Berkeley Riots - A Liberal View


Diamond Member
Jun 26, 2016
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!
Emotions were running high, but that is when true character reveals itself.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!
Yep, they are a bunch of coward, low class, left wing loons now communists thanks to the college communist teachers.
The liberal point of view.

Milo is the worst nightmare of libs. Gay, attractive, compelling, humorous, sells out college shows across America...
Milo Yiannopoulos castrated the Berkley crowd by just leaving when they showed their stupidity. The funny thing is they have no idea WHO they were rioting about, It is so damn telling and funny that I have to keep myself from PUKING from laughing so hard. IT PROVES BEYOND A SHADOW OF A DOUBT THAT LIBERALS ARE THE NAZIS in this country.
Milo is the worst nightmare of libs. Gay, attractive, compelling, humorous, sells out college shows across America...

AND I THINK HE HAS A BLACK BOYFRIEND, sounds like a real reason for liberal labels to ME HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH oh think I shit my pants. WAY TO BE INCLUSIVE LIBERAL, PROVE HOW STUPID AND SHALLOW YOU ARE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AGAINANDAGAIN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
This is a good start, but we need to see more liberals denounce this violence, which smacks of brownshirt tactics since it's aim was to suppress the free speech rights of conservative students who invited Milo to speak on campus.

If there is no consensus in preserving the First Amendment, then our democracy will not survive, and we will descend into chaos.
Milo is the worst nightmare of libs. Gay, attractive, compelling, humorous, sells out college shows across America...

AND I THINK HE HAS A BLACK BOYFRIEND, sounds like a real reason for liberal labels to ME HAHAAHAHAHAHHAHAHAH oh think I shit my pants. WAY TO BE INCLUSIVE LIBERAL, PROVE HOW STUPID AND SHALLOW YOU ARE >>>>>>>>>>>>>>> AGAINANDAGAIN>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.
Yes, I saw Milo speak on the Tucker Carlson show, and he is flamboyant homosexual and brags about having a black lover. Hard for the left to deal with this.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

all they needed to do, was get, more collegiate, and ask better questions; just to watch, "brave" US national socialist right wingers, abandon their position in the face of valid arguments.
According to David Horowitz every high profile conservative speaker has been the victim of assault or numerous assaults on college campus. All of a sudden the left is sensitive to the fact that Berkeley denies 1st Amendment rights to a speaker when they see organized mayhem. Where have they been? It's about time the Trump administration cuts funding to universities that do not recognize Constitutional values. Ironically it's the best thing that could have happened to Milo (what's his name). He turned out to be a charismatic and articulate speaker and it's freaking guaranteed that his new book will hit the best seller list. So what has the left wing accomplished in Berkeley? Like every angry organized outburst (funded by Soros?) since the election it has backfired big time.
According to what I heard on the news yesterday Berkley did all it was supposed to do in reference to Milo.

They provided a place for him to make his remarks.

They provided a place for students to demonstrate if they wanted to.

The campus police force was there to provide security. Loads of campus police.

What no one planned on was the 150 people who were bussed in and actually did the rioting and damage.


Who knows but Berkley will be taking the hit.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!

Bravo. If we (any of us) REALLY believe in what we're saying, we WANT to engage others, not shut them up.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!

Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.

all they needed to do, was get, more collegiate, and ask better questions; just to watch, "brave" US national socialist right wingers, abandon their position in the face of valid arguments.
You fascist LWNJs are a danger to society.....
Nobody takes the right wing seriously about economics or the law.
This is the type of excuse the zealots use for their behavior: To claim that the opinions and ideas of those who dare to disagree with them have zero merit and don't deserve the light of day. This, from the end of the spectrum that USED to believe that ALL ideas should be free and open to discussion.

And look at the terms they use: "Nobody..." - nobody, within their little ideological vacuum, of course.

The hardcore Left has become EXACTLY what it used to despise. And I think they know it.

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