Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event

Its a few college kids. Relax. It isn't a big deal. I agree she should theoretically be allowed to speak but I do not see any threat too america...that's just plain over the top.

The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017

Ann's "hateful"?

NOt these little lefties?


Maybe you're right. Maybe all that emotion I see is some form of Tough Love....

Feel the warmth...


That is the riot
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

My goodness, how old are you?

The last guest speaker Berkeley protested , I wonder what bathroom he uses..




You wonder what bathroom he uses?

Why do you hate gay people?

What have they done to you?
The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017

Ann's "hateful"?

NOt these little lefties?


Maybe you're right. Maybe all that emotion I see is some form of Tough Love....

Feel the warmth...


That is the riot
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

My goodness, how old are you?

The last guest speaker Berkeley protested , I wonder what bathroom he uses..




You wonder what bathroom he uses?

Why do you hate gay people?

What have they done to you?
We do not hate them. We just do not accept as a valid nor important issue about how a guy can worm himself into the ladies room because he fancies himself to be a lady
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

When you have nothing to counter the arguments jump to how the person looks. It is interesting how you chose a dog more able to fight for her picture while sporting that fearsome lap dog poodle in your avatar.

Seems you're pretty worried about her.

She uses hate to get attention and sell her bonehead books. Have you seen her speak?

You and yours accuse your enemies of hate to justify your violence.


So is Hillary Clinton but you pay hundreds of thousands to have her speak

It depends on what the meal Coulter is just feeding them a few hours of ( I will sum it up for you )

I hate all Jews, Muslims, Mexicans, Blacks, Gays, Welfare Recipients, Liberals..I hate medical care for the poor and let Seattle be the first to be nuked..

She has a stick up her bony butte


Those type people you named are 99.9% of America's problem.
Funny how she wasn't angered even once.

The hatchet job failed pretty badly.

After the show taping, she immediately started whining and crying about it. You don't remember that? They ripped her a new asshole, it was bad.

She was invited under false pretenses and then viciously attacked by low grade morons.

She had every right to bitch about that.

YOu people are vile p.o.s.

What were the false pretenses? I hadn't heard that before.

It was supposed to be a Rob Lowe Roast.

...? Yeah, and it was, and she likely knew it was. What were the false pretenses?

If it was to be a Rob Lowe Roast, she would NOT have been the target.
Right, you're making a qualitative argument. So am I. Coulter is not an intellectual, and she really doesn't have much knowledge to impart to youth. She's a shrill comedian who sells books based on her audacity of vulgarity. She can speak to some media students about how to drum up ratings among 68-year old men, I guess?

Lying seems to be your stock in trade.

While attending Cornell University, Coulter helped found The Cornell Review,[12][13] and was a member of the Delta Gamma national sorority.[14] She graduated cum laude from Cornell in 1984 with a B.A. in history, and received her J.D. from the University of Michigan Law School in 1988, where she was an editor of the Michigan Law Review.[15] At Michigan, Coulter was president of the local chapter of the Federalist Society and was trained at the National Journalism Center.

Ann Coulter - Wikipedia

So did the Berkley 'Terrorists' just 'declare war' on the United States?

Thank you for admitting you are 'domestic enemies' of this nation. Cut the funding, shut down the school as a 'terrorist training camp'.
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

My goodness, how old are you?

The last guest speaker Berkeley protested , I wonder which bathroom he uses..





Yep. Milo dresses funny.

THe left riots.


And you attack HIM?

Milo is a pedophile with young boys, why are you defending him?


Your vile hateful lies are noted and held against you.

Why are you such a vile liar and hater?
Contrary thought is fine. The mewlings of a carnival-barking moron? Not necessarily what I would call "thought".
Seig Heil indeed, Brownshirt. You crush thoughts and words that deviate from Party dogma to protect children, right?
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

Mind boggling isnt it? We have to keep people safe from ideas. Instead of teaching them to seek and love the truth
Feelings vs facts is the crux of the whole thing
American patriot Steve McGarrett chiming in.

Coulter will have to do like patriotic Richard Spencer did to speak at Berkeley. I'm not sure how far it got, but he either threatened a lawsuit and that was enough, or he actually did sue and won the right to speak. Matter of point, isn't it ironic that a person has to sue a university (whose students invited him to speak there) to win the right to speak there? In other words, people are literally having to sue organizations, schools, order to exercise their first amendment rights.

BTW...It was The Auburn University not Berkeley Steve

Why are you people attracted to these mean ass people?...Check out the video at the 0.23 mark in the link. He talks about why he hates diversity at a university.

Against its wishes, Auburn hosts white nationalist Richard Spencer -
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones. Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Berklely also cancled creepy ass guy Milo Yiannopoulos who peddles hate.

Why is a speaker like that ok with you?


Lots of hate on both sides, but Berkeley will only accept it's brand of hate.

Please give us a link of the hateful left speakers, I would love to see who they are.


Start with this one.

Seig Heil indeed, Brownshirt. You crush thoughts and words that deviate from Party dogma to protect children, right?
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.
I'm not afraid of words, I'll leave that to people like you.

I somehow suspect they've never read a word she has said
I honestly don't know what to say to these people. I don't know how they can support doing this to our kids.

You keep saying "doing this to our kids."

Please explain the abject horror of canceling an Ann Coulter speaking engagement, and how that leads to "our kids" being irreparably harmed, you disingenuous c*nt?
Wow, personal insults and name-calling, good sign.

I'll say it yet again: College is the very best time of a kid's life to be exposed to contrary, challenging thought. By all means, the more the merrier. This is THE PERFECT TIME for them to be challenged.

People like you don't want that because you're afraid.

She doesn't offer "challenging" thought. She hurls firebombs. That's it. You want a conservative intellectual, send a conservative intellectual who doesn't simply insult people.
I'm not afraid of words, I'll leave that to people like you.

When did I say I was afraid of her? Did it occur to you that these kids don't want their money going to a buffoon, and thereby with their actions they are being fiscally responsible?

Considering the students invited her....

Yeah but I'm tired of hate from any side. It's annoying

It's going to get a lot worse.

The left is losing. The more they lose, the more violent they get. At some point, people will strike back.

That's interesting, because the left has been on the leading edge of pretty much all social change in this country. Abolition? Left. Voting rights for women and minorities? Left. Civil rights? The left. Opposition to laws that silenced war-dissenters in 1917 and the 1940s? Left.

Everything the left supports now is accepted, settled law in the future.

Does that ever make you feel stupid? Probably not. You'd need to actually engage in deep thought first.
Everything the left supports now will be referred to as "the era of Regression" in the future.
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

My goodness, how old are you?

The last guest speaker Berkeley protested , I wonder which bathroom he uses..





Yep. Milo dresses funny.

THe left riots.


And you attack HIM?

Milo is a pedophile with young boys, why are you defending him?


If that were true and you could prove it he would be in jail. The fact that he isn't make you a LIAR!

Yeah but I'm tired of hate from any side. It's annoying

It's going to get a lot worse.

The left is losing. The more they lose, the more violent they get. At some point, people will strike back.

Would have
That's interesting, because the left has been on the leading edge of pretty much all social change in this country. Abolition? Left. Voting rights for women and minorities? Left. Civil rights? The left. Opposition to laws that silenced war-dissenters in 1917 and the 1940s? Left.

Everything the left supports now is accepted, settled law in the future.

Does that ever make you feel stupid? Probably not. You'd need to actually engage in deep thought first.

And you learned history from Saul Alinsky.

Voting rights for women were being given at the state level long before the 19th by liberal states like.....WYOMING.

The governor of Wyoming at that time granted suffrage and he was a Union general. Not exactly a right-leaning regressive.

You equate the moron.

WYOMING never has been a liberal state and it's governor was elected by the people of the state.

Let's add more to your list.

Social Security....biggest PONZI scam in got it...the left.

Vietnam.......Thanks LBJ.

No, he was not elected, dipshit! BWAAAHAHAHA!!!! He was APPOINTED by President Grant.

John Campbell and the Invention of Wyoming |

Unmarried, 33 years old, John A. Campbell was a short, handsome man, with hair a little thin on top and a thick beard below. President Ulysses S. Grant had appointed him governor just a few weeks earlier. Grant himself had been president just a few weeks longer than that.

Holy shit. How's the egg on your face taste? What's next, you gonna claim that Alaska voted for George Washington?

Jesus Dipshits-Everywhere Christ

Wyoming legislators write the first state constitution to grant women the vote - Sep 30, 1889 -

WYOMING wrote this into their constitution in 1889 using an elected governor.


Who was *drumroll* a right wing republican
The university has done such a crappy job of creating an adult, open minded environment, it can't trust its own students to not lose their shit and start rioting.

That is complete nonsense, do you have a neutral link on that Bull poo poo comment?


Ann Coulter is a mean hateful person, why would you want her to speak to our young adults? She is a hag..

Ann Coulter


Gen. Michael Hayden: N Korea will make nuke capable of hitting Seattle! Situation will be dire as soon as they can hit a city worth saving.

10:08 AM - 6 Apr 2017
All you need to do is let them speak.

Yeah like Glen Beck gives you facts and statistics...:lol:

This kid is a Bone Head and needs to get a job.

He does if you listen to him.

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