Bergdahl. Remember Him?


Diamond Member
Sep 21, 2012
Sin City
So, what's going on with the investigation into his leaving his post in Afghanistan?

It appears to be NOTHING! :Boom2:

Is Obama whitewashing Bergdahl’s treason?

Of course he is! To find this miserable piece of scum a deserter and treasonous would make our Dolt-in-Chief look bad. And we can't have that, can we?

So, this comes from an anti-Muslim site and will instantly be denigrated by some here. Who cares? Open-minded people will read it first and make up their own mind @ You are being redirected...
Keeping hoping.

Everyone who has come forward indicated he willingly left his post is a combat zone. That is desertion and deserves a General Courts-Martial.

He is seen on video supporting his so-called captors. That is treason and could bring the death penalty.

What about TRUTH don't you understand?
After the rightwing witch hunt against Bergdahl you would have thought he would be hung by now
It's forgotten about by most.
Americans have become accustomed to information that doesn't exceed the length of a tweet on Twitter.
The military is in no rush to talk about how one of their own had a habit of walking away from his post.
Hell I even forgot about the guy....

They probably completed the investigation by now and gave him a desk job where someone is assigned to watch him at all times.
Obama and his ass sniffing sycophants told us "He's a Hero!!!"
He is a hero. A hero to Islamofacists everywhere. He had the courage to abandon his post and become a jihadist!!

A bullet is too good for this scumbag traitor....
So, what's going on with the investigation into his leaving his post in Afghanistan?

It appears to be NOTHING! :Boom2:

Is Obama whitewashing Bergdahl’s treason?

Of course he is! To find this miserable piece of scum a deserter and treasonous would make our Dolt-in-Chief look bad. And we can't have that, can we?

So, this comes from an anti-Muslim site and will instantly be denigrated by some here. Who cares? Open-minded people will read it first and make up their own mind @ You are being redirected...

Actually there has been developments in that case. The army is almost done with their investigation and the final report has to be written. Then it has to go through proper military channels.

I don't know when it will be released to the public but as of a month ago, the investigation was in it's final stage.

Army’s Bowe Bergdahl investigation is now in its final stage - The Washington Post
This will go on for another six months and the final report will come back as inconclusive as to what actually happened.
Then maybe this guy just gets discharged no charges filed.
This will go on for another six months and the final report will come back as inconclusive as to what actually happened.
Then maybe this guy just gets discharged no charges filed.
This is what will probably happen

The guy has suffered enough.......but not enough for conservatives
Who cares. Quit giving him Hell.

You people should instead direct your hate towards something that strengthens you, rather than sit here and bitch about a guy who's actions had nothing to do with you.
Keeping hoping.

Everyone who has come forward indicated he willingly left his post is a combat zone. That is desertion and deserves a General Courts-Martial.

He is seen on video supporting his so-called captors. That is treason and could bring the death penalty.

What about TRUTH don't you understand?
Lets assume he is guilty of being AWOL, which it sounds like he is. Isnt being tortured and imprisoned by madmen for years punishment enough? You cant find a case of AWOL where they were punished as much as this guy was. Im a veteran, and I would want his ass thrown in jail if it wasn't for him being captured by the Taliban. I feel bad for the guy now, even if it was his own doing. Hes already going to have to deal with the psychological issues that developed from this incident for the rest of his life, so I think we should just leave him alone at this point.
After the rightwing witch hunt against Bergdahl you would have thought he would be hung by now
And you don't find it suspicious that this story has dropped off the radar? Two other Americans were beheaded and Obama didn't get them back. Isn't there a solider being held captive in Mexico? Why isn't Obama getting him home?

You'd think that if Bergdhal was innocent Obama would want to make that clear to the Nation. After all he has personally met his parents and played it up to the media. If people think Bergdhal is a traitor he won't have much of a live back home so why not clear his name too? Yet the Obama Administration is silent, why is that? This should be a major victory for his administration getting an innocent solider brought home safe right?

US Marine Held in Mexico Prison for Guns The Case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi - Latin America news -
After the rightwing witch hunt against Bergdahl you would have thought he would be hung by now
And you don't find it suspicious that this story has dropped off the radar? Two other Americans were beheaded and Obama didn't get them back. Isn't there a solider being held captive in Mexico? Why isn't Obama getting him home?

You'd think that if Bergdhal was innocent Obama would want to make that clear to the Nation. After all he has personally met his parents and played it up to the media. If people think Bergdhal is a traitor he won't have much of a live back home so why not clear his name too? Yet the Obama Administration is silent, why is that? This should be a major victory for his administration getting an innocent solider brought home safe right?

US Marine Held in Mexico Prison for Guns The Case of Sgt. Andrew Tahmooressi - Latin America news -
Bergdhal is innocent until proven guilty

The FoxNews witch hunt has no bearing. If they have evidence, it will come up in a court of law. Same goes for rightwing hero Sgt Tahmooressi
Whadaya expect from this administration?

After an Army major, a crazed muslim fanatic, opens fire on his fellow soldiers at Ft. Hood, killing or wounding many, it was somehow deemed NOT an act of terrorism by Barry's team of fellow nitwits. Instead it was domestic violence or whatever the hell PC nonsense phrase they dreamed up.

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