Bennett Told Zelensky to Take Putin's Deal

Not anymore than your crocodile tears over white skinned victims of US foreign policy salves your star-spangled conscience.

What we are seeing today in Ukraine was set in motion thirty years ago, and we were warned what was coming:

The U.S. Decision to Enlarge NATO: How, When, Why, and What Next?
yep…maybe obama and xiden should t of tried to “reset” relations. and be more flexible…and listened to the warms instead of mocked them
when did ukraine invade?
When it began considering membership in NATO and becoming an IMF debtor state, Ukraine became an existential threat to Russia.

Not unlike the threat to the US posed by the sovereign nation of Cuba petitioning the USSR for nuclear weapons in 1962

You should try to grasp the distinction between condemning Putin's war crimes with understanding why he ordered them.
Aside from Napoleon and Hitler and the UK and US in 1917?
When was the last time Russia or any other country invaded/occupied another sovereign nation on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland?
Adding in the qualifier "on the other side of the planet" was a neat trick. That's the only way you could get the USSR of the list. So its OK if a nation invades its neighbors?
Aside from Napoleon and Hitler and the UK and US in 1917?
When was the last time Russia or any other country invaded/occupied another sovereign nation on the opposite side of the planet from its homeland?
But NOT Ukraine
When it began considering membership in NATO and becoming an IMF debtor state, Ukraine became an existential threat to Russia.

Not unlike the threat to the US posed by the sovereign nation of Cuba petitioning the USSR for nuclear weapons in 1962

You should try to grasp the distinction between condemning Putin's war crimes with understanding why he ordered them.
Should we commence the carpet bombing of Cuba? What's to "understand" about naked aggression?

You just revealed your Stalinist cloven hoof.
Adding in the qualifier "on the other side of the planet" was a neat trick. That's the only way you could get the USSR of the list. So its OK if a nation invades its neighbors?
No, it's not OK, but it is understandable why Russia would think it's a matter of existential survival to allow a hostile military alliance on its border especially if that hostile alliance was doing it to increase PROFITS.
No, it's not OK, but it is understandable why Russia would think it's a matter of existential survival to allow a hostile military alliance on its border especially if that hostile alliance was doing it to increase PROFITS.'s not...unless you're a Putin stooge
No, it's not OK, but it is understandable why Russia would think it's a matter of existential survival to allow a hostile military alliance on its border especially if that hostile alliance was doing it to increase PROFITS.
Understandable - OK.

No one "understands" when Germany invades its neighbors. They don't "understand" when Iraq invades its neighbors.

There is no excuse for invading your neighbor. None.
But NOT Ukraine
In your opinion, when did the current war in Ukraine begin?

"The conception that the war started on February 24 of this year is like viewing the 'invasion' by the U.S. and its allies of Normandy in June 1944 against the 'sovereign' and 'democratic' Vichy French as the start of World War II.

"Never mind that the Vichy government was a puppet of the Nazis; that the opportunities to negotiate had long been rejected; that the war had been raging for years; and that the only option for stopping the Nazis was militarily."

When did the Ukraine War begin? | MR Online

In what year did the CIA first begin using Ukrainian nationals to destabilize Russia?
Israel said this is fake news. I believe Israel…seems like more russian propaganda leftist are spreading for them

The website is Center Right bias....

I say it is bullshit but could people stop trying to score political points on this, it just makes you look stupid.. I will call out anyone out who is undermining the effort...
Not anymore than your crocodile tears over white skinned victims of US foreign policy salves your star-spangled conscience.

What we are seeing today in Ukraine was set in motion thirty years ago, and we were warned what was coming:

The U.S. Decision to Enlarge NATO: How, When, Why, and What Next?
Russian Apologist Warning

Ukraine is an independent country...

Russia invade the Crimea. Russia started and funded a war in Eastern Ukraine...

Then this apologist is trying to say Ukraine shouldn't join NATO... Get real...
so he’s just a capitalist that’s killing national socialist…FDR type…is that what you are saying?

There is not Capitalist or Socialist...

There is a fucking crook and war criminal , Putin, who is trying to bully a smaller nation...

He did what he always did...

Ukraine throw out his puppet Russian leader in 2006.

Russia annex Crimea in 2014.

Russia invade Eastern Russia and start war there...

Then claim that Ukraine can't join NATO... Russia is the reason they had to move towards NATO... They threatened Ukraine security and they are surprised that Ukraine started measures to defend themselves...

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