berkeley and detriot


Gold Member
Jun 19, 2010
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773
Berkeley: home of white, elitist, democrat plantation masters...

Detroit: home of democrat slaves on the democrat plantation ....

MAGA: a tidal wave of Liberty we are sending to cleanse the USA of this democrat evil.....
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

Interesting Wash....

In both places, it is due to the insane ideology based on believing that Americans are vicious racists.

In this vid,Berkeley residents actually believe all sorts of racist thing...and are inveterate Liberals!

In Detroit, they have been force-fed that non-Liberals believe just what the Berkeley Liberals believe

Check this out:

I learned so much from our Liberal pals in Berkeley, that, as a public service I'm going ot provide a 'cheat sheet' for Liberals so that they can have the talking points about Voter ID Laws.

Let's call this the "Berkeley Manifesto"....

1. Voter ID Laws are pretty racist....they're bad!
2. Voter ID Laws are a way to perpetuate racism
3. Racist...fer sure! Definitely suppresses the African-American vote!
4. ...blacks are less likely to have state IDs.
5. Minorities are less likely to have the kind of IDs that are required.
6. Blacks don't live in areas that have easy access to DMVs or places where they can get identification.
7. They don't have access to the internet, they have to pay internet providers certain fees.....
8. Black people don't have the knowledge of how to go on line, of how it works.
9. Blacks may not have smart phones, the may not have data....
10 The don't know what is out there....they are not aware....they're not informed.
11. There is a repression of like felons...and that is a huge population of African-Americans.

Can you imagine the kerfuffle if conservatives said what these Liberals say?????
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

Interesting Wash....

In both places, it is due to the insane ideology based on believing that Americans are vicious racists.

In this vid,Berkeley residents actually believe all sorts of racist thing...and are inveterate Liberals!

In Detroit, they have been force-fed that non-Liberals believe just what the Berkeley Liberals believe

Check this out:

I learned so much from our Liberal pals in Berkeley, that, as a public service I'm going ot provide a 'cheat sheet' for Liberals so that they can have the talking points about Voter ID Laws.

Let's call this the "Berkeley Manifesto"....

1. Voter ID Laws are pretty racist....they're bad!
2. Voter ID Laws are a way to perpetuate racism
3. Racist...fer sure! Definitely suppresses the African-American vote!
4. ...blacks are less likely to have state IDs.
5. Minorities are less likely to have the kind of IDs that are required.
6. Blacks don't live in areas that have easy access to DMVs or places where they can get identification.
7. They don't have access to the internet, they have to pay internet providers certain fees.....
8. Black people don't have the knowledge of how to go on line, of how it works.
9. Blacks may not have smart phones, the may not have data....
10 The don't know what is out there....they are not aware....they're not informed.
11. There is a repression of like felons...and that is a huge population of African-Americans.

Can you imagine the kerfuffle if conservatives said what these Liberals say?????

awesome, thanks. here is an even more poignant juxtaposition. .A map details Berkeley's gulf between rich and poor

has to hypocritical by definition.

A map details Berkeley’s gulf between rich and poor
January 4, 2013 9:28 am by Frances Dinkelspiel

Source: Rich Blocks, Poor Blocks

It’s no secret there is a huge income disparity in Berkeley. Data from the 2010 Census Bureau’s Gini Index showed that Berkeley had the widest gap in the Bay Area between rich and poor, according to a 2011 Bay Citizen article.

Now a man named Chris Persuad has mapped out all the census blocks in the United States. Rich Blocks, Poor Blocks provides a visual glimpse of how income is distributed. In Berkeley, it’s much as you would expect. The wealthiest areas are around the Claremont Hotel and in the hills. The census tract with the highest median income is around Solano Avenue, specifically the neighborhoods between The Alameda to Grizzly Peak, north of Marin. That tract, 4212, has a median household income of $158,988.The poorest census tract, according to Rich Blocks, Poor Blocks, is the University of California itself. The median household income on the UC Berkeley campus stretching south to Durant and as far north as Cedar Street is $6,125. Other areas adjacent to the university also have low median incomes ranging from $20,586 to $34,778.
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

The Democrats program them in public school indoctrination programs. That's what they do.
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

Most large US cities are dominated by the Democratic Party, All are nice places to live in one way or another, and quite popular with their denizens. None are problem free. But there is one example of a Dem-domintated city that supposedly proves that liberalism is a failure, and it's Detroit. Conservatards love to point at Detroit and say "Look, all y'all, there's one o' them thar yankee citys that ain't a-doing so well. Well dang nabbit, it's because of libtards and their libtard ways.". The rest of the cities in America that Dems dominate don't even get mentioned. Let me give you the liberal reason for Detroit's problems: Racist White flight , job-killing free trade, lax and lazy gun laws.
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

Most large US cities are dominated by the Democratic Party, All are nice places to live in one way or another, and quite popular with their denizens. None are problem free. But there is one example of a Dem-domintated city that supposedly proves that liberalism is a failure, and it's Detroit. Conservatards love to point at Detroit and say "Look, all y'all, there's one o' them thar yankee citys that ain't a-doing so well. Well dang nabbit, it's because of libtards and their libtard ways.". The rest of the cities in America that Dems dominate don't even get mentioned. Let me give you the liberal reason for Detroit's problems: Racist White flight , job-killing free trade, lax and lazy gun laws.

Actually, Detroit is hardly the only one.

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level (pop. 250,000+)
Detroit , MI 32.5%
Buffalo , NY 29.9%
Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
Cleveland , OH 27.0%
Miami , FL 26.9%
St. Louis , MO 26.8%
El Paso , TX 26.4%
Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
Newark , NJ 24.2%

The cities with populations over 200,000 ranked as the most dangerous are:
1. Detroit, MI - Mayor Mike Duggan - DEMOCRAT
2. Oakland, CA - Mayor Jean Quan - DEMOCRAT
3. Memphis, TN - Mayor A C Wharton - DEMOCRAT
4. St. Louis, MO - Mayor Francis G. Slay - DEMOCRAT
5. Cleveland, OH - Mayor Frank G. Jackson - DEMOCRAT
6. Baltimore, MD - Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - DEMOCRAT
7. Milwaukee, WI - Mayor Tom Barrett - DEMOCRAT
8. Birmingham, AL - Mayor William A. Bell - DEMOCRAT
9. Newark, NJ - Mayor Ras Baraka - DEMOCRAT
10. Kansas City, MO - Mayor Sly James - Independent (but probably a DEMOCRAT) Democrats Run The Highest Crime Cities in America
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

Most large US cities are dominated by the Democratic Party, All are nice places to live in one way or another, and quite popular with their denizens. None are problem free. But there is one example of a Dem-domintated city that supposedly proves that liberalism is a failure, and it's Detroit. Conservatards love to point at Detroit and say "Look, all y'all, there's one o' them thar yankee citys that ain't a-doing so well. Well dang nabbit, it's because of libtards and their libtard ways.". The rest of the cities in America that Dems dominate don't even get mentioned. Let me give you the liberal reason for Detroit's problems: Racist White flight , job-killing free trade, lax and lazy gun laws.

"Let me give you the liberal reason for Detroit's problems: Racist White flight , job-killing free trade, lax and lazy gun laws."

You're fulla cheese.....if you believe that.
Or....Liberals are fulla cheese.

Here's the reason:
Black icon and former Detroit mayor, Coleman Young, drove whites out of Detroit,....
when whites fled Detroit for the suburbs, Young's message was 'let 'em go...' and that blacks should get guns so that when whitey tried to come back and reclaim neighborhoods, the blacks would be ready for 'em."

A vile filthy- mouthed racist, Young was the beginning of the end for Detroit.
Young announced he didn't want any whites in his town.

1. Coleman Alexander Young served as mayor of Detroit, Michigan from 1974 to 1994. Young became the first African-American mayor of Detroit.
Coleman Young - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was a foul-mouthed, racist, black Liberal....and his ruin of the city was excused because of his skin color.

2. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them collect guns in the city of Detroit while we’re surrounded by hostile suburbs and the whole rest of the state who have guns, and where you have vigilantes practicing Ku Klux Klan in the wilderness with automatic weapons.”
Oh that loquacious late Coleman Young, never laconic when it comes to expressing his hatred of whitey."
“The Quotations of Mayor Coleman A. Young,” p. 29

3. Under Young's tenure, whites fled Detroit for the suburbs....and Young's message was 'let 'em go...' and that blacks should get guns so that when whitey tried to come back and reclaim neighborhoods, the blacks would be ready for 'em.

4. " Young was the mayor of Detroit from 1974 – 1993, whose tenure can best be described as one long eulogy for the city.
In his autobiography "Hard Stuff," Young describes himself as an MFIC (Mother Fucker in Charge), and peppers his sentences with the descriptive mother fucker after seemingly every other word. It’s perhaps the most honest look into a Black politicians thinking that has ever been published.

Detroit is a ruined city now (the Visible Black Hand of Economics), where no grocery chain can stay open because the once might metropolitan, now blessed with an 84 percent Black population can’t sustain one:

Ninety-two percent of food options in the city come from party and liquor stores, forcing residents into making nutrition choices in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, according to a report released Thursday.

a. In 2008, the city's last two Farmer Jack stores closed, leaving Detroit without a major chain grocery store. Independent stores such as Mike's Fresh Market or Foodland are among the options some city residents use for groceries. Still, city residents spend nearly $200 million a year on groceries in stores outside the city, according to the report."
Coleman Young, Revisited - The Detroit Blog -
Its a form of Stockholm Syndrome. The Democratic party has held minorities hostage for so long that they don't know anything else.
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

The Democrats program them in public school indoctrination programs. That's what they do.
i don't like PBS taking tax money to stump for democrats. nor do i like taxpayer funding of using scare tactics to teach junk science to toddlers on up. if the logic of global warming was real they wouldn't have to lie about it to children. at taxpayer expense.

anyway, hopefully, Trump will lead the way to defund "public" TV and Radio.
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

Most large US cities are dominated by the Democratic Party, All are nice places to live in one way or another, and quite popular with their denizens. None are problem free. But there is one example of a Dem-domintated city that supposedly proves that liberalism is a failure, and it's Detroit. Conservatards love to point at Detroit and say "Look, all y'all, there's one o' them thar yankee citys that ain't a-doing so well. Well dang nabbit, it's because of libtards and their libtard ways.". The rest of the cities in America that Dems dominate don't even get mentioned. Let me give you the liberal reason for Detroit's problems: Racist White flight , job-killing free trade, lax and lazy gun laws.

Actually, Detroit is hardly the only one.

City, State, % of People Below the Poverty Level (pop. 250,000+)
Detroit , MI 32.5%
Buffalo , NY 29.9%
Cincinnati , OH 27.8%
Cleveland , OH 27.0%
Miami , FL 26.9%
St. Louis , MO 26.8%
El Paso , TX 26.4%
Milwaukee , WI 26.2%
Philadelphia , PA 25.1%
Newark , NJ 24.2%

The cities with populations over 200,000 ranked as the most dangerous are:
1. Detroit, MI - Mayor Mike Duggan - DEMOCRAT
2. Oakland, CA - Mayor Jean Quan - DEMOCRAT
3. Memphis, TN - Mayor A C Wharton - DEMOCRAT
4. St. Louis, MO - Mayor Francis G. Slay - DEMOCRAT
5. Cleveland, OH - Mayor Frank G. Jackson - DEMOCRAT
6. Baltimore, MD - Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake - DEMOCRAT
7. Milwaukee, WI - Mayor Tom Barrett - DEMOCRAT
8. Birmingham, AL - Mayor William A. Bell - DEMOCRAT
9. Newark, NJ - Mayor Ras Baraka - DEMOCRAT
10. Kansas City, MO - Mayor Sly James - Independent (but probably a DEMOCRAT) Democrats Run The Highest Crime Cities in America
it's like voting for another four or eight years of genocide in chicago. and not the nice neighborhoods, like obamas, axelrods and farrakhans live in hyde park. let's see obama go back and do some community organising now.
probably too hard after developing a taste for the high life.

Stand-Off Between Louis Farrakhan And White House Press Near ...
May 30, 2010 - Just a few blocks from Obama's home in the Kenwood/Hyde Park ... lives across the street from the ornate yellow-gold home where Farrakhan lives. ... over to Nesbitt's home, the press pool bus parks near Farrakhan's house.
Missing: axelrod
EXCLUSIVE – Obama's Nation of Islam Staffers, Edward Said ...
Jan 30, 2008 - The insider was so close to Senator Obama that they frequently personally ... prime Nation of Islam territory, including Hyde Park, home to Farrakhan's mansion. ..... A Life Magazine Article Changed My Outlook On Life – NOT EXACTLY, Life ... of your Nuclear donor, Exelon, from which David Axelrod came.
Nation of Islam Leader's Home In Hyde Park Received $100,000 in ...
Dec 10, 2013 - Louis Farrakhan's home in Hyde Park, Illinois. .... I get a check and I live in New York City the farm land owned by the family is in South Carolina ...
Missing: axelrod
Farrakhan Home in Obama's Old Neighborhood Got $100K in Farm ...
Dec 10, 2013 - So what does Farrakhan grow in Hyde Park... besides hate? ... costs and ensure labor requirements, at least 10 families need to live on farm.
Missing: axelrod
Obama's Pragmatic Politics, Forged on the South Side of Chicago ...
May 11, 2008 - He moved from his leftist Hyde Park base to more centrist circles; he forged .... Mr. Ayers was just “a guy who lives in my neighborhood,” Mr. Obama said recently. .... the Nation of Islam leader Louis Farrakhan and inviting him to speak at ... high school with Mr. Jackson's sister and been close tothe family for ...
Barack Obama and Bill Ayers - The Obama File
Hyde Park in Chicago is a tiny neighborhood, so when he said I was 'a guy around the ... Obama has dismissed Ayers as just "a guy who lives in my neighborhood," and ..... Avenue near the corner of Revere Road just after he had delivered the mail. ..... south side, where Obama now lives as a neighbor of Louis Farrakhan.
Last edited:
in both places, hillary got 95 plus % of the vote. why would these two populations vote for everything to stay the same. no change, another fifty years of status quo. the lifestyles in theses cities is quite different.
i wonder what compels people to keep voting democrat, even after obama

. the berkeley crowd has a pretty fat gig, but detroit ? what do the democrats do to get people to keep voting that way.


View attachment 100773

Most large US cities are dominated by the Democratic Party, All are nice places to live in one way or another, and quite popular with their denizens. None are problem free. But there is one example of a Dem-domintated city that supposedly proves that liberalism is a failure, and it's Detroit. Conservatards love to point at Detroit and say "Look, all y'all, there's one o' them thar yankee citys that ain't a-doing so well. Well dang nabbit, it's because of libtards and their libtard ways.". The rest of the cities in America that Dems dominate don't even get mentioned. Let me give you the liberal reason for Detroit's problems: Racist White flight , job-killing free trade, lax and lazy gun laws.

"Let me give you the liberal reason for Detroit's problems: Racist White flight , job-killing free trade, lax and lazy gun laws."

You're fulla cheese.....if you believe that.
Or....Liberals are fulla cheese.

Here's the reason:
Black icon and former Detroit mayor, Coleman Young, drove whites out of Detroit,....
when whites fled Detroit for the suburbs, Young's message was 'let 'em go...' and that blacks should get guns so that when whitey tried to come back and reclaim neighborhoods, the blacks would be ready for 'em."

A vile filthy- mouthed racist, Young was the beginning of the end for Detroit.
Young announced he didn't want any whites in his town.

1. Coleman Alexander Young served as mayor of Detroit, Michigan from 1974 to 1994. Young became the first African-American mayor of Detroit.
Coleman Young - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

He was a foul-mouthed, racist, black Liberal....and his ruin of the city was excused because of his skin color.

2. “I’ll be damned if I’m going to let them collect guns in the city of Detroit while we’re surrounded by hostile suburbs and the whole rest of the state who have guns, and where you have vigilantes practicing Ku Klux Klan in the wilderness with automatic weapons.”
Oh that loquacious late Coleman Young, never laconic when it comes to expressing his hatred of whitey."
“The Quotations of Mayor Coleman A. Young,” p. 29

3. Under Young's tenure, whites fled Detroit for the suburbs....and Young's message was 'let 'em go...' and that blacks should get guns so that when whitey tried to come back and reclaim neighborhoods, the blacks would be ready for 'em.

4. " Young was the mayor of Detroit from 1974 – 1993, whose tenure can best be described as one long eulogy for the city.
In his autobiography "Hard Stuff," Young describes himself as an MFIC (Mother Fucker in Charge), and peppers his sentences with the descriptive mother fucker after seemingly every other word. It’s perhaps the most honest look into a Black politicians thinking that has ever been published.

Detroit is a ruined city now (the Visible Black Hand of Economics), where no grocery chain can stay open because the once might metropolitan, now blessed with an 84 percent Black population can’t sustain one:

Ninety-two percent of food options in the city come from party and liquor stores, forcing residents into making nutrition choices in unsafe and unsanitary conditions, according to a report released Thursday.

a. In 2008, the city's last two Farmer Jack stores closed, leaving Detroit without a major chain grocery store. Independent stores such as Mike's Fresh Market or Foodland are among the options some city residents use for groceries. Still, city residents spend nearly $200 million a year on groceries in stores outside the city, according to the report."
Coleman Young, Revisited - The Detroit Blog -
obama closed a lot of republican car dealerships.
How Obama crushed thousands of auto dealerships - Centennial ...
... the US Treasury Department and its head, Steve Rattner, Obama's Car Czar, ... pressured the manufacturers to reduce the number of dealerships and fast ... Thousands of dealerships across our nation closed their doors. ... Over 289 members of our US Congress, both Democrat and Republican, supported our legislation.

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