Bernie Goldberg: We should build a monument to the rich!

How about a monument to the millions who have generously and unselfishly accepted government handouts over the many decades?
If a monument is needed, it should be for working people who bust their asses day in and day out to support their families and try to get their share of the American Dream.

As I previously pointed out... there is a monument to all Americans. You walk its streets every day... it is our country. We built it. It is a monument to us all - no matter how much or how little you have. We all contribute to it every day. Most for the good, some for the bad... but it is what is it and it is ours.
If a monument is needed, it should be for working people who bust their asses day in and day out to support their families and try to get their share of the American Dream.

Why is it that the obscenely rich aren't treated like a problem.

Alcoholism is a problem.
Drug addiction is a problem.
Gambling addiction is a problem.

Along with others.

But too much money? Naw..not a problem. And it doesn't seem to matter how these people made it either. Bernie Madoff had to basically chase down SEC and confess. His crime cost more in terms of money then the initial 9/11 attack. Add in Ivan Boesky, Mike Milken, Bernie Ebbers, Ken Lay, Dennis Kozlowski and many others..and you have some real freakin cost in terms of real damage to this country. John Thane was basically the author of the last economic collapse. Jail time? Naw..crime is to complicated.

I think- I'd like to see the whole interview.

I saw the interview and even though Bernie's reasoning is right-on, he said he was just joshing about the monument. I'm sure he knew that the Left would run with the shortest of clips though. :eusa_whistle:

Yep. I saw the interview also and Bernie was Oh So Right. Look at the lefties on this board. WOW.

I'm glad for the rich especially that top 1% who pay 70% of the Fed taxes in this country. Just think if it weren't for them the middle class would be shouldering the entire tax burden.

Mayby we should build that monument?? LOL

The top 1 percent of taxpayers paid 40.42 percent of total federal income taxes in 2007, according to the most recent data from the Internal Revenue Service.
And the Top 1% owns 42.7% of all the US financial wealth. They are getting off easy.
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If a monument is needed, it should be for working people who bust their asses day in and day out to support their families and try to get their share of the American Dream.

As I previously pointed out... there is a monument to all Americans. You walk its streets every day... it is our country. We built it. It is a monument to us all - no matter how much or how little you have. We all contribute to it every day. Most for the good, some for the bad... but it is what is it and it is ours.

You are certainly well-rehearsed in saying all the right things - All the popular things. Yet, you ignore the devastating consequences of the policies for which you advocate.

And ya'know, taxpayer funded government infrastructure is the driving force behind the building of this country... Like it or not. What wasn't created by the government directly (eg, roads) was facilitated by said infrastructure.
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But the tax cuts have been in effect ALL THAT TIME... If they're the magic bullet... Why did the house of cards come a tumblin down?

Because tax cuts are only half the procedure. The other half our spending cuts.

And they did work wonders till people were dishonest. If we want to fix the economy we need to eliminate dishonesty from our lives.

Explain to us, for entertainment purposes only, how cutting spending creates jobs.

[cricket] [cricket]
I'd like someone to explain this to me...........since the Bush Jr. tax cuts were enacted, the middle and low income people saw their income increase 11 percent.

The top 3 percent? They saw their income increase 237 percent.

Additionally, in a bid to increase their bottom line, they've outsourced many jobs to places like China and India because they can pay them much less than what they pay Americans. It's not the illegal immigrants that took your jobs, it's the greedy CEO's that shipped them overseas.

Also, taxes are the income for the government. If you cut taxes you cut your income. If your income is reduced, then you have to cut spending. However, in the government's case, they are paying their bills with loans from China, which is like taking a pay cut and using your credit cards to keep up with your bills. Eventually, the bottom is gonna fall out of your plan and you're gonna be broke.

That is where this country is right now. The rich don't want to pay their fair share because they've gotten used to the scads of money coming in, which basically means that yeah........the middle class and poor are getting screwed while the country goes broke.

Monument to the rich? Only if we can put all of 'em in a pit and then put a large cement dome over the top of them.
We already have a monument to the rich in Washington, DC.

It's called the U.S. Capitol.
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

I think he's right even though he was being facetious in his remarks.

I've never gotten a job from a poor man. Have you?

Oh and you do know that NO ONE is getting a tax cut under this compromise, it's simply keeping the Bush era tax cuts from 2003.

One more thing, why do you hate rich people?
If a monument is needed, it should be for working people who bust their asses day in and day out to support their families and try to get their share of the American Dream.

Why is it that the obscenely rich aren't treated like a problem.

Alcoholism is a problem.
Drug addiction is a problem.
Gambling addiction is a problem.

Along with others.

But too much money? Naw..not a problem. And it doesn't seem to matter how these people made it either. Bernie Madoff had to basically chase down SEC and confess. His crime cost more in terms of money then the initial 9/11 attack. Add in Ivan Boesky, Mike Milken, Bernie Ebbers, Ken Lay, Dennis Kozlowski and many others..and you have some real freakin cost in terms of real damage to this country. John Thane was basically the author of the last economic collapse. Jail time? Naw..crime is to complicated.


Too much money isn't the problem, greed and corruption are.

Why should I pay more in taxes than the average American? Why should I get punished for my success? Tell me why do I have to pay taxes twice on the same money?
I'd like someone to explain this to me...........since the Bush Jr. tax cuts were enacted, the middle and low income people saw their income increase 11 percent.

The top 3 percent? They saw their income increase 237 percent.

Additionally, in a bid to increase their bottom line, they've outsourced many jobs to places like China and India because they can pay them much less than what they pay Americans. It's not the illegal immigrants that took your jobs, it's the greedy CEO's that shipped them overseas.

Also, taxes are the income for the government. If you cut taxes you cut your income. If your income is reduced, then you have to cut spending. However, in the government's case, they are paying their bills with loans from China, which is like taking a pay cut and using your credit cards to keep up with your bills. Eventually, the bottom is gonna fall out of your plan and you're gonna be broke.

That is where this country is right now. The rich don't want to pay their fair share because they've gotten used to the scads of money coming in, which basically means that yeah........the middle class and poor are getting screwed while the country goes broke.

Monument to the rich? Only if we can put all of 'em in a pit and then put a large cement dome over the top of them.

You're an idiot!

If my taxes are cut, my income is not cut.
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

His whole point is why penalize the movers and the shakers? why penalize the people who get up off their asses and create and innovate! Now that's something DUmmies have a hard time getting a grasp on. That and the fact that the top 10 percent pay 70% of all the taxes already and the porch sitters pay nit nil zada zilch and then cry for a check a rebate if you will. Have the porch sitters forgo the rebate they get for paying ZERO Federal INCOME tax. WHYDONCHYA?
Watching the news this evening, I saw a bit of a fucked up story. Seems that FAUX Nooze contributer Bernie Goldberg believes that we should build a monument to the rich.

What's his reasoning? He seems to think that it's the tax cuts for the rich that is saving the economy.

As soon as I can get a link for this story, I will post it here.

What do the rest of you think?

His whole point is why penalize the movers and the shakers? why penalize the people who get up off their asses and create and innovate! Now that's something DUmmies have a hard time getting a grasp on. That and the fact that the top 10 percent pay 70% of all the taxes already and the porch sitters pay nit nil zada zilch and then cry for a check a rebate if you will. Have the porch sitters forgo the rebate they get for paying ZERO Federal INCOME tax. WHYDONCHYA?

The rich don't create and innovate any more than the non-rich do.
How about a monument to the millions who have generously and unselfishly accepted government handouts over the many decades?

Sure! We could have several Wall St. bankers, a couple of CEO's all standing around Uncle Sam on the ground while the rich kicked him.
Bernie is a blind ideologue, his view only makes sense if you ignore what really happens in the world of business and society. Consider the quote below and then consider that our world grew so much better after the government (PS we all comprise the gov) directed monies to goals that helped all people and not simply into the pockets of the already OK.

"In 1929 Federal, state, and municipal governments accounted for about 8 percent of all economic activity in the United States. By the 1960s that figure was between 20 and 25 percent, far exceeding that in India, a socialist country. The National Science Foundation reckoned that federal funds were paying for 90 percent of research in aviation and space travel, 65 percent in electrical and electronic devices, 42 percent in Scientific Instruments, 31 percent in machinery, 28 percent in metal alloys, 24 percent in automobiles, and 20 percent in chemicals." William Manchester "The Glory and the Dream"

Now consider how and why America has changed since the eighties. "The materialistic and selfish quality of contemporary life is not inherent in the human condition. Much of what appears natural today dates from the 1980s: the obsession with wealth creation, the cult of privatization and the private sector, the growing disparities of rich and poor. And above all, the rhetoric which accompanies these: uncritical admiration for unfettered markets, disdain for the public sector, the delusion of endless growth." Tony Judt 'Ill Fares the Land'

My last thought is that government does not stop growing under conservatives, it simply moves its money and power to those who already have money and power but want more. If you doubt that check this book out available online - or if you lived through our last conservative presidency the Cheney/Bush, you already know more than Bernie does. The Conservative Nanny State

Tell Bernie to check here, he may learn something.

"There is no historical evidence that tax cuts spur economic growth. The highest period of growth in U.S. history (1933-1973) also saw its highest tax rates on the rich: 70 to 91 percent. During this period, the general tax rate climbed as well, but it reached a plateau in 1969, and growth slowed down five years later. Almost all rich nations have higher general taxes than the U.S., and they are growing faster as well." Tax cuts spur economic growth
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