Bernie Goldberg: We should build a monument to the rich!

Taxes were cut almost a decade ago. We havent had tax cuts since. And our economy sure as heck isnt saved.
So, who is it who has the foresight, industry, intelligence and drive to build a company that provides a good living to ordinary people? Is it the guy working behind the counter at 7/11? Or would it be that clever guy who got rich after taking risks and busting his buns?

Frankly? Anymore, the guy behind the counter at 7/11 doesn't have a snowball's chance in hell these days... Even if he's smart... Which he's probably not. The opportunity is not there the way it used to be. Outsourcing/importing and scientific management (Taylorism) have destroyed the ol' "Climb the ladder" we used to have around here. The entire country has been franchised out - Now the smart, driven workaholic that would've retired at 40 a few decades ago, just survives.

Myself, I'm self employed for 8 years now... Company will do about $400k this year, sales increasing at about 8-10% a year. So no, it's not really me I'm talking about. But I see it all around me, and I'm concerned that we'll soon be without any consumers.

There's always more than one side to the equasion... Just sayin.
Taxes were cut almost a decade ago. We havent had tax cuts since. And our economy sure as heck isnt saved.

But the tax cuts have been in effect ALL THAT TIME... If they're the magic bullet... Why did the house of cards come a tumblin down?
Taxes were cut almost a decade ago. We havent had tax cuts since. And our economy sure as heck isnt saved.

But the tax cuts have been in effect ALL THAT TIME... If they're the magic bullet... Why did the house of cards come a tumblin down?

Because the market was and still is being manipulated through enterprises like Freddie and Fanny, Fed Reserve, subsidies, fiat currency, ect, ect.

The '08 crash wasn't an accident. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that manipulation will come back to bite us.
Taxes were cut almost a decade ago. We havent had tax cuts since. And our economy sure as heck isnt saved.

But the tax cuts have been in effect ALL THAT TIME... If they're the magic bullet... Why did the house of cards come a tumblin down?

Because tax cuts are only half the procedure. The other half our spending cuts.

And they did work wonders till people were dishonest. If we want to fix the economy we need to eliminate dishonesty from our lives.
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

I think that America is/was a great nation in spite of the rich, not because of them.

Ironically I think that we do need to credit the ROBBER BARONS for making the USA as wealthy as it became.

I mean it isn't like they did it alone, but it was their vision which build the mammoth industries that once made this nation great.

Well...their vision and the rest of America's hard work, of course.

And for a while there was some kind of balance between capital and labor, and the USA happened to be the wealthiest nation with the wealthiest working class AND the wealtiest rich people (too) on earth.

Sadly, that balance is tipped too far to capital and this nations' working class is no longer as wealthy and it is getting poorer so damned fast it's astounding.
Yes, where would be if it weren't for the brilliant minds of men like Rockefeller, and sleazeballs like George Soros! ROFLMAO.
Found the perfect one right here:

I think- I'd like to see the whole interview.

I saw the interview and even though Bernie's reasoning is right-on, he said he was just joshing about the monument. I'm sure he knew that the Left would run with the shortest of clips though. :eusa_whistle:

Yep. I saw the interview also and Bernie was Oh So Right. Look at the lefties on this board. WOW.

I'm glad for the rich especially that top 1% who pay 70% of the Fed taxes in this country. Just think if it weren't for them the middle class would be shouldering the entire tax burden.

Mayby we should build that monument?? LOL
Bernie Goldberg: We should build a monument to the rich!

We have monuments to the rich in practically every city in the USA.

We call them SLUMS.
why? because upward mobility sucks? come on dude.

Jealous fools always need a scapegoat... someone to blame for their failures. It's easier than facing the truth... that they alone are responsible for their situation.

Yeah, guys pissed that their "evil" rich boss exported their job to China so he could become a little wealthier... Damn envy-green ungrateful pissants... Should be thanking him for having given them the opportunity to work in the first place.

God, when will the peasants just learn their place already? Am I right CG? High five!

How about blaming them evil consumers... the ones that don't buy American, because the stuff produced in China is cheaper. Or are they without blame?

The great thing about America is that no one need be a 'peasant'.... that's why the 'peasants' came here... to work themselves out of poverty. That's why America is their monument, because generation after generation in this country has proved that we can succeed with hard work. The problem - for some - is that they want the success without the hard work.... and when they don't get it, they blame the other guy.

Jealous fools always need a scapegoat... someone to blame for their failures. It's easier than facing the truth... that they alone are responsible for their situation.

Yeah, guys pissed that their "evil" rich boss exported their job to China so he could become a little wealthier... Damn envy-green ungrateful pissants... Should be thanking him for having given them the opportunity to work in the first place.

God, when will the peasants just learn their place already? Am I right CG? High five!

How about blaming them evil consumers... the ones that don't buy American, because the stuff produced in China is cheaper. Or are they without blame?

The great thing about America is that no one need be a 'peasant'.... that's why the 'peasants' came here... to work themselves out of poverty. That's why America is their monument, because generation after generation in this country has proved that we can succeed with hard work. The problem - for some - is that they want the success without the hard work.... and when they don't get it, they blame the other guy.


Attagirl. Lick the hand that feeds you. Be subservient to your masters and they'll give you enough to be fairly comfortable.

You don't get it, CG; you don't. Everything your Republican heroes do makes more peasants, makes the "Haves" fewer in numbers and wealthier, makes the peasants do more, and more, and more "Hard work" just to survive, let alone gain any traction. I know, it's sooo much more jingoistic, patriotic, "American" to say "Huh Huh This is the land of opportunity! ANYONE can make it!" The truth is, less and less are "Making it." The average person HAS less and less. If you follow the money you'll see it's all going straight to the upper echelons. But that doesn't seem to bother you... Why?

Do you even live here anymore? When's the last time you attempted to enter the job market in this country? 6 applicants for every job opening - Are you suggesting somehow that the laziness of the average individual is responsible for that?
There are plenty of monuments to the rich...

Rockefeller Center.

The Guggeheim Museum.

Vanderbilt Mansion.

The Breakers.

We need more?
Taxes were cut almost a decade ago. We havent had tax cuts since. And our economy sure as heck isnt saved.

But the tax cuts have been in effect ALL THAT TIME... If they're the magic bullet... Why did the house of cards come a tumblin down?

Because the market was and still is being manipulated through enterprises like Freddie and Fanny, Fed Reserve, subsidies, fiat currency, ect, ect.

The '08 crash wasn't an accident. It doesn't take a genius to figure out that manipulation will come back to bite us.

Well you're half way there, I'll give you that. The growth wasn't real to begin with - It was, as I said, a house of cards. The examples you give of how the market was 'manipulated' are, of course, such a small part of the equation that it's laughable...

Nevertheless, when the economy DID become bloated to an unsustainable level, the 1%ers took the lions share of it BEFORE the great contraction, which kinda left the average guy screwed after the collapse. Now the consumer is downtrodden and stunting growth, and all the Republicans can focus on is how to give more still to the uppers. It's actually more than a little bit sickening.
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Taxes were cut almost a decade ago. We havent had tax cuts since. And our economy sure as heck isnt saved.

But the tax cuts have been in effect ALL THAT TIME... If they're the magic bullet... Why did the house of cards come a tumblin down?

Because tax cuts are only half the procedure. The other half our spending cuts.

And they did work wonders till people were dishonest. If we want to fix the economy we need to eliminate dishonesty from our lives.

Explain to us, for entertainment purposes only, how cutting spending creates jobs.
If a monument is needed, it should be for working people who bust their asses day in and day out to support their families and try to get their share of the American Dream.

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