Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money

Bernie's no billionaire. One can bank on that.
So who cares?..
Billionaire apologists.
Oh, so who cares?
No one you'd ever choose to have a beer with.
Ah,.. Who cares.
Just listen to your crap man lol. Mario Cuomo said Ronald Reagan made blaming the poor acceptable. We used to call them the unfortunate...
What's crap about it, it's a fact. Poor people take more than they make and contribute. If you are poor in this country you might want to look in the mirror. The only people I blame is politicians that give it to them, they are just as responsible as the people who take
When did he buy his houses?

What's crap about it, it's a fact. Poor people take more than they make and contribute. If you are poor in this country you might want to look in the mirror. The only people I blame is politicians that give it to them, they are just as responsible as the people who take
to pay for their tax cuts for the rich, the GOP has cut financing and programs for cheap college and training and have obstructed every other benefit of progress that modern countries already have except for us. Great job.. The worst inequality homelessness poverty and upward mobility ever and anywhere is just great. My advice is to blame the victims. Right wing and pretty much racist idiocy from the dupes.
to pay for their tax cuts for the rich, the GOP has cut financing and programs for cheap college and training and have obstructed every other benefit of progress that modern countries already have except for us. Great job.. The worst inequality homelessness poverty and upward mobility ever and anywhere is just great. My advice is to blame the victims. Right wing and pretty much racist idiocy from the dupes.
Tax revenues go up after every major income tax cut, Dumbass.

And why do you think a tax cut needs to be “paid for”? That means you believe lol money belongs to the government. Only a dumbass braindead Dimtard lemming like you believes that.
to pay for their tax cuts for the rich, the GOP has cut financing and programs for cheap college and training and have obstructed every other benefit of progress that modern countries already have except for us. Great job.. The worst inequality homelessness poverty and upward mobility ever and anywhere is just great. My advice is to blame the victims. Right wing and pretty much racist idiocy from the dupes.
Link us up to your data showing where “cheap college” programs got less money than the year before.

Watch this dodge…..
to pay for their tax cuts for the rich, the GOP has cut financing and programs for cheap college and training and have obstructed every other benefit of progress that modern countries already have except for us. Great job.. The worst inequality homelessness poverty and upward mobility ever and anywhere is just great. My advice is to blame the victims. Right wing and pretty much racist idiocy from the dupes.
According to the latest data, the top 1 percent of earners in America pay 40.1 percent of federal taxes; the bottom 90 percent pay 28.6 percent.Sep 16, 2021

What's wrong with them getting tax breaks. I'm not a 1%er but probably top 15. Tax cuts should be given and no free money to anybody.
According to the latest data, the top 1 percent of earners in America pay 40.1 percent of federal taxes; the bottom 90 percent pay 28.6 percent.Sep 16, 2021

What's wrong with them getting tax breaks. I'm not a 1%er but probably top 15. Tax cuts should be given and no free money to anybody.
Yes because they are making all the money lol....and that is irrelevant because the rich are paying the same percentage as the middle class in all taxes and that is unfair and horrible for the country. It gives you the worst upward mobility and inequality ever.
Yes because they are making all the money lol....and that is irrelevant because the rich are paying the same percentage as the middle class in all taxes and that is unfair and horrible for the country. It gives you the worst upward mobility and inequality ever.
Why are democrats making this happen? Somebody better stop voting for them.
Yes because they are making all the money lol....and that is irrelevant because the rich are paying the same percentage as the middle class in all taxes and that is unfair and horrible for the country. It gives you the worst upward mobility and inequality ever.
Is that how the poors in this country think? Why should they pay a higher rate? Make everybody pay taxes regardless of your status and nobody can take more than they give
Bernie Sanders promotes everything that is evil in government. F’n lazy marxist loser whose jealousy is only matched by his hypocrisy.
Is that how the poors in this country think? Why should they pay a higher rate? Make everybody pay taxes regardless of your status and nobody can take more than they give
it has been proven many times that a flat tax system in a modern country is a disaster for the middle class and the country and the gigantic giveaway to the rich. Just like now, super duper.
Bernie Sanders promotes everything that is evil in government. F’n lazy marxist loser whose jealousy is only matched by his hypocrisy.
Yes yes because having a living wage healthcare daycare paid parental leave cheap college and training great infrastructure and vacations an ID card to end illegal immigration and taxing the rich like every other modern country would be horrible horrible, just communist. Absolute idiocy, brainwashed functional moron.
Bernie Sanders promotes everything that is evil in government. F’n lazy marxist loser whose jealousy is only matched by his hypocrisy.
Sorry your virtue rating is so low, brainwashed functional moron bigot... Functionally that is what you are, you listen to too much crap propaganda from the greedy idiot bigoted megarich GOP...
Looks like some imbecile junior marxist got triggered by the truth about Bernie Sanders.
it has been proven many times that a flat tax system in a modern country is a disaster for the middle class and the country and the gigantic giveaway to the rich. Just like now, super duper.
Everybody pays the same percentage. You are just a welfare free stuff loser. Get a job loser

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