Berkeley Riots - A Liberal View

Milo is the worst nightmare of libs. Gay, attractive, compelling, humorous, sells out college shows across America...

Conservatives like him because he says stuff like this:
"That’s why I don’t like Planned Parenthood. They kill all those black babies. In 20 years, they could be my harem,” he says.

Milo Yiannopoulos Represents a New Force in Electoral Politics
Did he say anything not true?
Is this a trap?
These Moon Bats always forget history.

They remember there were massive Left Wing protests back in the 1960s. However they seem to forget that the protest led to the election of Nixon in 1968 and his landslide victory in 1972.

When these Moon Bats act like assholes it doesn't do a damn thing but unite opposition to them. They are not smart enough to know that.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!
I was cool with the violence. (We're at war so to speak) but they should have let him speak. It was hypocritical and it was a violation of free speech.

Your world will come crashing down if those of us who reject "your" violence decided to return "your" violence with violence.

Do you realize the ramifications of this 'War" you want to impose on the American people?

I know and understand violence.

This violence is to protect those from the likes of you.

This violence is to completely destroy the likes of you to protect the innocent from the likes of you.

This violence knows no mercy. Is swift. And preferably painful in its execution.

My violence does not stop at the end of the day to go home to a warm bed and laugh at the fun you think you are having.

My violence is to eradicate the likes of you from the face of this earth.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!
I was cool with the violence. (We're at war so to speak) but they should have let him speak. It was hypocritical and it was a violation of free speech.
When will you liberals start shooting?
The sooner the better.

So we can start shooting back.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!
I was cool with the violence. (We're at war so to speak) but they should have let him speak. It was hypocritical and it was a violation of free speech.
When will you liberals start shooting?
After you push the trigger
Push the trigger?
Who is going to clean up the mess those assholes made of those businesses and streets?

Milo? No

Trump No

Who, specifIcally, has to clean up the mess the rioters left behind?

Evil racist homophobic xenophobic misogynist conservatives?
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!

What is the Breitbart mentality?
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!

Absolutely agree with you.

Remember though- you speak as a Liberal- yet you are lecturing yourself as to what you should do.

99% of the liberal protesters there were peaceful. The remaining 1% may call themselves liberal but are essentially anarchists.

And they should have been arrested. And prosecuted.

As a liberal I am all for arresting and prosecuting anyone who is violent or who is committing vandalism during a protest.
I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!

I agree with you other than your claim the protesters were "totally wrong headed." They knew exactly what they were doing.

And that is what scares me. While I appreciate your effort, you're a day late and a dollar short. The left has to more than theoretically agree that gosh, he wasn't allowed to speak and leftists were misguided to do that. You have to start to call on liberals to admit they were violent, leftist thugs and the left have to step up and work to stop it. The violence from the left is spreading and escalating. You are doing more than the rest of the left. But it's not enough.

Milo is just a small government libertarian and he was shut down from speaking by a group of leftist thugs and . Again, you're far ahead of other leftists. But how does this not go a lot further with you and scare the snot out of you regarding where our country is heading?
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I am a Liberal, and think the riots that took place at the Berkeley campus were totally wrong headed. These misguided rioters violated the very principles that claim to cherish. I very much disagree with the Breitbart mentality, however to deny this person the right to speak will not help the Liberals or their political movement. Liberals claim to cherish free thinking and freedom of expression, it's time they start practicing what they preach. This was just plain dumb!

According to press reports, the University took every reasonable measure to ensure that Yiannopoulos could speak, they provided campus security personnel and an area for protestors to protest peacefully and apparently all was going smoothly until 150 or so outside agitators dressed in all black showed up and triggered the "riot".

So it would be unfair to to blame this one on the University or the student body in general, the University did as much as it could to protect freedom of expression and the bulk of the student body (including those that were protesting peacefully in the designated area) weren't the ones perpetrating this craziness. I think it would behoove "liberals" to find out exactly where these black garbed agitators came from and roundly condemn whatever organization/cause they represent; since they and those like them are the ones that are making you folks look bad. ;)

I heard the same thing on the news yesterday and posted it on this thread.

Berkley wasn't to blame. It was those 150 who were bussed in that were.
Even if it was the 150 bussed in that does not explain the security's seeming relctuence to intervene they seemed willing to let these people do anything short of assaulting or killing someone. That's what's troubling to me how far they seem to be willing to let this stuff go before taking action.
Only when the end is near do "classic liberals" speak up...little too late fellas, your party is the toast of the scrap heap of history....another round of moderate purging,gratuitous soros violence, and more stupid lies on TV and its all over........

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