Bernie has commanding lead over both Trump and Bush

You really look at this poll as being representative of the general voting public?? I bet they figured most would not look at the stats of the poll itself, or its criteria. What a joke.

Nature of the Sample: McClatchy-Marist Poll of 1,465 National Adults This survey of 1,465 adults was conducted October 29th through November 4th, 2015 by The Marist Poll sponsored and funded in partnership with the McClatchy News Service. Adults 18 years of age and older residing in the continental United States were interviewed in English or Spanish by telephone using live interviewers. Landline telephone numbers were randomly selected based upon a list of telephone exchanges from throughout the nation from ASDE Survey Sampler, Inc. The exchanges were selected to ensure that each region was represented in proportion to its population. Respondents in the household were then selected by first asking for the youngest male. To increase coverage, this landline sample was supplemented by respondents reached through random dialing of cell phone numbers from Survey Sampling International. The two samples were then combined and balanced to reflect the 2013 American Community Survey 1-year estimates for age, gender, income, race, and region. Results are statistically significant within ±2.6 percentage points. There are 1,080 registered voters. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±3.0 percentage points. There are 431 Republicans and Republican leaning independents. The results for this subset are statistically significant within ±4.7 percentage points. The error margin was not adjusted for sample weights and increases for cross-tabulations.
In new shock poll, Sanders has landslides over both Trump and Bush

I think it's important to realize what's really significant about this. As much as i want Bernie to be president over Hillary, the chances are slim. What this actually tells us is how solid Hillary's chances are at winning the presidency given that she is polling a lot better than Bernie. The GOP has no chance this election. They need to face facts.
Bernie is a moron, in every sense of the word...
In new shock poll, Sanders has landslides over both Trump and Bush

I think it's important to realize what's really significant about this. As much as i want Bernie to be president over Hillary, the chances are slim. What this actually tells us is how solid Hillary's chances are at winning the presidency given that she is polling a lot better than Bernie. The GOP has no chance this election. They need to face facts.
Bernie is a moron, in every sense of the word...

How dare you insult morons you take that back!
It's what I know. Look at the rabid hysteria over everything Republican from the leftists here. They know all they have is a passed over has been with massive baggage. Their only hope is to tarnish the right and polish their turd and hope America buys it.
somebody PLEASE TELL this leftard that bernie is running against hillary at the moment, and trailing badly
the same idiots saying Carson's lead, up to double digits and still ahead in some polls, didnt matter because Carson will never be the nominee according to left-wing nutjob fortune-tellers, insist that bernie can take hillary
In new shock poll, Sanders has landslides over both Trump and Bush

I think it's important to realize what's really significant about this. As much as i want Bernie to be president over Hillary, the chances are slim. What this actually tells us is how solid Hillary's chances are at winning the presidency given that she is polling a lot better than Bernie. The GOP has no chance this election. They need to face facts.



1- Banking and credit were nationalized in 1913;

2- a heavy GRADUATED "INCOME" tax was imposed in 1913

3- Concentration of power in DC ; a large paramilitary force at the prez disposal

3- 50% of the voters are dependent on government largesse

We are doomed

Enjoy the misery you stupid fuck
In new shock poll, Sanders has landslides over both Trump and Bush

I think it's important to realize what's really significant about this. As much as i want Bernie to be president over Hillary, the chances are slim. What this actually tells us is how solid Hillary's chances are at winning the presidency given that she is polling a lot better than Bernie. The GOP has no chance this election. They need to face facts.

I forgot I had this post bookmarked.
The first issue on the 'YAHOO' link concerns the red diaper baby Karl Marx Bernstein's warning to the GOP about the amazing support for the President.
In new shock poll, Sanders has landslides over both Trump and Bush

I think it's important to realize what's really significant about this. As much as i want Bernie to be president over Hillary, the chances are slim. What this actually tells us is how solid Hillary's chances are at winning the presidency given that she is polling a lot better than Bernie. The GOP has no chance this election. They need to face facts.

I forgot I had this post bookmarked.
Oh gee you sure showed me! It’s already been well-documented on this board that I admitted I was wrong. It is just adorable you dug this up though!
In new shock poll, Sanders has landslides over both Trump and Bush

I think it's important to realize what's really significant about this. As much as i want Bernie to be president over Hillary, the chances are slim. What this actually tells us is how solid Hillary's chances are at winning the presidency given that she is polling a lot better than Bernie. The GOP has no chance this election. They need to face facts.

I forgot I had this post bookmarked.
Oh gee you sure showed me! It’s already been well-documented on this board that I admitted I was wrong. It is just adorable you dug this up though!
... and still no Russian connection

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