Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money

Stop shopping on Amazon, Bernie, you lazy fuck.

It would be epic if Amazon just banned Bernie from using all Amazon products.
i buy audiobooks from Amazon, but i also believe they make grotesque profits
NYTs had a piece on Red Bern's 2018 taxes. His adjusted gross was a "little" over 550K and he paid about 26% on that or about 146K.

If we middle income folks now "only" get the standard deduction, I wish upper earners also had only the same, and I'd like to see soc sec taxes uncapped. But a surtax woudl be the next best.

But, it was the DEMS who torpedoed a hike on the upper 1% taxes last year. So it's not really a partisan D-R issue.
There is nothing radical about saying that the wealthiest people in this country ought to pay their fair share of taxes.

What's radical is Bezos making $142,667 every 60 seconds while more than half our people live paycheck to paycheck.

The Left always covet and wish to tear down others instead of building themselves up. There’s a lot of people who’d love to own one of Bernie’s 3 homes too, but their working to do it, not order Bernie to surrender his.
At least the rich do something productive with the money. The poor tend to drink, smoke, or shoot it up.

There are no rich without the poor doing their work for them. Well, depending on how well connected they are to be able to sponge off the taxpayers.
Corporate welfare is an abomination. But it seems kind of comical to me that Congress tries to blame those who take advantage of it, rather than recognizing their own culpability.

I won't argue with that as a general statement. There is a ton of it in every budget bill.
There are no rich without the poor doing their work for them. Well, depending on how well connected they are to be able to sponge off the taxpayers.
The poor will always be around. But there should be a lot less poor in our nation. And the fault is not just one way.
What does that have to do with the amount of taxpayers money that has been used to prop up Bezo's?

It's funny how so many that decry helping the poor will defend to the end, giving millions and millions to billionaires.
How much taxpayer money has been used to prop Bezos up? Give us the dollar figure.

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