd say, "shame on you" to leftwhiner, but hack left-wing fubars like him never feel shame. They are shameless. They have much to feel shame about; they just lack that attribute.

Reagan protected our brave marines with a barbed wire fence and the guards did not have loaded guns at the ready?

And Democrats failed to impeach him?

What part of multi-national "peacekeeping force" and the rules of engagement are you failing most to grasp, leftwhiner?

Maybe you didn't find the Wiki article due to my oversight earlier (I left off the link). Here it is: 1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can also look up some facts about that peacekeeping mission here: Multinational Force in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

So, he did NOT "leave them to die."

your claim is actually that, as CiC, at worst, he failed to require adequate security for a Marine base.

It is always fun to call bullshit on you and have you promptly confirm it.

Absent any evidence, you and others on the right are attempting to pursue an ‘ultimate responsibility’ doctrine of guilt with regard to Obama as C in C; the same doctrine you refused to apply to Reagan.

You can’t have it both ways.

Wrong and stupid of you. Par for your course.

There IS evidence of Obama's blundering and his coverup efforts.

As for "ultimate" responsibility, the fucker IS the President and Commander in Chief. The buck -- even if HE prefers to duck it -- does stop THERE.

Of course, Shrillary has a huge amount of the blame on HER inadequate shoulders, but like her boss, she prefers to duck it, too.

Like all you dishonest left wing hacks do.

What assholes like YOU persist in ignoring (or pretend not to notice) is that there is NO analog in your proposed analogies.

Repeat after me, Adam_Clayton_Hack:

  • Beirut was a suicide bombing attack. BOOM and done.

  • Benghazi was a prolonged ATTACK and help was urgently required but none was provided.

Try and spin it some more, but those FACTS will keep on kicking your ass.
Since leftwhiner isn't concerned with even basic honesty, let's examine a left wing site famed for providing preliminary information: wikipedia.

The entry on the marine base attack in Beirut during the Reagan years says:

So, once again, we see the leftist drivel at work. They make all these claims that prior attacks are in some way analogous to what happened in Benghazi. Of course, they generally are not even close.

In Benghazi, as we have discovered, it was an ongoing prolonged fucking attack.

In Beirut, it was a suicide bombing. Upon the explosion, the attack is over.

And notice, too, leftwhiner makes grandiose proclamations like "Reagan did not give a shit about our brave Marines." But nothing in the incident he cites OR anything else supports his empty claim.

I'd say, "shame on you" to leftwhiner, but hack left-wing fubars like him never feel shame. They are shameless. They have much to feel shame about; they just lack that attribute.

Reagan protected our brave marines with a barbed wire fence and the guards did not have loaded guns at the ready?

And Democrats failed to impeach him?

What part of multi-national "peacekeeping force" and the rules of engagement are you failing most to grasp, leftwhiner?

Maybe you didn't find the Wiki article due to my oversight earlier (I left off the link). Here it is: 1983 Beirut barracks bombing - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

You can also look up some facts about that peacekeeping mission here: Multinational Force in Lebanon - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Reagan left the safety of our brave marines to a multinational force that was not even allowed to have bullets in their weapon?

Who was it? Barney Fife

And we didn't impeach his ass?
He "left them to die" you say?

How did he leave them to die?

Reagan ordered Marines to be stationed n Beirut Lebannon. At the time, one of the most dangerous places on earth. Reagan failed to provide them with adequate perimeter security to prevent a guy from off the street to drive a truck bomb into the place killing over 200

Shouldn't Reagan have had to answer for his ineptness? And isn't Monday Morning Quartebacking great?

Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

President Obama has not cut-and-run like Reagan did.
Ok, lets agree on that, why don't you hold obama to the same standard regarding benghazi?

Cool, we have Monday Morning QB'd both Reagan and Obama

Let's do Bush next

Bush was warned of the threat of Al Qaeda and Osama bin Laden in particular. Yet, he demphasized his anti-terror group and did not even meet with them till 9-11. He failed to scramble jets in time to stop the attacks and provided no help to people in the twin towers.

Talk about lying....let's talk WMDs

I don't believe Bush lied about the WMD. There is no doubt that Saddam had them because the US sold them to him.

:cuckoo: reality check in aisle 3

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