Bernie Dem-Socialism WILL WORK: here is why

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And India has moved decisively towards Capitalism. Moreover, their economy has grown significantly, that's true. However, there is a reason why computer engineers, are working help desk phone support jobs. Do you need a degree in computer engineering, to work a phone support desk? No you do not.

What else are you supposed to do with one? The point was, India made a massive investment in education and infrastructure, and surprise, surprise, they've leaped towards the front of the pack in terms on national wealth.

And the answer is... no. The American dream is alive and well. We have the highest standard of living in the world. People in the lowest class of the USA, live a better life than some of the middle class of the rest of the world. You have a better chance of becoming wealthy, or a part of the middle class, in this country, than any other in the world.

We don't have the highest standard in the world.... That hasn't been true in a long time. The "Socialist" countries of Europe have overtaken us a long time ago. That we are still above the Third World is nothing to be proud of.

The problem is not that America has changed. America has not changed that dramatically.

What has changed is the infection of the cruel and evil left-wing ideology, that teaches people the American Dream is dead.

I don't have to be taught that...I can see it. I can see what a pretty good life my Dad had in terms of relative wealth and job security because he belonged to a union, compared to what my generation goes through with more education, but no real job security or protections. The Right Wing has been making war on the American Dream for forty years now...


People outside this country, still know what the American dream is, and they come here, and live that dream.

Immigrants come here routinely, and live out the American dream. If you look at the top startups in the US, a massive portion of them are immigrants.

So why can immigrants come here, who don't know the culture, some have to learn English, and they are successful wealthy and prosperous, if the American Dream is dead? or "degraded"?

Again, where are these Immigrants coming from? Western Europe? Japan? Nope. Not in a very long time. These countries, Socialist Democracies all, long ago surpassed us.

These immigrants are coming from places like Mexico, India, etc. POOR countries.

But you keep scratching your head, wondering why kids no longer want to eat the shit sandwich of capitalism.
1. A more educated population is better for all in so many ways, free college produces that

2. If taxes go up, so what? The “free market” will adjust. If you pay 20% more in taxes, businesses will have to lower prices or stuff wont sell. Your life evens out in the end.

3. Medical care is a human right, full stop. A healthy population is better for all. The higher taxes pays for it, see #1, wont hurt you one bit

4. Legal weed will reduce prison population, which means fewer cops and fewer jails. That $ now can go to college and medical.

5. Giving more power to the lower end worker and ensuring they get a seat at the corporate executive offices means they will be more motivated because they finally get a say

None of this means shit if the economy collapses under oppressive debt. The numbers do not add up.

Industry wont lower their prices if no one buys, they will STOP PRODUCING.

Please do some research on socialism.

Here is a good place to start:

Why Socialism Failed | Mark J. Perry

They will stop producing then they will layoff people because things aren't selling, the economy will go into a free fall, hyper inflation will take root and then - Venezuela.
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