Bernie is on the Senate floor posting pictures of Jeff Bezos' assets and demanding we stop giving him so much damn money

Given he didn't "earn" all that according to the IRS, nor even inherit it, what has he actually done to deserve it relative to everyone else?
He built a wildly successful company, that's what. His wealth is based on the value of the stocks he owns in his company.

Your post reminds me of something I posted years ago when Democrats were attacking Romney's wealth.


Did you know Mitt Romney bought an elevator for his car?!?


What?!?! How could he do that?


He didn't EARN that money!!!


That's OUR money.


Let's tax the rich more!

Capital gains, interest, and dividends are money that is actually deposited in your account. It is money you can spend. So it is income. And it is taxed as income. That income is taxed at a different rate than your paycheck is. But it is still an income tax.
Not "income." "Unearned income."

unearned income, also known as passive income, include interest from savings accounts, bond interest, alimony, and dividends from stocks.123


  • Unearned income is not acquired through work or business activities.
  • Examples of unearned income include inheritance money and interest or dividends earned from investments.
  • Tax rates on unearned income are different from rates on earned income.
  • Before retirement, unearned income can serve as a supplement to earned income; often it is the only source of income in postretirement years.

Understanding Unearned Income​

Unearned income differs from earned income, which is income gained from employment, work, or through business activities.


  1. an abundance of valuable possessions or money.
    "he used his wealth to bribe officials"
There is nothing radical about saying that the wealthiest people in this country ought to pay their fair share of taxes.

What's radical is Bezos making $142,667 every 60 seconds while more than half our people live paycheck to paycheck.

I see this is nothing but a distraction

the rich already pay MORE than their fair share. The top 10% of taxpayers pay something like 90% of the taxes

I'm sick of hearing this lying bs...

which is not to say Bezos is some kind of hero.. he is not.. I hear his workers are treated poorly..

but that's another issue. something like 50% don't pay ANY federal taxes...

as bogus as the fed govt is... maybe no one should pay any
Bernie used to rail against both millionaires and billionaires, but now that he is a millionaire he just rails against billionaires. If he really meant what he says he would give me HIS money. It's only right because I have less of it than he does. :113:
What's radical is that someone like Jeff Bezos can do what you can NEVER DO. Change the world.
Radicals like Bezos were born with silver spoons in their mouths. The rest of us could easily accomplish everything they did and generally much faster -- simply given a level playing field and being in the same place at the same time.
Radicals like Bezos were born with silver spoons in their mouths. The rest of us could easily accomplish everything they did and generally much faster -- simply given a level playing field and being in the same place at the same time.
After avid experience of failures and success in the stock market I'm just going to say that 100% of everyone who says someone else is successful because of "silver spoons" is themselves just lazy garbage. I used to believe the Democrat lie that I just wasn't being given enough opportunity. But simple fact is that there will never be equal opportunity because exceptional people actually exist.

You can't compete against Elon Musk. You just can't. Doesn't matter how equal a playing field. You (99.9% of the world) will never be able to win a Heisman Trophy. They simply can't compete on that level.

They are losers.

We are all losers at something, not all of us are losers at everything. But most are.
Small fact but you too could have $1.9 million dollars today for the simple down payment of $10,000 in 1999 (before the dot com burst!) and have bought Amazon stock.

Lazy fucks act like they too could not have been rich because they were too busy buying condoms for sex they never have, and beer to forget they don't have sex.

Fucking losers.
Yes, the income gap between the wealthy and ordinary Americans is very unbalanced and actually bad for the nation.

But I am very grateful to Mr. Bezos. His Amazon really helped us get through the horrible years of 2020 and 2021.

So I do not care that he is obscenely wealthy or that he owns the woke Washington Post.

I hope that President Biden gives him a medal for Amazon's service to the nation during those two traumatic years.
Yes, the income gap between the wealthy and ordinary Americans is very unbalanced and actually bad for the nation.

But I am very grateful to Mr. Bezos. His Amazon really helped us get through the horrible years of 2020 and 2021.

So I do not care that he is obscenely wealthy or that he owns the woke Washington Post.

I hope that President Biden gives him a medal for Amazon's service to the nation during those two traumatic years.
The problem with pensions being tied to Mr. Market is you can't inflate Mr. Market without also inflating the wealth of the largest ownership class of Mr. Market, the billionaires and extremely wealthy millionaires ($100+ mil).

So yeah...everyone's pensions get financed, great. Well and you just gave a shit ton of money to the invested class.
I'd be fine with a surtax on all corps employing 100 if the amt of tax was tied to the amount of food, housing and medicaid assistance "given" to employees.

But I buy more shit through amazon than anyplace else, excluding groceries. And even then, I use by prime discount at whole foods where I buy beef and chicken. Amazon does cut inflation by driving out less efficient business.

How would you know what that would be?

You do realize that there is no such thing as a corporate tax because consumers of their products or services pay the tax in the increased prices.
Radicals like Bezos were born with silver spoons in their mouths. The rest of us could easily accomplish everything they did and generally much faster -- simply given a level playing field and being in the same place at the same time.
Point out this “silver spoon”….

Early life​

Jeffrey Preston Jorgensen was born in Albuquerque, New Mexico, on January 12, 1964,[17] the son of Jacklyn (née Gise) and Theodore Jorgensen.[18] At the time of Jeffrey's birth, his mother was a 17-year-old high school student and his father was 19 years old.[19] Theodore Jorgensen had ancestry from Denmark and was born in Chicago to a family of Baptists.[20] After completing high school despite challenging conditions, Jacklyn attended night school while bringing Jeffrey along as a baby.[21] After his parents divorced, his mother married Cuban immigrant Miguel "Mike" Bezos in April 1968.[22] Shortly after the wedding, Mike adopted four-year-old Jeffrey, whose surname was then legally changed from Jorgensen to Bezos.[23]

After Mike had received his degree from the University of New Mexico, the family moved to Houston, Texas, so that he could begin working as an engineer for Exxon.[24] Jeff Bezos attended a Montessori school in Albuquerque, New Mexico, when he was two years old.[25] Jeff Bezos attended River Oaks Elementary School in Houston from fourth to sixth grade.[26] Bezos' maternal grandfather was Lawrence Preston Gise, a regional director of the U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (AEC) in Albuquerque.[27] Gise retired early to his family's ranch near Cotulla, Texas, where Bezos would spend many summers in his youth.[28] Bezos would later purchase this ranch and expand it from 25,000 acres (10,117 ha) to 300,000 acres (121,406 ha).[29][30] Bezos displayed scientific interests and technological proficiency, and once rigged an electric alarm to keep his younger siblings out of his room.[31][32] The family moved to Miami, Florida, where Bezos attended Miami Palmetto High School.[33][34] While Bezos was in high school, he worked at McDonald'sas a short-order line cook during the breakfast shift.[35]

Bezos attended the Student Science Training Program at the University of Florida. He was high school valedictorian, a National Merit Scholar,[36][37] and a Silver Knight Award winner in 1982.[36] In his graduation speech, Bezos told the audience he dreamed of the day when mankind would colonize space. A local newspaper quoted his intention "to get all people off the earth and see it turned into a huge national park".[38] In 1986, he graduated summa cum laude from Princeton University with a 4.2 GPA and a Bachelor of Science in Engineering degree (B.S.E.) in electrical engineering and computer science; he was also a member of Phi Beta Kappa.[39][40
So you want him to pay more percentage than you? You do realize almost 50% don't pay federal taxes? Maybe you should pay your fair share.

I saw that the dandelions are starting to bloom.
There is nothing radical about saying that the wealthiest people in this country ought to pay their fair share of taxes.

What's radical is Bezos making $142,667 every 60 seconds while more than half our people live paycheck to paycheck.

Maybe we should show people bernie's 3 mansions...or biden's bank account on a government salary.........Bezos earned his money, bernie and biden stole their money from the taxpayers.....

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