Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed:

So who owns that land now ? and how did that come about ?
That is what I would like to know. It is not the Israelis.
Actually, it is the Israelis. Write a strongly worded email of protest to the prayer leader at your madrassah and be sure to cc all of us here.

You are full of shit as usual.

Approximately 7% of the allocated land in Israel is privately owned. The rest, i.e. 93%, is owned by the State and is known as “Israeli Land”. Israel’s Basic Law on real estate states that Israel’s Land is jointly owned by the State (69%), the Development Authority (12%), and the Jewish National Fund (12%). While the law expressly forbids transferring of such land either by sale or other means, it does imply that a long term lease would be permitted.

Types of land in Israel - Buy Property In Israel
Such an angry islamist.

Your cut and paste confirms the land is Israeli.
The Israelis have less right to the lend than the Palestinians had under the Ottoman Empire.

1923 mandate of Palestine granted the 22% of Palestine known as Jewish Palestine to the Jews as its NATIONal home. Are you now saying that International law does not apply because it favours the Jews claims ?
No it started with clear intelligence about Egypt's plan to start the war and annihilate the Jews. US knew, Russians know it too.
The Egyptians Never had the capacity to attack Israel which had more troops at the border...In fact the war started when the Israelis bombed the Egyptian air force...

It was a f....g Land Grab by he Jewish State plain and simple...You fool no one!

So who owns that land now ? and how did that come about ?
That is what I would like to know. It is not the Israelis.
Actually, it is the Israelis. Write a strongly worded email of protest to the prayer leader at your madrassah and be sure to cc all of us here.

You are full of shit as usual.

Approximately 7% of the allocated land in Israel is privately owned. The rest, i.e. 93%, is owned by the State and is known as “Israeli Land”. Israel’s Basic Law on real estate states that Israel’s Land is jointly owned by the State (69%), the Development Authority (12%), and the Jewish National Fund (12%). While the law expressly forbids transferring of such land either by sale or other means, it does imply that a long term lease would be permitted.

Types of land in Israel - Buy Property In Israel

But does not bar Israeli muslims from getting a long term lease, or from buying land that does not have a covenant on it barring non Orthodox Jews from ownership.

Clearly Nut&Yahoo is forcing a new Palestinian uprising so that the ZioNazis can try to usurp the Noble Sanctuary of the ME Muslims.

Watch America reward him with full recognition of a Palestinian state by the UN with American support.

Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed: A new, deliberately provocative right-wing incursion into sacred ground

Benjamin Netanyahu wants bloodshed: A new, deliberately provocative right-wing incursion into sacred ground -

World leaders converging on the UN General Assembly will soon be hearing from Palestine’s Mahmoud Abbas and Israel’s Benjamin Netanyahu. They should focus on Jerusalem, which is again at a boiling point and has the potential to be a global flashpoint if international leaders and diplomats fail to address increasingly reckless rhetoric from Israeli government leaders and the provocative actions of Israeli settlers.

In recent days, right-wing Israeli Jews escorted by Israeli police have been making incursions inside the Al-Aqsa compound, also known as the Noble Sanctuary and Temple Mount to Jews. They are calling for more access to the compound with the ultimate goal of building a third temple in place of Al-Aqsa, which is revered by Muslims worldwide and is based in East Jerusalem – Palestinian territory that Israel occupied and illegally annexed in 1967.

Israeli authorities have abetted these right-wing extremists by effectively imposing a physical and temporal partition of the Al-Aqsa compound. We have been here before: It was Ariel Sharon’s deliberately provocative visit to Al-Aqsa as opposition leader 15 years ago this month that triggered the Second Intifada and years of bloodshed.

Members of Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s Likud Party – such as Miri Regev and Agriculture Minister Uri Ariel – have sought to violate the status quo in pursuit of Jewish control over the compound. In fact, the Israeli government provides funding to groups such as the Temple Institute, an organization that aims to build a temple to replace the Noble Sanctuary, destroying it altogether. If they succeed in this plan, there will be bloody repercussions in Palestine, Israel, the Middle East and beyond.

The coverage of the turmoil in Jerusalem has tended to focus on the clashes. These are typically viewed as signs of an emerging “religious war.” This framing, however, fails to address the political and ideological context in which the strife unfolds and the explicit aims of the Israeli government.
Nice to know that you are advocating violence out in the open....instead of the cowardly way of anomomus proclamations.

Sarcasm intended....
The violence is Netanyahu inspired, take over the mount and every Muslim in the world will join a war against Israel for a thousand years.

No the violence is all Islamic as shown by the multiple murders yesterday. Hamas thinks it is ready to take on Israel again, at this rate there will be no gaza left when Obama is relieved of power
You don't really understand.

Try to take away the Mount and overrun Israel, the Mount and Medina and Mecca will disappear.

How you gonna get there, nukes" Use nukes and Pakistan and Russia will nuke Israel for the fall-out.

Pakistan knows that India has more nukes than them and so wont fire even one, if they did they would be wiped out in one single day
Russia would face China and the US if it fired even one Nuke and again would be wiped out

So your war mongering is coming to nothing and you are getting all worked up because of your Jew hatred

Conventional weapons will take out the carbuncle, Mecca and Medina leaving them desolate and unlivable.
Clearly Nut&Yahoo is forcing a new Palestinian uprising so that the ZioNazis can try to usurp the Noble Sanctuary of the ME Muslims ...
toward which they show their arses, while praying toward mecca, of course.
So who owns that land now ? and how did that come about ?
That is what I would like to know. It is not the Israelis.
Actually, it is the Israelis. Write a strongly worded email of protest to the prayer leader at your madrassah and be sure to cc all of us here.

You are full of shit as usual.

Approximately 7% of the allocated land in Israel is privately owned. The rest, i.e. 93%, is owned by the State and is known as “Israeli Land”. Israel’s Basic Law on real estate states that Israel’s Land is jointly owned by the State (69%), the Development Authority (12%), and the Jewish National Fund (12%). While the law expressly forbids transferring of such land either by sale or other means, it does imply that a long term lease would be permitted.

Types of land in Israel - Buy Property In Israel
Such an angry islamist.

Your cut and paste confirms the land is Israeli.
The Israelis have less right to the lend than the Palestinians had under the Ottoman Empire.
The State of Israel announced otherwise.
Your boy Obama will be gone in less than sixteen months. Greater Israel is the only answer.

!7 months is a long time.. Obama could very well decide not to block a resolution in the security council. Then what?

Led by France, the Europeans are seeking a leading role in the peace process, but Benjamin Netanyahu is distrustful of their motives.

Looking to step into Washington’s shoes and lead a new peacemaking effort.

France has been working on a UN Security Council resolution that would set parameters for new peace talks; former British prime minister Tony Blair has been mediating between Israel and Hamas; and the EU foreign policy chief Federica Mogherini is trying to set up a broader negotiating framework that would include Arab states.

There has been a concerted determination about the Europeans’ work with frequent visits to the region, talks with key players and the adumbration of highly ambitious peace plans. But the success or failure of their effort is likely to be determined by two non-European protagonists – Israel and the US.

Earnest pointed out that in the US-Israel Strategic Partnership Act passed by Congress in December 2014, “pursuit of a twostate solution was identified as our goal to solve this conflict.” And if Israel was no longer on board, the US, he said, would have to reassess its diplomacy for solving the Israeli- Palestinian problem.

Come this year’s UN General Assembly meeting in September, there could be a reversal of traditional great power roles, with the Europeans in the mediator’s seat and the US providing the carrot and stick. How long it lasts will depend on how effective it proves.

Analysis: Europe’s Mideast peace push
You would be more likely to not block that resolution that Obama. Israel is safe under Obama's watch.

You can't have your war, neo-con.
You would be more likely to not block that resolution that Obama. Israel is safe under Obama's watch.

You can't have your war, neo-con.
Obama sets the stage for war fake..Don't pretend to defend Israel as you support Obama
J-roc, you are a defender of war, not Israel. You are Greater Israel's enemy.
J-roc, you are a defender of war, not Israel. You are Greater Israel's enemy.

You're a senile old man. We don't want war. Iran is in Syria, fighting along side Hazballah with air cover from Russia. The same Iran who pledges to wipe out Israel .You loved Obama's Iran deal, because your weak like Obama
J-roc, you are a defender of war, not Israel. You are Greater Israel's enemy.
You're a senile old man. We don't want war. Iran is in Syria, fighting along side Hazballah with air cover from Russia. The same Iran who pledges to wipe out Israel .You loved Obama's Iran deal, because your weak like Obama
I am a cogntively aware older fellow who runs rings around you and your type. You want war in the ME. Yes, you want war with Iran. You like the Iran deal far better than I do; it stinks but it is what we have right now. You like it because you think you can play it into war. Son, you can't. Go back to school and learn this time.
J-roc, you are a defender of war, not Israel. You are Greater Israel's enemy.
You're a senile old man. We don't want war. Iran is in Syria, fighting along side Hazballah with air cover from Russia. The same Iran who pledges to wipe out Israel .You loved Obama's Iran deal, because your weak like Obama
I am a cogntively aware older fellow who runs rings around you and your type. You want war in the ME. Yes, you want war with Iran. You like the Iran deal far better than I do; it stinks but it is what we have right now. You like it because you think you can play it into war. Son, you can't. Go back to school and learn this time.
100s of billions to Iran means war old man. Get it through your old crusted brain :slap:
Funny because a couple of weeks ago it was Abbas that called to fortify in the mosque to fight the infidels....

It's so sacred for them that they don't miss a chance
to play the soccer championships there.

And destroy their own 'sacred' mosque to get the rocks to throw on the Jews...
Abbas also called Jews visitors to their Temple Mount Jews with "dirty feet".

Perhaps they should stop throwing bombs at the Jews from the mosque.

Maybe that would help.
J-roc, you are a defender of war, not Israel. You are Greater Israel's enemy.
You're a senile old man. We don't want war. Iran is in Syria, fighting along side Hazballah with air cover from Russia. The same Iran who pledges to wipe out Israel .You loved Obama's Iran deal, because your weak like Obama
I am a cogntively aware older fellow who runs rings around you and your type. You want war in the ME. Yes, you want war with Iran. You like the Iran deal far better than I do; it stinks but it is what we have right now. You like it because you think you can play it into war. Son, you can't. Go back to school and learn this time.
100s of billions to Iran means war old man. Get it through your old crusted brain :slap:
How good then, if you think so, that you have no power in the matter.
I have no problem with supporting Israel if it has to go to war. But we won't be sending American troops.
When has that ever changed under BHO?

He will try to restrain the PM from being a cowboy, yes, but that doe not mean he is pro-Iran.

What is it with you neo-cons?

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