Berkeley cancels Ann Coulter event

American patriot Steve McGarrett chiming in.

Coulter will have to do like patriotic Richard Spencer did to speak at Berkeley. I'm not sure how far it got, but he either threatened a lawsuit and that was enough, or he actually did sue and won the right to speak. Matter of point, isn't it ironic that a person has to sue a university (whose students invited him to speak there) to win the right to speak there? In other words, people are literally having to sue organizations, schools, order to exercise their first amendment rights.

BTW...It was The Auburn University not Berkeley Steve

Why are you people attracted to these mean ass people?...Check out the video at the 0.23 mark in the link. He talks about why he hates diversity at a university.

Against its wishes, Auburn hosts white nationalist Richard Spencer -
Why do you love "diversity"?

Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

My goodness, how old are you?

The last guest speaker Berkeley protested , I wonder which bathroom he uses..





Yep. Milo dresses funny.

THe left riots.


And you attack HIM?

Imagine law abiding and God fearing Americans today being unarmed, like the schumers and feinsteins want, with savages like the above on the loose.

It's appalling that she can't speak because some out of control leftards can't abide by the civilized norms of society.

Thank you, but unfortunately this is the new normal.

I know.

What these dumbass leftards fail to understand is that by not allowing her to speak, it just reinforces her argument that the left is intolerant, and bolsters her status while diminishing theirs. By shutting her down, she wins.
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

My goodness, how old are you?

The last guest speaker Berkeley protested , I wonder which bathroom he uses..





Yep. Milo dresses funny.

THe left riots.


And you attack HIM?

Imagine Americans today being unarmed like the schumers and feinsteins want, with savages like the above on the loose.

I'm still waiting to hear about the right to left breakdown on arrested in the most recent berkeley.

I'm fearing the cops showed up when the republicans started defending themselves and arrested them, mostly.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones.

Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?

More body-shaming from our "enlightened" prog losers....nobody hates women like these fags...nobody.
After the show taping, she immediately started whining and crying about it. You don't remember that? They ripped her a new asshole, it was bad.

She was invited under false pretenses and then viciously attacked by low grade morons.

She had every right to bitch about that.

YOu people are vile p.o.s.

What were the false pretenses? I hadn't heard that before.

It was supposed to be a Rob Lowe Roast.

...? Yeah, and it was, and she likely knew it was. What were the false pretenses?

If it was to be a Rob Lowe Roast, she would NOT have been the target.

She agreed to go on a Comedy Central roast to promote a book. Comedy Central is a well known repository for left-leaning ideals. Coulter knows this. The ribbing she got was more because the roasters didn't understand her presence there to begin with. Don't be so naive.

It's appalling that she can't speak because some out of control leftards can't abide by the civilized norms of society.

Thank you, but unfortunately this is the new normal.

I know.

What these dumbass leftards fail to understand is that by not allowing her to speak, it just reinforces her argument that the left is intolerant, and bolsters her status while diminishing theirs. By shutting her down, she wins.

Sort of.

BUt it also bolsters the idea of violence and censorship as an acceptable behavior, from the left.

AND it prevents the Right from getting it's actual message to young people who might be open to new ideas.

Barring dramatic change, this trend will continue and escalate over time.
She was invited under false pretenses and then viciously attacked by low grade morons.

She had every right to bitch about that.

YOu people are vile p.o.s.

What were the false pretenses? I hadn't heard that before.

It was supposed to be a Rob Lowe Roast.

...? Yeah, and it was, and she likely knew it was. What were the false pretenses?

If it was to be a Rob Lowe Roast, she would NOT have been the target.

She agreed to go on a Comedy Central roast to promote a book. Comedy Central is a well known repository for left-leaning ideals. Coulter knows this. The ribbing she got was more because the roasters didn't understand her presence there to begin with. Don't be so naive.

Your making of excuses for jackals is to be expected.
Restricting oneself to right or left only is the sign of low IQ. Says something about america doesn't it?

Not knowing if you are Conservative or Progressive simply means you have no core values.

You are right, it does say something about "america", the word is America.
What were the false pretenses? I hadn't heard that before.

It was supposed to be a Rob Lowe Roast.

...? Yeah, and it was, and she likely knew it was. What were the false pretenses?

If it was to be a Rob Lowe Roast, she would NOT have been the target.

She agreed to go on a Comedy Central roast to promote a book. Comedy Central is a well known repository for left-leaning ideals. Coulter knows this. The ribbing she got was more because the roasters didn't understand her presence there to begin with. Don't be so naive.

Your making of excuses for jackals is to be expected.

Your selective outrage for the unimportant is also to be expected.
She looks like a skeleton that refuses to lie down. Just find a good plot and begin your eternal rest already bones. Has that corpse ever been seen with a man? Or a woman? Vulture waiting for a meal? Anything?
Proud of what's happening on our campuses, are you?

You don't believe this is the time of a kid's life when they need to be exposed to contrary thought?

What a terrible thing you want to do to our kids.

Berklely also cancled creepy ass guy Milo Yiannopoulos who peddles hate.

Why is a speaker like that ok with you?


Lots of hate on both sides, but Berkeley will only accept it's brand of hate.

Please give us a link of the hateful left speakers, I would love to see who they are.


Start with this one.

Insanity reigns with the extreme left. Here this white male speaker is applauding white men committing suicide.
I just went upstairs and looked at a new thread and it was closed in about one minute for having the title in CAPS.
Can anyone explain what the big hairy deal is about putting your title in CAPS? It's not like we can actually hear it. It's not like the CAPS are really big or anything. Right? They're just in CAPS?
Reminds me of the rule we used to have at school that students couldn't wear their hats into the cafeteria. Who cares, right, with that crew, I didn't give a damn if they were wearing a garbage pail on their heads if they would only behave themselves. We fought the good fight over hats every, single, blessed day. No Titles in CAPS reminds me of that.
are you as pretty as ms poppins? I bet you are pretty
That's incestuous.
Not necessarily.

It could just be a spoonful of sugar.

Interesting comments on that one. SJW "hatespeech" logic on display.

These fuckers need reprogramming before they go much further.
More body-shaming from our "enlightened" prog losers....nobody hates women like these fags...nobody.

I don't know, it's pretty tough to match the hatred from this fucking faggot right here, you know, the guy who "knocked a woman out" in a bar.

I have to admit fat, ugly dykes don't really frighten threatened me with a cue stick in a dive bar one night and I knocked her out with it like I would any other man...pretend or real.

Remember that, you fucking piece of shit?
More body-shaming from our "enlightened" prog losers....nobody hates women like these fags...nobody.

I don't know, it's pretty tough to match the hatred from this fucking faggot right here, you know, the guy who "knocked a woman out" in a bar.

I have to admit fat, ugly dykes don't really frighten threatened me with a cue stick in a dive bar one night and I knocked her out with it like I would any other man...pretend or real.

Remember that, you fucking piece of shit?

Yet you guys pull it off.

Can't we just be men and treat women with respect?
Imagine a kid being raised by Regressive Lefties like this.

A skinny 100 pound woman scares the shit out of the democrats.

Skinny Ugly Dog

When you have nothing to counter the arguments jump to how the person looks. It is interesting how you chose a dog more able to fight for her picture while sporting that fearsome lap dog poodle in your avatar.

Seems you're pretty worried about her.

She uses hate to get attention and sell her bonehead books. Have you seen her speak?

Yes I have. And what she say's is pretty damn accurate. But isn't that the reason you need to keep her from speaking?

I listen to fox news and some are ok..when the haters come on I just turn the channel.. Same with msnbc ..

It was supposed to be a Rob Lowe Roast.

...? Yeah, and it was, and she likely knew it was. What were the false pretenses?

If it was to be a Rob Lowe Roast, she would NOT have been the target.

She agreed to go on a Comedy Central roast to promote a book. Comedy Central is a well known repository for left-leaning ideals. Coulter knows this. The ribbing she got was more because the roasters didn't understand her presence there to begin with. Don't be so naive.

Your making of excuses for jackals is to be expected.

Your selective outrage for the unimportant is also to be expected.

Your minimizing of their vile behavior is on you.
...? Yeah, and it was, and she likely knew it was. What were the false pretenses?

If it was to be a Rob Lowe Roast, she would NOT have been the target.

She agreed to go on a Comedy Central roast to promote a book. Comedy Central is a well known repository for left-leaning ideals. Coulter knows this. The ribbing she got was more because the roasters didn't understand her presence there to begin with. Don't be so naive.

Your making of excuses for jackals is to be expected.

Your selective outrage for the unimportant is also to be expected.

Your minimizing of their vile behavior is on you.

Well, it is a roast. Vile behavior is the point, genius. :cuckoo:

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